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Selected documents and letters by Paul Thek and correspondence partners.
Selected documents and letters by Paul Thek and correspondence partners.
=See also:=
=[[Paul Thek: Bibliography, Alphabetical]]=
=Bibliography, Alphabetical=
=[[Paul Thek: Bibliography, Chronological]]=
Listed alphabetically by names of authors:
Katz, Jonathan Ned. This entry was started on December 16, 2010, by Jonathan Ned Katz, who worked with Paul Thek in the 1960s as a textile designer in the textile design studio operated by  Jack Prince. Re Paul's sexual preference, I certainly knew him as "gay". But I was in the closet at the time, which meant that I never discussed homosexuality with Paul. His friend/lover, Peter Hujar, would often drop by Prince Studio, on 42nd Street and Broadway, and we would sometime go out to dinner. I recall one dinner with Paul and Susan Sontag at the Paradise Restaurant, a huge Greek restaurant near or in the Port Authority Bus Terminal building.
<comments />
[http://www.ptproject.net/publ/introduction.php Paul Thek Project.]
[http://www.newyorker.com/arts/critics/artworld/2010/11/01/101101craw_artworld_schjeldahl#ixzz18HqSLmVz Schjeldahl, Peter. The Art World, “Out-There Man,” The New Yorker, November 1, 2010, p. 116]
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Thek Paul Thek. Wikipedia.]
=Bibliography, Chronological=
Listed chronologically (from the Paul Thek Project, accessed December 16, 2010)
SONTAG, 1962
Sontag, Susan, Against Interpretation, New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1962.
PICARD, 1964
Picard, Lil, "The New School of New York", in: Das Kunstwerk, 6, no. 18, Dec 1964, pp. 26-27, 37.
Stevens, Elisabeth, "Reviews and Previews. New Names This Month: Paul Thek", in: Art News, 63, no. 6, Oct 1964, p. 16.*
Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Museum of Art (exh. cat.), One Hundred American Contemporary Drawings, with an introduction by Dore Ashton, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan, 1965, fig. 89.
New London, Lyman Allyn Museum (exh. cat.), A Contemporary Collection of Painting and Sculpture. Selected from the Collection of Eleanor Ward, New London: Lyman Allyn Museum, 1965.*
NEW YORK, 1965
New York, Pace Gallery (exh. cat.), Beyond Realism, New York: Pace Gallery, 1965.*
ASHTON, 1966
Ashton, Dore, "Historicism and Respect of Tradition. New York Commentary: Paul Thek", in: Studio International, 171, June, 1966, p. 277-279.
Battcock, Gregory, "Humanism and Reality – Thek and Warhol", in: The New Art. A Critical Anthology, ed. by Gregory Battcock, New York: E.P. Dutton, 1966, pp. 235-242.
Berkson, William, "In the Galleries. Paul Thek", in: Arts Magazine, 40, no. 8, June 1966, p. 46.*
HESS, 1966
Hess, Thomas B., "The Grand Eccentrics", in: Art News Annual, 1966, pp. 5-25.*
Philadelphia, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania (exh. cat.), The Other Tradition, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1966, pp. 29-39.*
"Smithson, Robert, "Entropy and the New Monuments", in: Artforum, 10, June, 1966, pp. 6-31
Swenson, G.R., "Beneath the Skin", in: Art News, 65, no. 2, April 1966, pp. 34-35, 66-67.
Pincus-Witten, Robert, "Thek’s Tomb…Absolute Fetishism…", in: Artforum, 6, no. 3, Nov 1967, pp. 24-25.
Pittsburgh, Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute (exh. cat.), The Pittsburgh International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture, Pittsburgh: Museum of Art, 1967/8.*
Smithson, Robert, "A Tour of the Monuments of Passaic, New Jersey (1967)", in: Robert Smithson: The Collected Writings, ed. by Jack Flam, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press, 1996, pp. 68-74.
Steward, Mary, "In the Galleries. Paul Thek", in: Arts Magazine, 41, Nov 1967, p. 62.*
Battcock, Gregory, Minimal Art. A Critical Anthology, New York: E.P. Dutton, 1968, p. 443.
Düsseldorf, Kunsthalle (exh. cat.), Prospect 68, Düsseldorf: Kunsthalle, 1968, p. 31.*
Galerie M.E. Thelen, Paul Thek. A Procession in Honor of Aesthetic Progress. Objects to Theoretically Wear, Carry, Pull or Wave, Essen/REcklinghausen, 1968.
KASSEL, 1968
Kassel, documenta (exh. cat.), documenta 4, Kassel: Der documenta-Rat, vol. 2, 1968, pp. 140-141.
LONDON, 1968
London, The Institute of Contemporary Art (exh. cat.), The Obsessive Image 1960-1968, with a text by Mario Amaya, London: The Institute of Contemporary Art, pp. 6-7, 42, 68.
Ridgefield, Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art (exh. cat.), Art of the 60’s. Selections from the Collection of Hanford Yang, Riegefield: Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, 1968.*
VON D., 1968
von D., A., " 'Kunst' aus der Kloake. Paul Thek zeigt bei Thelen 'Fleischobjekte' ", in: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, 25.9.1968.
WILSON, 1968
Wilson, William, "Paul Thek: Love-Death", in: Art and Artists, 3, no. 1, April 1968, pp. 22-25.
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum (exh. cat.), Paul Thek, Amsterdam: Stedelijk, 1969.
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum/Stockholm, Moderna Museet (exh. cat.), A Document made by Paul Thek and Edwin Klein, Amsterdam: Stedelijk, 1969.
ASHTON, 1969
Ashton, Dore, "Response to Crisis in American Art", in: Art in America, 57, no. 1, Jan/Feb, 1969, pp. 24-36.*
BLOK, 1969
Blok, Cor, "In Galerie Mickery, Loenersloot, tot 27/6", in: De Groene Amsterdammer, June 6, 1969.*
DE WILDE, 1969
De Wilde, Edy, "Paul Thek fokt duiven", in: Vanavond 8 uur – Uitkrant voor Amsterdammers, 8, April 1969, p. 6.*
Frackman, Noel, "In the Museums. Paul Thek", in: Arts Magazine, 43, no.7, May 1969, p. 62.*
Frenken, Ton, "Kippenhok van Paul Thek", in: Brabants Dagblad, May 3, 1969.*
Helsinki, The Art Museum of Ateneum/Tampere, The Art Museum of Tampere, The Museum of Modern Art (exh. cat.), Ars ’69, Helsinki: The Art Museum of Ateneum/Tampere: The Art Museum of Tampere, 1969, n.p., fig. 148.
HUF, 1969
Huf, Emmy, "Paul Theks Kippenhoek in het Stedelijk. Interview", in: De Volkskrant, April 26, 1969.
KELK, 1969
Kelk, Fanny, "Rommelmaker", in: Het Parool, May 2, 1969.*
LAST, 1969
Last, Martin, "Reviews and Previews: Paul Thek", in: Art News, 68, no. 3, May, 1969, p. 73.*
MILAN, 1969
Milan, Galleria Milano (exh. cat.), Irritarte, with a text by Lea Vergine, Milan: Galleria Milano, 1969, p. 490.*
New York, Whitney Museum of Art/Berkeley, University Arts Museum (exh. cat.), Human Concern/Personal Torment: The Grotesque in American Art, with a text by Robert Doty, New York: Whitney Museum of Art/Berkeley: University of California, 1969, fig. 160-162.
NOVAK, 1969
Novak, Barbara, American Painting of the 19th Century: Realism, Idealism, and the American Experience, New York: Harper & Row, 1969, S. 281.*
PIERRE, 1969
Pierre, Jose, "Pop Chocolat", in: L’Oeil, Aug/Sept, 1969, pp. 38-43, 94, fig. 5.*
Pincus-Witten, Robert, "Paul Thek. Stable Gallery", in: Artforum, 7, no.9, May 1969, pp. 63-64.
Schjeldahl, Peter, "New York Letter", in: Art International, May, 1969, p. 57.
Tegenbosch, L., "Paul Thek", in: De Volkskrant, May 1, 1969.*
Tegenbosch, L., "Museomasochisme", in: De Volkskrant, June 5, 1969.*
TIME, 1969
"Underwater Prophet", in: Time, June 13, 1969.*
Willard, Charlotte, "Violence and Art", in: Art in America, 57, no. 1, Jan/Feb, 1969, pp. 36-43.*
WINGEN, 1969
Wingen, Ed., "Paul Thek", in: De Telegraaf, May 14, 1969.*
"Kudi, Tetsumi. Everything is Metamorphosing", in: Leben und Kunst. Zur Funktion der Intermedia, ed. by Udo Kulterm., Tübingen: Verlag Ernst Wasmuth, 1970.
KöLN, 1970
Köln, Kunsthalle/Kunstverein (exh. cat.), Kölner Kunstmarkt '70, Köln: Kunsthalle/Kunstverein, 1970, n.p.
Minneapolis, Walker Arts Center, Cincinnati, Cincinnati Art Museum, Dallas, The Dallas Museum of Fine Arts (exh. cat.), Figures/Environments, Minneapolis: Walker Arts Center, 1970/71, pp. 21-23, 39-40.
Vergine, Lea, "Appunti per un’analisti delle communicazioni irritanti", in: Metro, 16-17, 1970, p. 237-252.*
Amsterdam, Kunsthistorisch Instituut (exh. cat.), Van Appel tot Sykora. Kunsthistorici verzamelen eigentijdse kunst, Amsterdam: Kunsthistorisch Instituut, 1971.*
KöLN, 1971
Köln, Kunsthalle/Kunstverein (exh. cat.), Kölner Kunstmarkt '71, Köln: Kunsthalle/Kunstverein, 1971, n.p.
