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===Chronological list of sources referring to the treatment of LGBT people by medical and psychological professionals==.
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From {{GAA}}, ''Bibliography'': II TReat,emt" 1884-1974, pages 596-598.
==1942, July==
Banay, Ralph S., and Davidoff, L. "Apparent Recovery of a Sex Psychopath after Lobotomy,"'' Journal of Criminal Psychopathology''. Vol. 4, no. 1 (July 1942): p. 59-66.
Barlow, David H.; Leitenberg, Harold; and Agras, W. Stewart. "Experimental Control of Sexual Deviations through Manipulation of the Noxious Scene in Covert Sensitization," ''Journal of Abnormal Psychology''. Vol. 74, no. 5 (1969): p. 596-601. (P. 598, 601.)
Blair, Ralph. ''Etiological and Treatment Literature on Homosexuality. Otherwise Monograph Ser., no. 5.'' National Task Force on Student Personnel Services and Homosexuality, 1972.
==1952, March==
Bowman, Karl M. "Sexual Deviation Research." ''Report to California Assembly, Judiciary Subcommittee on Sex Research'', Sacramento, Calif., March 1952, p. 80.
Bowman, Karl M., and Engle, Bernice. "The Problem of Homosexuality," ''Journal of Social Hygiene.'' Vol. 39, no. I (1953): p. 2-16. (P. 10-11.)
==1913, August 2==
Brill, A. A. "The Conception of Homosexuality," ''Journal of the American Medical Association''. Vol. 61 (Aug. 2, 1913): p. 335-40.
Caprio, Frank S. ''Female Homosexuality; A Psychodynamic Study of Lesbianism.'' Foreword by Karl M. Bowman. N.Y.: Grove Press, Evergreen Black Cat, 1962. (P. 299-301, 304.)
Cautela, Joseph R. "Covert Sensitization," ''Psychological Reports.'' Vol. 20, no. 2 (1967): p. 459-68. (P. 464-65·)
Chideckel, Maurice. ''Female Sex Perversion.'' N.Y.: Eugenics Pub. Co., 1938.
==1893, August==
Daniel, F. E. "Castration of Sexual Perverts," ''Texas Medical Journal'' (Austin), Aug. 1893: 255-71. Reprinted in ''Texas Medical Journal''. Vol. 27, no. 10 (April 1912): p. 369-85· (P. 371-72,376-81.) Additional reprints, see footnote.
==1932, October==
Deutsch, Helene. "On Female Homosexuality," authorized trans. Edith B. Jackson, ''Psychoanalytic Quarterly.'' Vol. I (Oct. 1932): p. 484-510. (P. 484-88, 490--91.). A second trans.: "Homosexuality in Women," ''International Journal of Psychoanalysis''. Vol. 14 (1933): p. 34-56.
==1974, October 17==
Deutsch, Nicholas. Interviewed by Jonathan Katz. N.Y.C., Oct. 17, 1974.
==1896, July==
Ellis, Havelock. "A Note on the Treatment of Sexual Inversion," ''Alienist and Neurologist.'' Vol. 17 (July 1896): p. 257-64. (P. 258-59.)
==1895, April==
Ellis, Havelock. "Sexual Inversion in Women," ''Alienist and Neurologist''. Vol. 16, no. 2 (April 1895): 141-58. (P. 158.)
Ellis, Havelock, and Symonds, John Addington. ''Sexual Inversion.'' 1st English ed. London: Wilson and Macmillan, 1897; photo reprint, N.¥.: Arno, 1975· (P. 73.)
Ellis, Havelock, and Talbot, E. S. See Talbot and Ellis.
Freud, Sigmund. "The Psychogenesis of a Case of Female Homosexuality," ''International Journal of Psycho-Analysis.'' Vol. I, no. 2 (1920): p. 125-49. (P. 125-27, 129-30, 131, 133, 134,135,136,141-42,144,148-49.)