LA JOLLA, 1971
La Jolla, La Jolla Museum of Art (exh. cat.), Continuing Surrealism, La Jolla: La Jolla Museum of Art, 1971.*
Lawrence, The Museum of Art, The University of Kansas (exh. cat.), Gene Swenson, retrospective for a critic, Lawrence: The University of Kansas, 1971.*
Mallander, Jan Olof, "Att omsätta Gud I praktiken", in: Dagens Nyheter, Nov 30, 1971.*
MATZ, 1971
Matz, Av Rickard, "Vattnet Manniskan och Pyramiden", in: Tidningen Vi, Nov 19, 1971.*
NORDIN, 1971
Nordin, Vera, "Konstrond i Stockholm", in: Vasterbottens-kuriren, Nov 27, 1971.*
OHFF, 1971
Ohff, H., "Der Gegenstand als Kunstobjekt, das Kunstobjekt als Gegenstand" in: Magazin Kunst XI, 42, 1971, pp. 2248-2263, 2277.
Romdahl, Margareta, "Show på Moderna museet: Publiken far folja konstnarernas jobb", in: Dagens Nyheter, Nov 5, 1971.*
Sydhoff, Beate, "Det Nya Walden", in: Svenska Dagladet, Nov 14, 1971.*
THOMAS, 1971
Thomas, Karin, Bis Heute: Stilgeschichte der bildenden Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert, Cologne: M. Dumont Schauberg, 1971, pp. 14, 277, 347-348.
Washington, The Corcoran Gallery of Art (exh. cat.), Depth and Presence, Washington DC: The Corcoran Gallery, 1971.*
Wuppertal, Von der Heydt-Museum (exh. cat.), Fünf Sammler – Kunst unserer Zeit, Wuppertal: Von der Heydt-Museum, 1971, n.p., fig. 54.
AMMANN, 1972
Ammann, Jean-Christophe, "Nachlese zur documenta 5", in: Kunst-Bulletin, 10, October, 1972, pp. 10-13, at 12.
BANN, 1972
Bann, Stephen, "Documenta 5. Le Vide et le plein", in: L'Oeil, Aug/Sept 1972, pp. 28-34.*
BEYER, 1972
Beyer, Jörg-H., "Kunst muss nicht immer schön sein", in: Pfälzischer Merkur, July 11, 1972.
BOURRéE, 1972
Bourrée, Manfred, " 'Ich bin, du bist, jeder ist ein Kunstwerk...' ", in: Ruhr-Nachrichten, 30.6.1972.
Brackert, G., "Notizen aus der Aue", in: Deutsches Allgemeines Sonntagsblatt, 16.7.1972, S. 24.
Burnham, Jack, "Objects and Ritual. Towards a Working Ontology of Art", in: Arts Magazine, 47, 3, Dec 1972/Jan 1973, pp. 28-32.*
CHRIST, 1972
Christ, Dorothea, "Paul Thek", in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Aug 4, 1972.*
Duister, Frans, "Paul Thek", in: De Tijd, Aug 19, 1972.*
Frankfurter Rundschau, "documenta 5", 14.6.1972.
Frenken, Ton, "Paul Thek", in: Brabants Dagblad, July 15, 1972.*
Frenken, Ton, "Paul Thek", in: Eindhovens Dagbad, Oct 7, 1972.*
GIBSON, 1972
Gibson, Michael, "Paul Thek", in: International Harald Tribune, July 8, 1972.*
GLOZER, 1972
Glozer, Laszlo, "Nicht die schönste, aber die auftregendste documenta", in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, July 6, 1972.
Gosling, Nigel, "Crystal balls in Kassel", in: Arts Guardian, July 10, 1972.
Gribling, Frank, "Paul Thek", in: De Groene Amsterdammer, July 25, 1972.*
"Grekist vittnesmal och hippieprotest på Modern museet", in: Göteborgstidningen, Dec 30, 1972.*
Hessische Allgemeine, "Bilder im Vorübergehen", in: Hessische Allgemeine, Kassel, July 1, 1972.
Juffermans, Jan, "Paul Thek", in: De Nieuwe Linie, Aug 18, 1972.*
KASSEL, 1972
Kassel, documenta (exh. cat.), documenta 5: Befragung der Realität. Bildwelten heute, ed. by Harald Szeemann, et. al, Kassel: Documenta, 1972, pp. 33, 16.77.
KELK, 1972
Kelk, Fanny, "Paul Thek", in: Het Parool, Nov 25, 1972.*
KERBER, 1972
Kerber, Bernhard, "Documenta und Szene Rhein-Ruhr", in: Art International, vol. 16, 8, Oct 1972, pp. 72-73.
KöLN, 1972
Köln, Kunsthalle/Kunstverein (exh. cat.), 6. Kölner Kunstmarkt, Köln: Buchhandlung Walter König, 1972, n.p.
L.O., 1972
L.O., "Zur documenta 5: Traum aus Erde, Holz und Pflanzen. US-Künstler in der Alten Galerie", in: Hessische Allgemeine, 6.1972
L.O., 1972
L.O., "Die neue Tugend Armut. Ausgestellte Träume", in: Hessische Allgemeine, 26.6.1972.
Lehmann-Brauns, Elke, "Der Wald im Museum. Paul Theks Landschaft mit Pyramide in Stockholm", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Jan 4, 1972.*
Orzechowski, Lothar, Stichworte zur documenta 5. Die Kunst befragt sich selbst, Kassel, 1972, p. 12.
Orzechowski, Lothar, "Zwei Interviews. Harald Szeeman: Ein Stück Leben/Arnold Bode: Prinzip Hoffnung", in: Offset-Sonderbeilage der Allgemeinen, June 30, 1972.
Pleynet, Marcelin, "Documenta 5" in: Art International, vol. 16, 8, Oct 1972, pp. 81-85, 104.
Rosenber, Harold, "The Art World. Inquiry '72: On the Edge", in: The New Yorker, September 9, 1972, pp. 72-82, at 80.
Russell, John, "Paul Thek", in: Sunday Times, July 16, 1972.*
Russell, John, "Expand your notions", in: Sunday Times, July 16, 1972.
SCHMID, 1972
Schmidt, Doris, "Perfektion, Protest und Traum. Kunst und Leben auf der Documenta 5. Ein Rückblick", in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, Oct 14-15, 1972.*
SELDIS, 1972
Seldis, Hanry J., "Documenta: Art Is Whatever Goes On in Artist's Head", in: Los Angeles Times, July 9, 1972, p. 60.
SELDIS, 1972
Seldis, Henry J., "Bizarre 'Documenta V' is unrivaled among summer European art surveys", in: Globe-Democrat St. Louis, July 30, 1972.
SELLO, 1972
Sello, Gottfried, "Paul Thek", in: Zeit Magazin, 31, Aug 4, 1972.*
SELLO, 1972
Sello, Gottfried, "Paul Thek", in: Die Zeit, Sept 15, 1972.*
STERN, 1972
Stern, "Ein Warenhaus für Wirklichkeit mit Selbstbedienung", in: Stern, 36, August 27, 1972, p. 28.
Sydhoff, Beate, "Before Nature Disappears, Let Us Return: Una Mostra a Stoccolma", in: Domus, March 1972, p. 48.*
Tages-Anzeiger Magazin, "Documenta 5", in: Tages-Anzeiger Magazin, 30, July 29, 1072, p. 13.
Townsend, Charlotte, "Documenta 5", in: Artscanada, Oct/Nov 1972, pp. 42-45.*
Tuitjer, Koos, "Paul Thek", in: De Gelderlander, July 29, 1972.*
Van der Marck, Jan, "Venice & Kassel: The Old and the New Politics", in: Art in America, 24.9.-19.11.1972, pp. 129-137, at 129, 135.
AMMANN, 1973
Ammann, Jean-Christophe, "Ark, Pyramid, Easter", in: Luzern 1973, n.p.
Burnham, Jack, "Objects and Ritual: Towards a Working Ontology of Art", in: Arts Magazine 47, no. 3, Dec/Jan 1972/73, pp. 28-32.*
Duisburg, Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum (exh. leaflet), Paul Thek, New York. Environment "Die Krippe", with a text by Siegfried Salzmann, Duisburg: Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum, 1973.
"Statt Christkind glaserne Weltkugel", in: Duisburger, Dec 12, 1973.
KöLN, 1973
Köln, Kunsthalle (exh. cat.), 7. Kölner Kunstmarkt, Köln: Kunsthalle, Galerie M. E. Thelen, 1973, p. 107.*
KöLN, 1973
Köln, Wallraf-Richartz Museum (exh. cat.), Bildwerke und Objekte. Neuzugänge seit 1965, ed. by Rainer Budde and Evelyn Weiss, Köln: Wallraf-Richartz Museum, 1973, pp. 57-58, fig. 115, 116.
LUZERN, 1973
Luzern, Kunstmuseum (exh. cat.), Ark, Pyramid, Easter. A Visiting Group Show. Ann Wilson, Wahundra, Franz Deckwitz, Lily, Michèle, Paul Thek, Jediko, Charles Shuts, Edwin Klein, Cindy Lubar, with a text by Jean-Christophe Ammann, Luzern: Kunstmuseum, 1973.
Monteil, Annemarie, "Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod. Paul Thek mit ‘Arche, Pyramide, Ostern’, im Kunstmuseum Luzern", in: National Zeitung Basel, April 18, 1973.
MüLLER, 1973
Müller, Hans-Joachim, "Still verblühte Blaue Blume", in: Basler Nachrichten, 2.5.1973.
"Surrogate’s Court", in: New York Law Journal, Dec 17, 1973.*
Plunien, Eo, "Im Stroh der Krippe liegt die Erde", in: Die Welt, Dec 24, 1973.
"Geburtsgrotte mit beleuchteter Erdkugel", in: Rheinische Post, Dec 12, 1973.*
ROELLI, 1973
Roelli, Eva, "Gruppenbild mit Arche: ‘Ark, Pyramid, Easter’ eine Totenkultstätte des Amerikaners Paul Thek im Luzerner Kunstmuseum", in: Luzerner Tagblatt, May 31, 1973.
Von Netter, Maria, "Lebensangst und Kerzenschimmer," in: Die Weltwoche, 15, April 11, 1973.*
"Paradies entsteht um Grafikschränke. Museumsdirektor holt Teppich vom Sperrmüll", in: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Nov 29, 1973.*
"Weltkugel auf Stroh", in: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Dec 12, 1973.*
CATOIR, 1974
Catoir, Barbara, "Individuelle Mythologien", in: Das Kunstwerk, 27, no. 2, March, 1974, pp. 3-35.
HENRI, 1974
Henri, Adrian, Total Art. Environments, Happenings, and Performance, New York: Praeger Publishers, 1974, pp. 53, 56-57.
Szeemann, Harald, "Dank an Paul Thek" (1975), in: Zeichen des Glaubens - Geist der Avantgarde: Religiöse Tendenzen in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts, ed. by Wieland Schmidt, Stuttgart: Electa/Klett-Cotta, 1980; in: Szeemann, Harald, Individuelle Mythologien, Berlin: Merve, 1985, S. 157-164.
Szeemann, Harald, "Paul Thek. Entretien avec Harald Szeemann", in: L’art vivant, 48, April 1974, pp. 10-13; "Gespräch mit Paul Thek", in: Individuelle Mythologien, Berlin: Merve, 1985, S. 165-177; "Interview Paul Thek Duisburg, 12 December 1973", in: Rotterdam/Berlin/Barcelona/Marseilles 1995/96, pp. 83-87.
"Krippe von Thek ist Anlass eines Podiumsgesprächs", in: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Jan 18, 1974.*
"Bei Thek scheiden sich die Geister", in: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Jan 21, 1974.*
Chicago, Museum of Contemporary Art (exh. cat.), Menace, Chicago: Museum of Contemporary Art, 1975.*
POPPER, 1975
Popper, Frank, Art, Action, and Participation, New York: New York University Press, 1975, p. 100.
Rosenberg, Harold, Art on the Edge, New York: Macmillan Publishing, 1975, pp. 268-271.
L’OEIL, 1976
"Paul Thek, Galerie Iolas, Paris: Exposition", L'Oeil, April 1976, pp. 53-54.*
MICHEL, 1976
Michel, Jacques, "Paul Thek", in: Le Monde, July 30, 1976.*
PARIS, 1976
Paris, Galerie Alexandre Iolas (exh. cat.), Paul Thek, with a text by Paul Thek, Paris: Galerie Alexandre Iolas, 1976, n.p.
SONTAG, 1976
Sontag, Susan, "Paul Thek", in: Die Zeit, 18, 1976.*
VENICE, 1976
Venice, La Biennale di Venezia (exh. cat.), Environments, Participation, Cultural Structures, vol. 2, Venice: La Biennale, 1976, pp. 377.
ANDRE, 1977
Andre, Michael, "Paul Thek", in: Unmuzzled Ox, 4, 3, March 1977, pp. 44-48.*
CURRY, 1977
Curry, Bill, "Watch Tower Rise on Penn Campus", in: Philadelphia Inquirer, Nov 6, 1977.*
Delehanty, Suzanne, "Paul Thek. Seeking the Way", in: Philadelphia 1977, pp. 56-60.
Donohoe, Victoria, "A Believer in Artists Rather Than Art", in: Philadelphia Inquirer, Nov 6, 1977.*
French-Frazier, Nina, "Paul Thek", in: Art News, 76, 3, March 1977, pp. 136-37.*
LAIKEN, 1977
Laiken, Sue, "Artist Creates Multi-Media Environmental Work in ICS", in: Daily Pennsylvanian, Nov 9, 1977.*
OZ, 1977
Oz, Dave, "Paul Thek", in: Contemporary Artists, ed. by Colin Naylor/Genesis P. Orridge, London: St. James Press/New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1977, p. 954.*
Philadelphia, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania (exh. cat.), Paul Thek/Processions: The Tower of Babel, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Bandwagon, The Burning Bridge, Bo Jangles, Jack Lantern, Paul Thek, Zhivago, ed. by Suzanne Delahanty, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977.
Ratcliff, Carter, "Paul Thek at Brooks Jackson/Iolas", in: Art in America, 65, 3, May/June 1977, pp. 111-112.
Russell, John, "Paul Thek", in: The New York Times, Jan 21, 1977.*
Duisburg, Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum (coll. cat.), Das Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum Duisburg, ed. by Siegfried Salzmann, Recklinghausen: Verlag Aurel Bougers, 1978, S. 190, 318-319, fig. 490, 491-493.
THEK, 1978
Thek, Paul, "Unterrichtskonzept: 4-dimensionales Design, 1978", in: Bippus, Elke/Glasmeier Michael (ed.), Künstler in der Lehre, Hamburg: Philo & Philo Fine Arts, 2007, pp. 163-173.
VALK, 1978
Valk, Felix, "Verhalend Landschap", in: Magazijn, no. 73, dec, 1978, p. 27.*
"Paul Thek", in: De Volkskrant, Jan 12, 1979.*
Juffermans, Jan, "Bizar kunst-park in de Lijnbaan", in: Algemeen Dagblad, Jan 10, 1979.*
Rotterdam, Lijbaancentrum (exh. cat.), Paul Thek, Rotterdam, 1979.*
""Hoopvol voortgaan, vragend
"Jack’s Procession", in: Tentoonstellingsnieuws, no. 15, Jan 15, 1979.*
FLOOD, 1980
Flood, Richard, "Reviews: Paul Thek, Brooks Jackson Gallery Iolas", in: Artforum, May 1980, p. 74.
Lucie-Smith, Edward, Art in the Seventies, Oxford: Phaidon, 1980, p. 102.
Russell, John, "Paul Thek", in: The New York Times, Feb 29, 1980.*
Schmied, Wieland, Zeichen des Glaubens. Geist der Avantgarde. Religiöse Tendenzen in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts, Stuttgart: Electa/Klett-Cotta, 1980, pp. 293-295.
Steenhuis, Paul, in: Het Bestaan, no. 1, 1980.*
Szeemann, Harald, "Arte degli Settanta (Dalla mostra all'arte)", in: La Biennale di Venezia, Settore Arti Visive, catalogo generale, Venezia: Edizioni "La Biennale di Venezia", 1980, pp. 14, 15, 40.
VENICE, 1980
Venice, La Biennale di Venezia (exh. cat.), Settore Arti Visive, L’arte degli anni settanta, Milan: Electa Editrice, pp. 14-15, 40.
FLOOD, 1981
"Flood, Richard, "Paul Thek. Real Misunderstanding", in: Artforum, 20, no. 2, Oct 1981, pp. 48-53.
FRANK, 1981
Frank, Elisabeth, "Paul Thek at Brooks Jackson Iolas", in: Art in America, 69, no. 6, Summer 1981, pp. 127-28.
GLOZER, 1981
Glozer, Laszlo, Westkunst. Zeitgenössische Kunst seit 1939, Köln: DuMont Buchverlag, 1981, p. 306, 307, 465.
KOLKE, 1981
Kolke, Jan Kees, in: Haagsche Courant, Feb 2, 1981.
KöLN, 1981
Köln, Messe (exh. cat.), Rheinhallen der Kölner Messe, Köln: Messe, 1981.*
LONDON, 1981
London, Serpentine Gallery (exh. cat.), Continuous Creation – Rooms by Robert Filiou, Bruce Lacey and Jill Bruce, Anna Oppermann, Paul Thek, with a text by Michael Compton, London: Serpentine Gallery, 1981, n.p.
Louisiana, Museum of Modern Art/Basel, Kunsthalle/München, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus/Ludwigshafen, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum (exh. cat.), Drawing Distinctions. American Drawings of the Seventies, ed. by Alfred Kren, with texts by Alfred Kren, Carter Ratcliff and Peter Schjeldahl, München: Prestel, 1981, pp. 193-200.
Cincinnati, The Contemporary Arts Center (exh. cat.), Tableaux. Nine Contemporary Sculptors, Cincinnati: The Contemporary Arts Center, 1982/83, n.p.
Gardner, Paul, "The Stable wasn’t ‘just another gallery’ ", in: ARTnews, 85, no. 5, May 1982, pp. 108-113.
ARTNER, 1983
Artner, Alan, "The Return of the Human Touch: Figurative Sculpture is Really Back in Vogue", in: Chicago Tribune, May 17, 1983.*
Chicago, The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago (exh. cat.), The Sixth Day: A Survey of Recent Developments in Figurative Sculpture, with a text by Richard Flood, Chicago: The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, 1983, pp. 3-5, 21.
LONDON, 1983
London, The Tate Gallery (exh. cat.), New Art at the Tate Gallery 1983, ed. by Michael Compton, London: The Tate Gallery, 1983, pp. 20, 48, 57, 71.
Olander, W. "Missing Persons", in: Artnews, 82, 2, Feb 1983, pp. 112-115.*
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Plan for Art (exh. cat.), Urban Pulses: The Artist and the City, with a text by Mel McCombie, Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh Plan for Art, 1983, pp. 8, 13-14, 19-20.