Friedlander, Joseph, and Banay, Ralph S. "Psychosis Following Lobotomy in a Case of Sexual Psychopathology; Report of a Case," ''Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry''. Vol. 59 (1948): p. 302-21. (P. 303-11, 315, 321.)
==1904, February 1==
"The Gentleman Degenerate. A Homosexualist's Self-Description and Self-Applied Title. Pudic Nerve Section Fails Therapeutically," ''Alienist and Neurologist''. Vol. 2$, no. I (Feb. I, 1904): p. 62-70. (P. 68-70.)
Glass, S. J., and Johnson, Roswell, H. "Limitations and Complications of Organotherapy in Male Homosexuality," J''ournal of Clinical Endocrinology.'' Vol. 4, no. I I (1944): p. 540--44. (P. 541-43·)
Hadden, Samuel B. "Attitudes Toward and Approaches to the Problem of Homosexuality," ''Pennsylvania Medical Journal.'' Vol. 6, no. 9 (1957): p. 1195-98.
Harms, Ernest. "Homo-Anonymous," ''Diseases of the Nervous System.'' Vol. 14, no. 10 (1953): p. 318-19.
Henry, George W. ''Sex Variants; A Study of Homosexual Patterns.'' 2 vols. N.Y.: Paul B. Hoeber, 1941.
==1962, Spring-Summer-Fall==
Hirschfeld, Magnus. "Adaptionsbehandlung (Anpassungstherapie) der HomosexualiHit." Trans.
Henry Gerber from ''Die Homosexualitiit des Mannes und des Weibes'', 2nd ed. (Berlin, 1920): chap. 23, p. 439-61. In ''ONE Institute Quarterly.'' Vol. 5, nos. 2, 3, 4, issues 17 (Spring, Summer, Fall 1962): p. 41-54· (P. 41-46, 49-51, 54.)
Hughes, Charles H. "An Emasculated Homo-sexual. His Antecedent and Post-Operative Life," ''Alienist and Neurologist.'' Vol. 35 (1914): p. 277-80.
1967, November
Kaye, Harvey E.; Berl, S.; Clare, J.; Eleston, M. R.; Gershwin, B. S.; Gershwin, P.; Kogan, S.; Torda, c.; and Wilbur, C. B. "Homosexuality in Women," ''Archives of General Psychiatry.'' Vol. 17 (Nov. 1967): p. 626-34. (P. 626, 632-34.)
==1894, May==
Kiernan, James G. "Insanity. Lecture XXVI.-Perversion," ''Detroit Lancet''. Vol. 7, no. II (May 1884): p. 481-84. (P. 483-84.)
==1894, June==
Kiernan, James G. "Psychical Treatment of Congenital Sexual Inversion," ''Review of Insanity and Nervous Disease.'' Vol. 4, no. 4 (June 1894): p. 293-95·
Klaich, Dolores. ''Woman + Woman; Attitudes Toward Lesbianism.'' N.Y.: Morrow, 1975, paperback. (P. 100-01.)
Liebman, Samuel. "Homosexuality, Transvestism, and Psychosis: Study of a Case Treated with Electroshock," ''Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.'' Vol. 99, no. 6 (1944): p. 945-58.
LoPiccolo, Joseph. "Case Study: Systematic Desensitization of Homosexuality," ''Behavior Therapy.'' Vol. 2, no. 3 (July 1971): p. 394-99· (P. 396-98.)
==1889, September 7==
Lydston, G. Frank. "Sexual Perversion, Satyriasis and Nymphomania," ''Medical and Surgical Reporter.'' Vol. 61, no. 10 (Sept. 7,1889): p. 253-58. (P. 253.) Vol. 61, no. II (Sept. 14, 1889): 281-85. (P. 285·)
Max, Louis William. "Breaking Up a Homosexual Fixation by the Conditioned Reaction Technique: A Case Study," ''Psychological Bulletin.'' Vol. 32 (1935): p. 734·
Miller, Michael M. "Hypnotic-Aversion Treatment of Homosexuality," ''Journal of the National Medical Association.'' Vol. 55, no. 5 (1963): p. 4II-15, 436. (P. 4II-13, 415.)
Moore, Thomas V. "The Pathogenesis and Treatment of Homosexual Disorders: A Digest of Some Pertinent Evidence," ''Journal of Personality.'' Vol. 14 (1945): p. 47-83. (P. 57, 71-73.)