Silverthorne, J., "Paul Thek: Iolas-Jackson Gallery", in: Artforum, vol. 21, no. 10, June 1983, pp. 77-78.
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum (exh. cat.), 20 jaar verzamelen, aanwinsten Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam 1963-1984, Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum, 1984, p. 299.*
McClintic, Miranda, "Content: Meaning and Referentiality", in: Washington, The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (exh. cat.), Content. A Contemporary Focus 1974-1984, ed. by Howard N. Fox, Miranda McClintic, Phyllis Rosenzweig, Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1984, pp. 25-38.
Rosenzweig, Phyllis, "Chronology", in: Washington, The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (exh. cat.), Content. A Contemporary Focus 1974-1984, ed. by Howard N. Fox, Miranda McClintic, Phyllis Rosenzweig, Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1984, pp. 166-180.
Washington, The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (exh. cat.), Content. A Contemporary Focus 1974-1984, ed. by Howard N. Fox, Miranda McClintic and Phyllis Rosenzweig, Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1984, pp. 30, 152, 169, 174.
Fleming, L., "Issures are the Issues", in: Artnews, vol. 84, no. 1, Jan 1985, pp. 84-89.
FLOOD, 1985
Flood, Richard, "Memento Mori", in: Philadelphia, Goldie Paley Gallery, Moore College of Art (exh. cat.), Memento Mori, ed. by Elsa Weiner Longhauser, Philadelphia: Goldie Paley Gallery, Moore College of Art, 1985, pp. 1-7.
HAASE, 1985
Haase, Amine, "Chambre d’amis", in: Kunstforum International, vol. 85, Sept./Oct. 1986, pp. 256-261.
Philadelphia, Goldie Paley Gallery, Moore College of Art (exh. cat.), Memento Mori, ed. by Elsa Weiner Longhauser, with a text by Richard Flood, Philadelphia: Goldie Paley Gallery, Moore College of Art, 1985, pp. 6, 9, 11.
SãO PAULO, 1985
São Paulo, Bienal Internacional de São Paulo (exh. cat.), 18 Bienal Internacional de São Paulo, with an introduction by Sheila Leirner, São Paulo: Fundacão Bienal, et al., 1985.*
GENT, 1986
Gent, Museum van Hegendaagse Kunst (exh. cat.), Chambres d’Amis, ed. by Jan Hoet, Gent: Museum van Gegendaagse Kunst, 1986, pp. 246-251.
KUSPIT, 1986
Kuspit, Donald, "Report from São Paolo. A New Brasil. A New Bienal", in: Art in America, 74, no. 3, March 1986, pp. 31-35.
KöLN, 1986
Köln, Museum Ludwig (coll. cat.), Museum Ludwig Köln. Gemälde, Skulpturen, Environments vom Expressionismus zur Gegenwart, Bestandeskatalog, ed. by Siegfried Gohr, München: Prestel Verlag, 1986, p. 259, fig. pp. 258-259.
Ruhrberg, Karl, Die Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert. Das Museum Ludwig Köln, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1986, pp. 39, 301, fig. p. 302.
LEVIN, 1987
Levin, Kim, "Paul Thek", in: The Village Voice, May 5, 1987.*
St. Louis, Laumeier Sculpture Park and Gallery/Middlebury, Johnson Gallery, Middlebury College/Tucson, University of Arizona Museum of Art (exh. cat.), The Success of Failure, with a text by Joel Fisher, New York: Independent Curators Incorporated, 1987, p. 11.
ZüRICH, 1987
Zürich, Kunsthaus (exh. cat.), Artcake 1980-1986. Private Sammeln Gegenwartskunst, Zürich: Kunsthaus, 1987.*
"Paul Thek", in: Dictionary of Contemporary American Artists, Fifth edition, ed. by Paul Cummings, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1988, pp. 624-625.
MORGAN, 1988
Morgan, Robert, "Paul Thek", in: Arts Magazine, 64, 2, Oct 1988, pp. 103-104.*
Robinson, Walter/Lebowitz, Cathy, "Obituaries", in: Art in America, October 1988, p. 226.
SONTAG, 1988
Sontag, Susan, AIDS and Its Metaphors, New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1988.
LEVIN, 1989
Levin, Kim, "Rod Rhodes/Paul Thek", in: The Village Voice, Dec 12, 1989.*
NALLEY, 1989
Nalley, Tom, "Life Work", in: Out Week, Dec 10, 1989.*
NEW YORK, 1989
New York, Phyllis Kind Gallery (exh. cat.), "human concern/personal torment. The Grotesque in American Art" Revisited*: After the exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art, 14 October – 30 November 1969, curated by Robert Doty, ed. by Robert Doty and Phyllis Kind, New York: Phyllis Kind Gallery, 1989, p. 20.
Russell, John, "Rod Rhodes and Paul Thek: The Clocktower", in: The New York Times, Dec 8, 1989.*
COTTER, 1990
Cotter, Holland, "Thek’s Social Reliquaries", in: Art in America, 78, June 1990, pp. 132-142, 195-97, 205.
KACHUR, 1990
Kachur, Lewis, "Beauty is dead (That’s its beauty)", in: Art international, 33, 1990, pp. 62-65.
LEVIN, 1990
Levin, Kim, "Star Thek", in: The Voice, June 26, 1990, p. 91.
LEVIN, 1990
Levin, Kim, "Paul Thek", in: The Village Voice, July 3, 1990, p. 97.
McKenna, Kristine, "A Contemporary Assemblage of Politics, Desire", Los Angeles Times, Aug 21, 1990, p. F4.
"Paul Thek", in: Village Voice, July 3, 1990.*
ANDRE, 1991
Andre, Michael, "Paul Thek. Firecracker with the Fuse Burning", in: Cover, Nov 1991, p. 15.
COTTER, 1991
Cotter, Holland, "Paul Thek. To Be Innocent of Corruptions. Praise the Lord – Paul Thek", in: Parkett, 27, 1991, pp. 125-129/"Paul Thek. Frei sein von jeglicher Verdorbenheit. Gelobt sei der Herr – Paul Thek", in: Parkett, 27, 1991, pp. 130-135.
Gopnick, Adam, "Paul Thek", in: The New Yorker, Nov 11, 1991.*
Jaeckel, Claudia, "Paul Thek bei Carol Johnsson. Leben in Rosa", in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 12.11.1991.
KALINA, 1991
Kalina, Richard, "Real Dead", in: Arts Magazine, 66, 4, Dec 1991, pp. 48-53.
LEINZ, 1991
Leinz, Gottlieb, "Paul Thek. Oh come all ye faithfull, 1973", in: Bildhauerzeichnungen des Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museums Duisburg (exh. cat.), Duisburg: Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum 1991, pp. 92-93, 205.
LEVIN, 1991
Levin, Kim, "Paul Thek", in: The Village Voice, Nov 12, 1991.*
Milwaukee, Milwaukee Art Museum/Oklahoma, Oklahoma City Art Museum/Houston, Contemporary Art Museum (exh. cat.), Word as Image: American Art 1960-1990, with texts by Russell Bowman and Dean Sobel, Milwaukee: Milwaukee Art Museum/Oklahoma: Oklahoma City Art Museum/Houston: Contemporary Art Museum, 1991, pp. 90, fig. 121, 122.
SMITH, 1991
Smith, Roberta, "Paul Thek", in: The New York Times, Nov 8, 1991.*
AMMANN, 1992
Ammann, Jean-Christophe, "Ark, Pyramid, Easter", in: Turin, 1992, pp. 31-32, 43.
Cameron, Dan, "The Changing Tide", in: Art & Auction, Jan 1992."
KELLEY, 1992
Kelley, Mike, "Death and Transfiguration. A letter from America", in: Turin 1992, pp. 15-20, 39-43; "Tod und Erklärung. Ein Brief aus Amerika", in: Texte zur Kunst, 2, no. 8, Dec 1992, pp. 43-49; "Paul Thek, mort et transfiguration", in: art press, 183, Sept 1993, pp. 21-24.
LEVIN, 1992
Levin, Kim, "Mssr. B's Curio Shop", in: The Village Voice, July 14, 1992."
Magnani, Gregorio, "Paul Thek" in: Turin, 1992, pp. 9-12/38-39.
Mulatero, Ivana, "Castello di Rivera", in: Juliet, no. 60, Dec 1992, p. 68.*
NEW YORK, 1992
New York, Thread Waxing Space (exh. cat.), MSSR. B’s Curio Shop, New York: Thread Waxing Space, 1992.*
SMITH, 1992
Smith, Roberta, "The Curio Shop", in: The New York Times, July 3, 1992.*
TURIN, 1992
Turin, Castello di Rivara (exh. cat.), Paul Thek, texts by Jean-Christophe Ammann, Mike Kelly and Gregorio Magnani, Turin: Castello di Rivara, 1992.
Adolphs, Volker, Der Künstler und der Tod. Selbstdarstellungen in der Kunst des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, Köln: König, 1993.
ARNHEM, 1993
Arnhem, Gemeentemuseum (exh. cat.), The Uncanny, with a text by Mike Kelley, Gent: Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon/Los Angeles: Fred Hoffman, 1993, fig. 9, 21.*
BREMEN, 1993
Bremen, Kunsthalle (coll. cat.), Katalog der Neuerwerbungen und Schenkungen 1985-1993, ed. by Siegfried Salzmann and Heiderose Langer, Bremen: Kunsthalle, 1993, p. 130.
CHOON, 1993
Choon, Angela, "Not What You'd Expect", in: Art & Antiques, Dec 1993, p. 27.*
FRANKE, 1993
Franke, Marietta, Work in Progress – Art is Liturgy. Das historisch-prozessuale und betrachterbezogene Ausstellungskonzept von Paul Thek. Zu seinen Ausstellungen der sechziger und siebziger Jahre, Bern/Frankfurt: Lang, 1993.
FRANKE, 1993
"Franke, Marietta, "I don’t want to give myself to trash.. Eine Antwort auf den Artikel des Künstlers Mike Kelley über Paul Thek (1933-1988) ", in: Texte zur Kunst, 3, no. 9, 1993, pp. 153-156
Greenville, South Carolina, Greenville County Museum of Art (exh. cat.), Already Buddha, Greenville, South Caroline: Greenville County Museum of Art, 1993, p. 16.*
KASSEL, 1993
Kassel, Museum Fridericianum (exh. cat.), Nachtschattengewächse/The Nightshade Family, with texts by Diedrich Diedrichsen, Jan Avgikos, Veit Loers, Kassel: Museum Fredericianum, 1993, pp. 90-91.
KELLEY, 1993
Kelley, Mike, The Uncanny, Arnhem: Sonsbeek, 1993.*
KöLN, 1993
Köln, Diözesanmuseum (exh. cat.), Wiederbegegnung mit Unbekanntem. Ein Rundgang, Köln: Erzbischöfliches Diözesanmuseum, 1993, pp. 28-29.*
LEVIN, 1993
Levin, Kim, "Voice Choices", in: The Village Voice, Dec 28, 1993, pp. 67-68.*
MACK, 1993
Mack, Gerhard, "Gewürfelte Brocken aus Fleisch," in: Basler Zeitung, February, 1993.*
MAURER, 1993
Maurer, Simon, "Paul Thek at Mai 36 Galerie." Metropolis, no. 2, April 1993, p. 47.*
MIAMI, 1993
Miami-Dade, Community College (exh. cat.), Lucian Freud – Paul Thek: etchings, Miami: Miami-Dade Community College, Kendall Campus Art Gallery, 1993.*
NEW YORK, 1993
New York, Whitney Museum of American Art (exh. cat.), Abject Art: Repulsion and Desire in American Art, with texts Jack Ben-Levi, Leslie C. Jones and Simon Taylor, New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1993, pp. 11, 14, 104.
SMITH, 1993
Smith, Roberta, "Weekend", in: The New York Times, Jan 15, 1993.*
SMITH, 1993
Smith, Roberta, "Paul Thek: Painting from the 1970’s and 1980’s", in: The New York Times, December 10, 1993.*
"A Maverick Ahead of His Time", in: The Print Collector’s Newsletter, 23, no. 6, Jan/Feb 1993.*
TURIN, 1993
Turin, Castello di Rivara (exh. cat.), Viaggio a Los Angeles, with a text by Mike Kelley, Turin: Castello di Rivara, 1993.*
ZURICH, 1993
Zurich, Mai 36 Gallery (exh. cat.), Paul Thek. Skulpturen und Zeichnungen 1964-1976, Zurich 1993.*
Clarkson, David, "Paul Thek", in: Flash Art, 27, no. 175, March/April 1994, pp. 106-107.*
FRANKE, 1994
Franke, Marietta, "Paul Thek. Hommage an die Kinder, das Bild der geglückten Kindheit", in: Work in Progress, no. 2, Oct/Nov, 1994, pp. 6-9.*
Maryland, The Art Gallery, University of Maryland at College Park (exh. cat.), Significant Losses. Artists who have died from AIDS, Maryland: University of Maryland at College Park, 1994.*
Zürich, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst/Lugano, Museo cantonale d’Arte (exh. cat.), Contemporary Art from the Collection of the Federation of Migros Cooperatives, Zürich: Migros Genossenschaftsbund/Lugano: Museu Cantonale d’Arte, 1994, pp. 62-63, 152-153.
Armstrong, Elizabeth, "Paul Thek. Witte De With Rotterdam", in: Artforum, Nov. 1995, pp. 86-87.
BECKER, 1995
Becker, Jochen, "Bandmodell für das Ausstellungwesen. 'The wonderful world that almost was': Eine Paul-Thek-Retrospektive in der Berliner Nationalgalerie", in: die tageszeitung, 11.12.1995, p. 16.
BRAUN, 1995
Braun, Alexander, "Paul Thek. Silence. Silence. Silence", in: Artis, 47, Dec. 1995/Jan. 1996, pp. 56-61.
COTTER, 1995
Cotter, Holland, "Paul Thek’s Time", in: Rotterdam/Berlin/Barcelona/Marseilles 1995/96, pp. 168-174.
FLOOD, 1995
Flood, Richard, "Slow. Fade.", in: Rotterdam/Berlin/Barcelona/Marseilles 1995/96, pp. 113-118.
FRANKE, 1995
Franke, Marietta, " ‘Be Abstraced’. On Paul Thek’s Artistic Oeuvre", in: Rotterdam/Berlin/Barcelona/Marseilles 1995/96, pp. 145-156.
Meschede, Friedrich, "Paul Thek", in: Neue Bildende Kunst, Dec/Jan 1995, pp. 48-53.
MORGAN, 1995
"Morgan, Stuart, "Paul Thek. The Man Who Couldn’t Get Up", in: frieze, 24, Sept/Oct 1995, pp. 47-51
Quaytman, Rebecca, "The notebooks of Paul Thek: The Public Hare, The Ego Boom, The Lives and Dialogues, Tales the Tortoise Taught Us, in: Rotterdam/Berlin/Barcelona/Marseilles 1995/96, pp. 11-12.
ROME, 1995
Rome, Because I Love Gallery (exh. cat.), Paul Thek. Opere Scelte, ed. by Guido Novi, with a text by Barbara Tosi, Rome/Grotte di Castro, 1995.
"Selected Confessions. A Narrative Biography", in: Rotterdam/Berlin/Barcelona/Marseilles 1995/96, pp. 185-194.
Rotterdam, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art/Berlin, Neue Nationalgalerie/Barcelona, Fundació Antoni Tàpies/Marseilles, MAC Galeries contemporaines des Musées de Marseilles, Paul Thek – The Wonderful World that Almost Was: Snap! Crackle! Pop! Was! Touch me not!, ed. by Louise Neri and Barbara von Kooji, n.p.,1995.
RUMP, 1995
Rump, Gerhard Charles, "Mensch Maschine: Paul Thek neu entdeckt", in: Die Welt, June 24, 1995.
Schmitz, Rudolf, "Paul Thek, Bericht van een erfenis", in: Archis, June, 1995, pp. 60-65.
Szeemann, Harald, "Postscript, March 1995", in: Rotterdam/Berlin/Barcelona/Marseille 1995/96, pp. 88-89.
THEK, 1995
Thek, Paul, "96 Sacraments", in: Rotterdam/Berlin/Barcelona/Marseille 1995/96, pp. 137-143.
THEK, 1995
Thek, Paul, "Teaching Notes: 4-Dimensional Design", in: Rotterdam/Berlin/Barcelona/Marseille 1995/96, pp. 165-167.
Tietenberg, Annette, "Die heissen Kartoffeln des Lazarus", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 7.7.1995, p.35.
TOSI, 1995
Tosi, Barbara, "Paul Thek", in: Because I love Gallery, Rome (exh. cat.), Paul Thek. Opere Scelte, ed. by Guido Novi, Grotte di Castro/Rome, n.p.
Von Radziewsky, Elke, "Der ewige Demonstrant, damals", in: Die Zeit, 7.7.1995.
WIEN, 1995
Wien, Kunsthalle/Wien, Graphische Sammlung Albertina (exh. cat.), Glaube, Hoffnung, Liebe, Tod, eb. By Christoph Geimmar-Brandi and Eleonora Louis, Wien: Kunsthalle/Wien: Graphische Sammlung Albertina, 1995/6, pp. 202-205.
WILSON, 1995
Wilson, Ann, "Voices of the Era", in: Rotterdam/Berlin/Barcelona/Marseille 1995/96, pp. 57-69.
BOSTON, 1996
Boston, Boston Center for the Art, The Archive Project (exh. cat.), Art’s Communities/AIDS’ Communities realizing, Boston: Boston Center for the Art, 1996.*
BRAUN, 1996
Braun, Alexander, "Die wunderbare Welt des Paul Thek", in: Kunstforum, no. 132, Nov/Jan 1996, pp. 228-253.
Descombes, Mireille, "Paul Thek ressuscite à Zurich", in: L’Hebdo, July 18, 1996.
Gerster, Ulrich, "Wenn der Fischmann fliegt. Paul Thek – eine Retrospektive in Zürich", in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, July 17, 1996.
GMELIN, 1996
Gmelin, Felix, "The wonderful world that always was", in: Material, no. 28, Winter, 1996, p. 9.
Groenenboom, Roland, "Paul Thek. A Station of the Cross" (exh. leaflet), Rotterdam: Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, 1996, n.p.
Kurjakovic, Daniel, "Paul Thek im Museum für Gegenwartskunst und der Kunsthalle", in: Kunst-Bulletin, 9, 1996, p. 49.
KöLN, 1996
Köln, Museum Ludwig (coll. cat.), Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts. Museum Ludwig Köln, Köln: Taschen Verlag, 1996, pp. 708-709.
LANDI, 1996
Landi, Ann, "Ripe for Rediscovery", in: Artnews, Nov 1996, pp. 120.*
Liebmann, Lisa, "Cover Story. What the Butler Saw: Selected Writings of Stuart Morgan", in: Bookforum, summer 1996, p. 21.*
MACK, 1996
Mack, Gerhard, "Pendeln zwischen Kitsch und Kunst", in: St. Galler Tagblatt, August 7, 1996.