Owensby, Newdigate M. 'The Correction of Homosexuality," ''Urologic and Cutaneous Review.'' Vol. 45, no. 8 (1941): p. 494-96. (P. 495,496.)
Owensby, Newdigate M. "Homosexuality and Lesbianism Treated with Metrazol," ''Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.'' Vol. 92, no. I (1940): p. 65-66.
Quackenbos, John Duncan. "Hypnotic Suggestion in the Treatment of Sexual Perversions and Moral Anaesthesia: A Personal Experience," ''Transactions of the New Hampshire Medical Society.'' 1899: p. 69-91. (P. 69, 72, 75, 78-80.)
==1895, March==
Raffalovich, Marc Andre. "Uranism, Congenital Sexual Inversion. Observations and Recommendations ... " Trans. C. Judson Herrick. Journal of Comparative Neurology. Vol. 5 (March 1895): p. 33-65. (P. 33-34,36-37,42,52.)
Robertiello, Richard C. ''Voyage from Lesbos: The Psychoanalysis of a Female Homosexual.'' N.¥.: Citadel, 1959. (P. 238-48, 253.)
Rosenzweig, Saul, and Hoskins, R. G. "A Note on the Ineffectualness of Sex-Hormone Medication in a Case of Pronounced Homosexuality," ''Psychosomatic Medicine.'' Vol. 3, no. 1 (1941): p.87-89·
==1974, September 9==
Roueche, Berton. "Annals of Medicine; As Empty As Eve," ''The New Yorker''. Sept. 9, 1974: p.84-100.
Schrenck-Notzing, Albert von. ''Therapeutic Suggestion in Psychopathia Sexualis with Especial Reference to Contrary Sexual Instinct.'' Authorized trans. from the German by Charles Gilbert Chaddock. Phila.: F. A. Davis, 1895.
Rutner, Ivan I. "A Double-barrel Approach to Modification of Homosexual Behavior," ''Psychological Reports.'' Vol. 26, no. 2 (1970): p. 355-58. (P. 356-58.)
Sharp, Harry Clay. "The Sterilization of Degenerates." ''Indiana Board of State Charities. National Christian League for the Promotion of Purity'', 1908. (P. 1-2, 6.) Reprint of paper read before the American Prison Association, Chicago, 1909. Copy at: N.Y. Public Library, Research Division.
==1975, July==
Silverstein, Charles. [Review of John Bancroft's ''Deviant Sexual Behavior: Modification and Assessment''. London: Oxford University Press, 1974.] ''Behavior Therapy.'' Vol. 6, no. 4 (July 1975)·
Smith, Alexander B., and Bassin, Alexander. "Group Therapy with Homosexuals," ''Journal of Social Therapy.'' Vol. 5, no. 3 (1959): p. 225-32. (P. 227, 231-32.)
Smec, J., and Freund, Kurt. "Treatment of Male Homosexuality through Conditioning," ''International Journal of Sexology''. Vol. 7, no. 2 (1953): p. 92-93.
==1930, October==
Stekel, Wilhelm. "Is Homosexuality Curable?" Trans. Bertrand S. Frohman. ''Psychoanalytic Review.'' Vol. 17 (Oct. 1930): p. 443-51. (P. 443, 447-48.)
Stevenson, Edward I. Prime (Xavier Mayne, pseud.). ''The Intersexes; A History of Similisexualism as a Problem in Social Life.'' [Naples?:] Privately printed, [by R. Rispoli, 1908?]; photo reprint, N.Y.: Amo, 1975. (P. II9-22, 549.)
==1896, April==
Talbot, E. S., and Ellis, Havelock. "A Case of Degenerative Insanity, with Sexual Inversion, Melancholia, following Removal of Testicles, Attempted Murder and Suicide," ''Journal of Mental Science.'' Vol. 42, no. 177, new ser. no. 177 (April 1896): p. 340-44 (Le. 46-erroneous pagination in original). (P. 341-44.)
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Revision as of 16:39, 10 November 2010