MAURER, 1996
Maurer, Simon, "Kosmische Haufen", in: Züritip, July 5, 1996.
NIGG, 1996
Nigg, Marie-Louise, "Ringo Starr als Reliquie", in: Zürichsee-Zeitung, July 20, 1996.
Pallini, Stéphanie, "Paul Thek, artiste de la désillusion", in: Journal de Genève, July 23, 1996.
Puvogel, Renate, "Paul Thek", in: Kunstforum, no. 132, Nov/Jan 1996, pp. 357-358.
Scheidemann, Christian M., "Paul Thek, ‘Fishman’, 1968", in: Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung, 10, vol. 2, 1996, pp. 286-293.
Vachtova, Ludmila, "Des letzten Hippies blaue Träume", in: Die Weltwoche, July 18, 1996.
VOGEL, 1996
Vogel, Wolfram, "Die Zeit ist ein Fluss", in: Südkurier, July 18, 1996.
Von Däniken, Hans-Peter, "Schwimmen, fliegen, treiben", in: Tages-Anzeiger, July 8, 1996.
Washington, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution (exh. cat.), The Collection Reviewed: Contemporary Art, Washington: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, 1996.*
Washington, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution (exh. cat.), Recent Acquisitions: 1992-1996, Washington: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, 1996.*
Weintraub, Linda, "Ephemerality: Paul Thek", in: Weintraub, Linda, Art on the Edge and Over. Searching for Art’s Meaning in Contemporary Society 1970s-1990s, Litchfield, CT: Art Insights, Inc., 1996, pp. 231-235.
BONN, 1997
Bonn, Kunst- und Ausstellunghalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (exh. cat.), Die grossen Sammlungen XX. Die Kunsthalle Bremen zu Gast in Bonn. Meisterwerke aus sechs Jahrhunderten, Bonn: Kunst- und Ausstellunghalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1997/8.*
COTTER, 1997
Cotter, Holland, "Ideas From the Air, Wrapped in Paper", in: The New York Times, Dec 19, 1997, p. E39.
DAMEN, 1997
Damen, Louis, "A Station of the Cross: reinstallation av Paul Thek", in: UKS. Forum for Samtidskunst, pt. 1-2, 1997, pp.12-14.
KNOTT, 1997
Knott, Marie Luise, "Liebe, nichts als Liebe. Gedanken über Liebe, Gebürtigkeit und Sterblichkeit anlässlich der Installationen des verstorbenen US-amerikanischen Knslters Paul Thek", in: tag, 20./21.12.1997.
KöLN, 1997
Köln, Diözesanmuseum (exh. cat.), Paul Thek, Köln: Diözesanmuseum, 1997.
Plotzek, Joachim, "Paul Thek", in: Köln: n.p., 1997.
SEARLE, 1997
Searle, Adrian, "It came from Planet Blah", in: The Guardian, Feb 1997, p. 14.*
Washington, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution (coll. cat.), 150 Works of Art, Washington, D.C.: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, 1997.*
Washington, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution (coll. cat.), The Hirshhorn Collects, Washington, D.C.: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, 1997.*
Wittmann, Philipp, "Paul Thek und die ars moriendi. Das ‘heißeste Thema’ der Kunst", in: Kunst und Kirche, April, 1997, pp. 214-216.
BREMEN, 1998
Bremen, Kunsthalle (coll. cat.), Meisterwerke. Gemälde, Skulpturen, Pastelle und Neue Medien, vol. I, Bremen: Kunstverein/Kunsthalle, 1998, pp. 312-313.
Chicago, The Arts Club of Chicago (exh. cat.), Paul Thek. Paintings, Works on Paper and Notebooks 1970-1988, with texts by Kathy Cottong and Michael Klein, Chicago: The Arts Club of Chicago, 1998/99.
Cottong, Kathy, "Paul Thek 1933-1988", in: Chicago 1998/99, pp. 3-8.
Duisburg, Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum (coll. cat.), Bestandeskatalog des Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museums, ed. by Christoph Brockhaus, Duisburg, 1998, pp. 271-273.
KLEIN, 1998
Klein, Michael, "Timely and Timeless: A Memoir", in: Chicago 1998/99, pp. 13-18.
RICKEY, 1998
Rickery, Carrie, "The Show of Shows", in: The Philadelphia Inquirer. Inquirer Magazine, Oct 18, 1998, pp. 13-14.
Sozanski, Edward J., "The ICA at 35, looks back on its glory days", in: The Philadelphia Inquirer, Sept 20, 1998.
SWARTZ, 1998
Swartz, Mark, "In His Own Worlds. Paul Thek at the Arts Club of Chicago", in: Chicago Reader, Dec 18, 1998, p. 46.
TEUBER, 1998
Teuber, Dirk, "Reliquiare und Prozessionen. Hintergründe zu Paul Theks Werk zwischen 1966-1968", in: Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden (exh. cat.), Der unendliche Raum dehnt sich aus. Das Diözesanmuseum Köln zu Gast in der Staatlichen Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden/Köln 1998, pp. 25-30.
FLOOD, 1999
Flood, Richard, Richard Flood discusses Paul Thek’s “Hippopotamus” from Technological Reliquaries (1965), 1999.
GERMER, 1999
Germer, Stefan, Full Fathom Five My Father Lies. Vermutungen zur Aktualität Paul Theks, in: Germeriana. Unveröffentlichte oder übersetzte Schriften von Stefan Germer zur zeitgenössischen und modernen Kunst, ed. by Julia Bernard, (Jahresring 46. Jahrbuch für Moderne Kunst), Köln: Oktagon, 1999, pp. 121-133.
Greensboro, Weatherspoon Art Gallery (exh. cat.), Highlights from the Dillard Collection of Art on Paper. Drawing across the Century, Greensboro (North Carolina): Weatherspoon Art Gallery, 1999/2000.*
HEAD, 1999
Head, Tim, "A Casual Acquantance with the Early Work of Paul Thek", in: London/Dublin: n.p., 1999.
LEVIN, 1999
Levin, Kim, "Shortlist: Paul Thek", in: The Village Voice, no. 8, March 2, 1999, pp. 88.*
London, Camden Arts Center/Dublin: Douglas Hyde Gallery (exh. cat.), Paul Thek, texts by Mac Giolla Léith, Simon Morrisey and Tim Head, London: Camden Arts Center, 1999.
"Mac Giolla Léith, Caoimhín, "A student in the school for fallen boys", in: Dublin, The Douglas Hyde Gallery (exh. leaflet)
MAIER, 1999
Maier, Anne, "Paul Thek", in: Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, München: Weltkunst/Bruckmann, edition 46, notebook 15, 1999.
Morrissey, Simon, "Meeting Paul – Death Valley, Arizona, September 1992", in: London/Dublin: n.p., 1999/2000.
Morrissey, Simon, "Myth as Material", in: Contemporary Visual Arts, 26, winter 1999, pp. 40-45.
NEW YORK, 1999
New York, Whitney Museum of American Art (exh. cat.), The American Century: Art & Culture 1950-2000, vol. II, ed. by Lisa Phillips, New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1999/2000, pp. 181, 327, fig. p. 182.
PALMER, 1999
Palmer, Laurie, "Paul Thek: The Arts Club of Chicago", in: Frieze, 45, March/April 1999, pp. 86-87.
RUGOFF, 1999
Rugoff, Ralph, "Anti-heroic Art of Decay and Bathos", in: Financial Times, Dec 18-19, 1999, p. 7.
Schmerler, Sarah, "Paul Thek: Selected Drawings 1966-1988", in: Art On Paper, 3, no. 5, May/June 1999, pp. 64-65.
Schwendener, Martha, "Paul Thek, ‘Selected Drawings, 1966-1988’ ", in: Time Out New York, March 4-11, 1999, p. 58.
SIEGEL, 1999
Siegel, Katy, "Paul Thek: Paintings, Works on Paper and Notebooks, 1970-1988", in: Artforum, 37, no. 7, March 1999, p. 111.
Zdenovics, Olga, "Reviews", in: Art Papers Magazine, May/June 1999, p. 52.*
DALY, 2000
Daly, Catherine, "Paul Thek", in: The Irish Times, March 26, 2000.*
Duisburg, Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum (coll. cat.), Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum Duisburg, ed. by Christoph Brockhaus, München/London/New York: Prestel Verlag, 2000, p. 82.
KENT, 2000
Kent, Sarah, "False perspectives: Two artists who spend time on the phoney", in: Time Out London, January 12-19, 2000. p. 50.
Marcelis, Bernard, "Ghent Gets a Proper SMAK", in: Art Press, 253, January 2000, pp. 62-65.*
MüNCHEN, 2000
München, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau/München, Kunstverein/München, Siemens Kulturprogramm/Baden-Baden, Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden/Innsbruck, Galerie im Taxispalais (exh. cat.), Die verletzte Diva. Hysterie, Körper, Technik in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts, ed. by Sylvia Eiblmayr, Dirk Snauwaert, Ulrich Wilmes, Matthias Winzen, texts by Christina von Braun, Elisabeth Bronfen, Silvia Eiblmayr, Gilles Deleuze, Georges Didi-Hubermann, Peter Gorsen, Thomas Lischeid, Käte Meyer-Drawe, Irit Rogoff, Karin Sagner-Düchting, Klaus Theweleit, Matthias Winzen, Slavoj Žižek, Köln: Oktagon, 2000, pp. 258-259.
"Preview: Winter 2001. Minneapolis Painting at The Edge of the World", in: Artforum, January 2001, p. 47.*
Berwick, Carly, "The Changing of the Guards", in: ARTNews, 100, no. 3, March 2001, pp. 148-151.*
DUBLIN, 2001
Dublin, The Douglas Hyde Gallery (exh. cat.), Patmos, with a text by John Hutchinson, Dublin: The Douglas Hyde Gallery, 2001.*
GIONI, 2001
Gioni, Massimiliano, "Painting at the Edge of the World", in: Flash Art, 34, No. 218, May/June 2001, p. 147.*
Adventures in Art, 40 Years at Pace, edited by Mildred Glimcher with contextural recollections by Arne Glimcher, Milan: Leonardo International, 2001.
KASSEL, 2001
Kassel, Museum Fridericianum (exh. cat.), Wiedervorlage d5. Eine Befragung des Archivs zur documenta 1972, ed. by Roland Nachtigäller, Friedhelm Scharf, Karin Stengel, Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatja Cantz Verlag, 2001, pp. 128, 129, 139.
Kimmelman, Michael, "Digestion as Art? In Vienna? Kunsthalle Quickly Gets Attention in New Museums Quarter," in: New York Times, May 31, 2001, p. E1, E3.*
Minneapolis, Walker Art Center (exh. cat.), Painting at the Edge of the World, ed. by Douglas Fogle, Minneapolis: Walker Art Center, 2001, pp. 18-22, 342-345.
NEW YORK, 2001
New York, White Box (exh. cat.), Prodigal Prodigy, New York: White Box, 2001.*
NEW YORK, 2001
New York, The Whitney Museum of American Art (collection cat.), American Visionaries. Selections from the Whitney Museum of American Art, with an introduction by Maxwell L. Anderson, New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 2001, pp. 25, 306.
WIEN, 2001
Wien, Kunsthalle (exh. cat.), Eine barocke Party. Augenblicke des Welttheaters in der zeitgenössischen Kunst: Dinos und Jake Chapman, Wim Deloye, Ulrike Grossharth, Yvonne Rainer, Sam Taylor-Wood, Paul Thek, ed. by Sabine Folie and Michael Glasmeier, Wien: Kunsthalle, 2001, pp. 212-248, 259-261.
Williams, Gregory: "Conserving Latex and Liverwurst: An interview with Christian Scheidemann", in: Cabinet, 2, 2001.
WILSON, 2001
Wilson, Ann, "Mare tenebrarum – Meer der Finsternis", in: Wien, Kunshalle (exh. cat.), Eine barocke Party. Augenblicke des Welttheaters in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, Wien: Kunsthalle, 2001, pp. 226-235.
Zahlten, Johannes, " ‘Heilige Leiber’. Reliquien, Prozessionen, barocke Religiosität", in: Wien, Kunshalle (exh. cat.), Eine barocke Party. Augenblicke des Welttheaters in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, Wien: Kunsthalle, 2001, pp. 218-225.
Copenhagen, Charlottenborg Udstillingsbygning (exh. cat.), My Head is on Fire but my Heart is Full of Love, ed. by Will Bradley, Henriette Bretton-Meyer, Tony Webster, Copenhagen: Charlottenborg Udstillingsbygning, 2002, pp. 19, 98.
COTTER, 2002
Cotter, Holland, " ‘A Document Made by Paul Thek and Edwin Klein’ ", in: The New York Times, Dec 20, 2002, p. E44.
Dezeuze, Anna, "The Object Sculpture", in: Art Monthly, July/August 2002, p. 257-259.
LEEDS, 2002
Leeds, Henry Moore Institute (exh. cat.), The Object Sculpture, with texts by Penelope Curtis and Vanessa Adler, Leeds: Henry Moore Institute, 2002, pp. 86-91.
MORTON, 2002
Morton, Tom, "The Object Sculpture", in: frieze, 69, Sept 2002, p. 103.
Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen (exh. cat.), Imagine, You Are Standing Here in Front of Me. Caldic Collectie, ed. by Jaap Buldemond, Rotterdam: Nai Publishers 2002, p. 80.
STAHL, 2002
Stahl, Johannes, "Installation", in: DuMont Begriffslexikon zur zeitgenössischen Kunst, ed. by Hubertus Butin, Köln: DuMont, 2002, pp. 122-126, at 124.
WEIMAR, 2002
Weimar, ACC Galerie Weimar/Weimar, Kolleg Friedrich Nitzsche, Steiftung Weimarer Klassik und Kunstsammlungen (exh. cat.), Über MENSCHEN. Zur Zukunft des Humanen, ed. by Andrea Dietrich, Julia Draganovi? and Justus H. Ulbricht, Jena: Glaux Verlag Christine Jäger KG, 2003, pp. 96-99.
WILSON, 2002
Wilson, Michael, "From the Observatory", in: frieze, 68, June/July/Aug 2002, pp. 119-120.
Dannatt, Adrian, "What’s On", in: The Art Newspaper, Feb 2003, p. 3.
Diederichsen, Diedrich, "A Fan’s Notes – Diedrich Diederichsen on Mike Kelley’s Writings", in: Artforum, Jan. 2003, pp. 33-34.
FYFE, 2003
Fyfe, Joe, "Paul Thek at Alexander and Bonin and with Edwin Klein at Janos Gat", in: Art in America, July 2003, p. 89, 91.
Kelley, Mike, Welchman, John C. (Hrsg.): Foul Perfection: Essays and Criticism, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press 2003.
KLEIN, 2003
Klein, Edwin, A Document 2 and 3 made by Paul Thek and Edwin Klein, New York: Janos Gat Gallery, 2003.
Laubard, Charlotte/Parisi, Chiara, et al., Great Expectations, Pescara: Fuoriuso, 2003.*
Montreal, The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts/Dallas, Dallas Museum of Art (exh. cat.), Global Village: The 1960s, ed. by Stéphane Aquin, with texts by Stéphane Aquin and Anna Detheridge, Montreal: The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 2003, pp. 15, 150, 200.
"Munder, Heike/Budak, Adam, "An Immense Museum of Strangeness. Department of Spatial Fantasies", in: Zürich/Ddansk 2003, pp. 21-29
NEW YORK, 2003
New York, Paula Cooper Gallery (exh. cat.), After the Observatory, with a text by Robert Nickas and pictures Louise Lawler, New York: Paul Cooper Gallery, 2003, n.p.
NICKAS, 2003
Nickas, Robert: After the Observatory, New York: Paula Cooper Gallery 2003.
Rebentisch, Juliane, Ästhetik der Installation, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2003, p. 178.
Rimanelli, David, "Time Capsules. 1986-1990", in: Artforum, April 2003, pp. 87-112.
STRONG, 2003
Strong, Lester, "Interrupted Lives: Canceled Visions", in: A&U, 100, Feb 2003, p. 29.
"Voice Choices", in: The Village Voice, Feb 12-18, 2003, p. 107.
Zürich, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunt/Gdansk, ?a?nia Centre for Contemporary Art (exh. cat.), Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered. Spacial Emotion in Contemporary Art and Architecture, ed. by Heike Munder and Adam Budak, Zürich: Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst/Gdansk: ?a?nia Centre for Contemporary Art, 2003, pp. 3, 26-27, 129, 180, 188.
BEIL, 2004
Beil, Ralph, Künstlerküche. Lebensmittel als Kunstmaterial – Von Schiele bis Jason Rhoades, Köln: DuMont, 2004, pp. 275-276, 294.
Christopori, Ralf, Paul Thek, in: Frieze, 85, Sept 2004, p. 130-131.
COTTER, 2004
Cotter, Holland: »Harrell Fletcher, in: New York Times, 28.5.2004.
Duisburg, Stiftung Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum - Zentrum Internationaler Skulptur (exh. cat.): Stadtlicht Lichtkunst. Ein Projekt der Initiative Stadtbaukultur des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, ed. by Christoph Brockhaus, Duisburg: Stiftung Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, 2004, p. 104-105.
Fuori uso alla XIV edizione«, in: Flash Art Italia, 243, December 2003–January 2004, p. 66.
Heartney, Eleanor, "The Well-Tempered Biennal", in: Art in America, June/July 2004, p. 71-77.
KELLEY, 2004
Kelley, Mike: The Uncanny, Köln: Walther König 2004.
NEW YORK, 2004
New York, New Museum of Contemporary Art (exh. cat.), East Village USA, with texts by Can Cameron, Liza Kirmin and Alan W. Moore, New York: New Museum of Contemporary Art, 2004, p. 126.
Plotzek, Joachim M: »Ein tragbarer Ozean«, in: Weltkunst, 74, 4, April, 2004, p. 170.
Poetter, Jochen, DuMont Schnellkurs Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert, Köln: DuMont, 2004, pp. 150-152, 226.
Scanlan, Joe: »Artist Curates: DIY«, in: Artforum, 42, 6, February, 2004, p. 133–39-
Schneede, Marina, Mit Haut und Haaren. Der Körper in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, Köln: DuMont, 2004, pp. 118, 122, fig. pp. 118, 122-125.
SMITH, 2004
Smith, Roberta, "Looking Back At the Flurry On the Far Side", in: The New York Times, Dec 10, 2004, p. E35.*
Villani, Andrea, "Paul Thek", in: Flash Art, Oct/Nov 2004, pp. 140-142.*
Paul Thek's ›Warrior's Leg, ...., in: Washington Post, 11.1.2004.
Wittmann, Philipp, Paul Thek. Vom Frühwerk zu den "Technologishen Reliquaren" mit einem Verzeichnis der Werke 1947-1967, Friedland: K. Bielefeld, 2004.
BISHOP, 2005
Bishop, Claire, Installation Art. A Critical History, London: Tate Publishing, 2005, p. 28, 31-32, 41, 44.
BONAMI, 2005
Bonami, Francesco (Hrsg.): Bidibidobidibo: Works from Collezione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Milan: Skira 2005.