===Chronological list of sources referring to the treatment of LGBT people by medical and psychological professionals==.

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From Template:GAA, Bibliography: II TReat,emt" 1884-1974, pages 596-598.

1942, July

Banay, Ralph S., and Davidoff, L. "Apparent Recovery of a Sex Psychopath after Lobotomy," Journal of Criminal Psychopathology. Vol. 4, no. 1 (July 1942): p. 59-66.


Barlow, David H.; Leitenberg, Harold; and Agras, W. Stewart. "Experimental Control of Sexual Deviations through Manipulation of the Noxious Scene in Covert Sensitization," Journal of Abnormal Psychology. Vol. 74, no. 5 (1969): p. 596-601. (P. 598, 601.)


Blair, Ralph. Etiological and Treatment Literature on Homosexuality. Otherwise Monograph Ser., no. 5. National Task Force on Student Personnel Services and Homosexuality, 1972.

1952, March

Bowman, Karl M. "Sexual Deviation Research." Report to California Assembly, Judiciary Subcommittee on Sex Research, Sacramento, Calif., March 1952, p. 80.


Bowman, Karl M., and Engle, Bernice. "The Problem of Homosexuality," Journal of Social Hygiene. Vol. 39, no. I (1953): p. 2-16. (P. 10-11.)

1913, August 2

Brill, A. A. "The Conception of Homosexuality," Journal of the American Medical Association. Vol. 61 (Aug. 2, 1913): p. 335-40.


Caprio, Frank S. Female Homosexuality; A Psychodynamic Study of Lesbianism. Foreword by Karl M. Bowman. N.Y.: Grove Press, Evergreen Black Cat, 1962. (P. 299-301, 304.)


Cautela, Joseph R. "Covert Sensitization," Psychological Reports. Vol. 20, no. 2 (1967): p. 459-68. (P. 464-65·)


Chideckel, Maurice. Female Sex Perversion. N.Y.: Eugenics Pub. Co., 1938.

1893, August

Daniel, F. E. "Castration of Sexual Perverts," Texas Medical Journal (Austin), Aug. 1893: 255-71. Reprinted in Texas Medical Journal. Vol. 27, no. 10 (April 1912): p. 369-85· (P. 371-72,376-81.) Additional reprints, see footnote.

1932, October

Deutsch, Helene. "On Female Homosexuality," authorized trans. Edith B. Jackson, Psychoanalytic Quarterly. Vol. I (Oct. 1932): p. 484-510. (P. 484-88, 490--91.). A second trans.: "Homosexuality in Women," International Journal of Psychoanalysis. Vol. 14 (1933): p. 34-56.

1974, October 17

Deutsch, Nicholas. Interviewed by Jonathan Katz. N.Y.C., Oct. 17, 1974.

1896, July

Ellis, Havelock. "A Note on the Treatment of Sexual Inversion," Alienist and Neurologist. Vol. 17 (July 1896): p. 257-64. (P. 258-59.)

1895, April

Ellis, Havelock. "Sexual Inversion in Women," Alienist and Neurologist. Vol. 16, no. 2 (April 1895): 141-58. (P. 158.)


Ellis, Havelock, and Symonds, John Addington. Sexual Inversion. 1st English ed. London: Wilson and Macmillan, 1897; photo reprint, N.¥.: Arno, 1975· (P. 73.)

Ellis, Havelock, and Talbot, E. S. See Talbot and Ellis.


Freud, Sigmund. "The Psychogenesis of a Case of Female Homosexuality," International Journal of Psycho-Analysis. Vol. I, no. 2 (1920): p. 125-49. (P. 125-27, 129-30, 131, 133, 134,135,136,141-42,144,148-49.)


Friedlander, Joseph, and Banay, Ralph S. "Psychosis Following Lobotomy in a Case of Sexual Psychopathology; Report of a Case," Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry. Vol. 59 (1948): p. 302-21. (P. 303-11, 315, 321.)

1904, February 1

"The Gentleman Degenerate. A Homosexualist's Self-Description and Self-Applied Title. Pudic Nerve Section Fails Therapeutically," Alienist and Neurologist. Vol. 2$, no. I (Feb. I, 1904): p. 62-70. (P. 68-70.)


Glass, S. J., and Johnson, Roswell, H. "Limitations and Complications of Organotherapy in Male Homosexuality," Journal of Clinical Endocrinology. Vol. 4, no. I I (1944): p. 540--44. (P. 541-43·)


Hadden, Samuel B. "Attitudes Toward and Approaches to the Problem of Homosexuality," Pennsylvania Medical Journal. Vol. 6, no. 9 (1957): p. 1195-98.


Harms, Ernest. "Homo-Anonymous," Diseases of the Nervous System. Vol. 14, no. 10 (1953): p. 318-19.


Henry, George W. Sex Variants; A Study of Homosexual Patterns. 2 vols. N.Y.: Paul B. Hoeber, 1941.

1962, Spring-Summer-Fall

Hirschfeld, Magnus. "Adaptionsbehandlung (Anpassungstherapie) der HomosexualiHit." Trans. Henry Gerber from Die Homosexualitiit des Mannes und des Weibes, 2nd ed. (Berlin, 1920): chap. 23, p. 439-61. In ONE Institute Quarterly. Vol. 5, nos. 2, 3, 4, issues 17 (Spring, Summer, Fall 1962): p. 41-54· (P. 41-46, 49-51, 54.)


Hughes, Charles H. "An Emasculated Homo-sexual. His Antecedent and Post-Operative Life," Alienist and Neurologist. Vol. 35 (1914): p. 277-80.

1967, November Kaye, Harvey E.; Berl, S.; Clare, J.; Eleston, M. R.; Gershwin, B. S.; Gershwin, P.; Kogan, S.; Torda, c.; and Wilbur, C. B. "Homosexuality in Women," Archives of General Psychiatry. Vol. 17 (Nov. 1967): p. 626-34. (P. 626, 632-34.)

1894, May

Kiernan, James G. "Insanity. Lecture XXVI.-Perversion," Detroit Lancet. Vol. 7, no. II (May 1884): p. 481-84. (P. 483-84.)

1894, June

Kiernan, James G. "Psychical Treatment of Congenital Sexual Inversion," Review of Insanity and Nervous Disease. Vol. 4, no. 4 (June 1894): p. 293-95·


Klaich, Dolores. Woman + Woman; Attitudes Toward Lesbianism. N.Y.: Morrow, 1975, paperback. (P. 100-01.)


Liebman, Samuel. "Homosexuality, Transvestism, and Psychosis: Study of a Case Treated with Electroshock," Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Vol. 99, no. 6 (1944): p. 945-58.


LoPiccolo, Joseph. "Case Study: Systematic Desensitization of Homosexuality," Behavior Therapy. Vol. 2, no. 3 (July 1971): p. 394-99· (P. 396-98.)

1889, September 7

Lydston, G. Frank. "Sexual Perversion, Satyriasis and Nymphomania," Medical and Surgical Reporter. Vol. 61, no. 10 (Sept. 7,1889): p. 253-58. (P. 253.) Vol. 61, no. II (Sept. 14, 1889): 281-85. (P. 285·)


Max, Louis William. "Breaking Up a Homosexual Fixation by the Conditioned Reaction Technique: A Case Study," Psychological Bulletin. Vol. 32 (1935): p. 734·


Miller, Michael M. "Hypnotic-Aversion Treatment of Homosexuality," Journal of the National Medical Association. Vol. 55, no. 5 (1963): p. 4II-15, 436. (P. 4II-13, 415.)


Moore, Thomas V. "The Pathogenesis and Treatment of Homosexual Disorders: A Digest of Some Pertinent Evidence," Journal of Personality. Vol. 14 (1945): p. 47-83. (P. 57, 71-73.)


Owensby, Newdigate M. 'The Correction of Homosexuality," Urologic and Cutaneous Review. Vol. 45, no. 8 (1941): p. 494-96. (P. 495,496.)


Owensby, Newdigate M. "Homosexuality and Lesbianism Treated with Metrazol," Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Vol. 92, no. I (1940): p. 65-66.


Quackenbos, John Duncan. "Hypnotic Suggestion in the Treatment of Sexual Perversions and Moral Anaesthesia: A Personal Experience," Transactions of the New Hampshire Medical Society. 1899: p. 69-91. (P. 69, 72, 75, 78-80.)

1895, March

Raffalovich, Marc Andre. "Uranism, Congenital Sexual Inversion. Observations and Recommendations ... " Trans. C. Judson Herrick. Journal of Comparative Neurology. Vol. 5 (March 1895): p. 33-65. (P. 33-34,36-37,42,52.)


Robertiello, Richard C. Voyage from Lesbos: The Psychoanalysis of a Female Homosexual. N.¥.: Citadel, 1959. (P. 238-48, 253.)


Rosenzweig, Saul, and Hoskins, R. G. "A Note on the Ineffectualness of Sex-Hormone Medication in a Case of Pronounced Homosexuality," Psychosomatic Medicine. Vol. 3, no. 1 (1941): p.87-89·

1974, September 9

Roueche, Berton. "Annals of Medicine; As Empty As Eve," The New Yorker. Sept. 9, 1974: p.84-100.


Schrenck-Notzing, Albert von. Therapeutic Suggestion in Psychopathia Sexualis with Especial Reference to Contrary Sexual Instinct. Authorized trans. from the German by Charles Gilbert Chaddock. Phila.: F. A. Davis, 1895.


Rutner, Ivan I. "A Double-barrel Approach to Modification of Homosexual Behavior," Psychological Reports. Vol. 26, no. 2 (1970): p. 355-58. (P. 356-58.)


Sharp, Harry Clay. "The Sterilization of Degenerates." Indiana Board of State Charities. National Christian League for the Promotion of Purity, 1908. (P. 1-2, 6.) Reprint of paper read before the American Prison Association, Chicago, 1909. Copy at: N.Y. Public Library, Research Division.

1975, July

Silverstein, Charles. [Review of John Bancroft's Deviant Sexual Behavior: Modification and Assessment. London: Oxford University Press, 1974.] Behavior Therapy. Vol. 6, no. 4 (July 1975)·


Smith, Alexander B., and Bassin, Alexander. "Group Therapy with Homosexuals," Journal of Social Therapy. Vol. 5, no. 3 (1959): p. 225-32. (P. 227, 231-32.)


Smec, J., and Freund, Kurt. "Treatment of Male Homosexuality through Conditioning," International Journal of Sexology. Vol. 7, no. 2 (1953): p. 92-93.

1930, October

Stekel, Wilhelm. "Is Homosexuality Curable?" Trans. Bertrand S. Frohman. Psychoanalytic Review. Vol. 17 (Oct. 1930): p. 443-51. (P. 443, 447-48.)


Stevenson, Edward I. Prime (Xavier Mayne, pseud.). The Intersexes; A History of Similisexualism as a Problem in Social Life. [Naples?:] Privately printed, [by R. Rispoli, 1908?]; photo reprint, N.Y.: Amo, 1975. (P. II9-22, 549.)

1896, April

Talbot, E. S., and Ellis, Havelock. "A Case of Degenerative Insanity, with Sexual Inversion, Melancholia, following Removal of Testicles, Attempted Murder and Suicide," Journal of Mental Science. Vol. 42, no. 177, new ser. no. 177 (April 1896): p. 340-44 (Le. 46-erroneous pagination in original). (P. 341-44.)

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