COTTER, 2005
Cotter, Holland, "Probing Fringes, Finding Stars", in: The New York Times, April 15, 2005, pp. E31, E33.
Dermisache, Mirtha, Hatherly, Ana, Pinheiro, Jorge (Hrsg.): Da escrita á figura: Desenhos da colecção da Fundação de Serralves, Lissabon: Assírio and Alvim 2005.
Edwards, Owen, "Casualty of War", in: Smithsonian, May 2005, pp. 34-36.
FLOOD, 2005
Flood, Richard, An Artist and His Doppelgangers, 9.2005
KASSEL, 2005
Kassel, Kunsthalle Fridericianum (exh. cat.), archive in motion. documenta Manual, 50 years documenta 1955-2005, ed. by Michael Glasmeier/Karin Stengel, Göttingen: Steidl, 2005, p. 248.
KASSEL, 2005
Kassel, Kunsthalle Fridericianum (exh. cat.), 50 Jahre / Years documenta. Diskrete Energien Discreet Energies, ed. by Michael Glasmeier, Göttingen: Steidl, 2005, pp. 138-139.
KOLD, 2005
Kold, Anders: »Fra arkivet«, in: Numer, 66, April, 2005, p. 15.
Minneapolis, Walker Art Center (coll. cat.), Bits & Pieces Put Together to Present a Semblance of a Whole: Walker Art Center Collections, ed. by Joan Rothfuss and Elisabeth Carpenter, Minneapolis: Walker Art Center, 2005, pp. 549-551.
Neubauer, Susanne, Collection Lab: An exemplary presentation. Paul Thek Luzern 1973/2005, Lucerne: Museum of Art, 2005.
Scheidemann, Christian: »Men at Work: The Significance of Material in the Collaboration Between Artist and Fabricator in the 1960s and 1970s«, in: Hummelen, Ijsbrand (Hrsg.), Modern art: who cares?: an interdisciplinary research project and an International Symposium on the Conservation of Modern and Contemporary Art, London: Archetype Publ. 2005, p. 242-246.
SCHIFF, 2005
Schiff, Hajo: »Der Kunstableger: Ein sehenswerter, freilich subjektiver Kunst-Querschnitt solitärer Werke«, in: Die Tageszeitung, 17.9.2005.
Tietenberg, Annette, Konstruktionen des Weiblichen. Eva Hesse: ein Künstlerinnenmythos des 20. Jahrhunderts, Stuttgart: Reimer, 2005, pp. 52, 58, 78, 98.
ALLGåRDH, 2006
Allgårdh, Sophie: »Storartad kroppskonst i stelnad form«, in: Svenska Dagbladet, 8.8.2006.
BERN, 2006
Bern, Kunstmuseum (exh. cat.), Six Feet Under - Autopsie unseres Umgangs mit Toten, ed. by Kunstmuseum Luzern, with texts by E. Bronfen, B. Fibicher, M. Frehner, S. Friedli, T. Macho, H. Lutz, R. Tschumi, H.C. von Tavel, Leipzig/Bielefeld: Kerber Verlag, 2006.
Biesenbach, Klaus (Hrsg.): Into Me/Out of Me, Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz 2006.
Plane/Figure: Amerikanische Kunst aus Schweizer Privatsammlungen und aus dem Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Düsseldorf: Heinrich Winterscheidt 2006.
HARRIS, 2006
Harris, Jane: »Into Me/Out of Me«, in: Time Out New York, 10.-16.8.2006.
KöLN, 2006
Köln, Museum Ludwig (exh. cat.), Das achte Feld. Geschlechter, Leben und Begehren in der Kunst seit 1960/The Eight Square. Gender, Life, and Desire in the Arts since 1960, ed. by Frank Wagner, Kasper König, Julia Friedrich, Ostfildern: Hatja Cantz, 2006, pp. 32, 33, 38, 39, 155, 210, 211.
NEW YORK, 2006
Matthew Marks Gallery (bro.), Small Sculpture, New York: Matthew Marks Gallery, 2006, n.p.
STUDER, 2006
Studer, Peter, Restaurierung, Rekonstruktion und Recht, in: Kunst-Bulletin, 1/2, 2006, pp. 72-75.
Bentley, Kyle, "Paul Thek. Alexander and Bonin", in: Artforum, Summer, 2007, p. 499.
Bezzola, Tobia, Kurzmeyer, Roman (Hrsg.): Harald Szeemann: With By Through Because Towards Despite: Catalogue of All Exhibitions, 1957–2005, Zürich: Edition Voldemeer 2007.
Margrit Brehm/Axel Heil/Roberto Ohrt, Paul Thek. Tales the Tortoise Taught Us, Karlsruhe: ZKM/Hamburg: Sammlung Falckenberg, 2007.
de Rochebouet, Béatrice: »Art Contemporain: Place aux jeunes«, in: Le Figaro, 14.9.2007
Diederichsen, Diedrich, "Amerikanischer Surrealismus als Asyl. Kritik und Verklärung in Goth und anderen Schattenbewegungen"/"American Surrealism as Asylum. Critique and Glorification in Goth and Other Shadowy Movements", in: Text zur Kunst, 3, no. 65, 2007, pp. 93-97/149-152.
Georgsdorf, Heiner (ed.), Arnold Bode. Schriften und Gespräche, Berlin: Siebanhaar, 2007, pp. 252, 269, 270.
Kimpel, Harald/Stengel, Karin, 4. documenta. Internationale Ausstellung. Eine fotografische Rekonstruktion, Schriftenreihe des documente Archivs, Band 17, Bremen: Edition Temmen, 2007, p. 218.
Lequeux, Emmanuelle: »›The Third Mind‹: Dans le cerveau d'Ugo Rondinone«, in: Beaux Arts Magazine, 279, September, 2007, p. 88–95.
Lequeux, Emmanuelle: »Exposition: L'art contemporain selon Rondinone«, in: Le Monde, 12.10.2007.
MüLLER, 2007
Müller, Dominikus: »True Lies: ›Neolithic Porns‹ bei Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin«, in: Artnet Magazin, 20.12.2007, http://www.artnet.de/magazine/reviews/mueller/mueller12-20-07.asp.
PATZER, 2007
Patzer, Georg: »Das Fleisch an der Kunst: Eine Welt voller Verfall und Tod und privatmystischer Andeutungen: ›Paul Thek – Werkschau im Kontext zeitgenössischer Kunst‹ im Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe«, in: Die Tageszeitung, 21.12.2007.
SMITH, 2007
Smith, Roberta: »A Point in Space Is a Place for an Argument«, in: New York Times, 20.7.2007.
Schreiber, Daniel: Susan Sontag. Geist und Glamour, Berlin: Aufbau-Verlag, 2007.
Schurch, Felix: »Newspaper Paintings«, in: Praxis, 10.10.2007.
Szeemann, Harald, with by through because towards despite. Catalogue of all exhibitions 1957-2005, ed. by Tobia Bezzola/Roman Kurzmeyer, Zürich: Edition Voldemeer/Wien, New York: Springer, 2007, pp. 313, 336, 420, 426.
TALBOT, 2007
Talbot, Emily: »Paul Thek«, in: Time Out New York, 3.-9.5.2007.
WAGNER, 2007
Wagner, Thomas, "Fleisch auf Michelangelos Panzer", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 28.12.207, S. 33.
WAHLER, 2007
Wahler, Marc-Olivier (ed.): PALAIS/MAGAZINE 04: Carte Blanche à Ugo Rondinone, Herbst, 2007.
WILSON, 2007
Structure and Creativity, Wege zur Architektur (http://issuu.com/fsb.de/docs/structure_and_creativity) (2.2010)
AMADO, 2008
Amado, Miguel: »Life On Mars: 55th Carnegie International«, in: Flash Art, 41, July–September, 2008, p. 241, 244.
AMMANN, 2008
Ammann, Jean-Christophe: »Ark, Pyramid, Easter« [1973], in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 292-293.
Baumgart, Urike: »›Things are going to happen...‹. The Processual Aspect of Paul Thek's Newspaper Paintings«, in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 200-207.
BOCK, 2008
Bock, John: John Bock: Klütterkammer, Köln: Walther König 2008.
BOULBèS, 2008
Boulbès, Carole: »Paul Thek dans le contexte de l'art actuel: ZKM«, in: Art Press, 344, April, 2008, pp. 74–76.
BOZEN, 2008
Periferer Blick und kollektiver Körper, ed. by Corinne Disserens, Bozen: Museion – Museum für moderne und zeitgenössische Kunst, 2008.
Bradley, Joe: »Salon XXIV«, in: The Journal, 2008, pp. 77–108.
BREHM, 2008
Brehm, Margit: »›Dear Baby – Dear Sister – Dear Susan‹. Excerpts from Paul Thek's Letters to Susan Sontag«, in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 296-311.
BREHM, 2008
Brehm, Margit: »›Wish bon voyage‹. Excerpts from Paul Thek's Letters to Peter Hujar«, in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 312-330.
BREHM, 2008
Brehm, Margrit: »›Keep trying to get IN not OUT‹. Paul Thek in the Context of American Art, 1964-1967«, in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 70-95.
Briegleb, Till, "Kunst ohne Heilung", in: Art, 1, 2008, S. 74-80.
Briegleb, Till: »Kunst ohne Heilung«, in: Art: Das Kunstmagazin, 1, Januar, 2008, pp. 74–80.
BROCK, 2008
Brock, Bazon: »The Work in Progress Aims at Regress. Coffin, Shelter, Series of Designer Chairs, Pilot Fish, and Other Things of Beauty as Reference to the Art Works by Paul Thek that Never Existed«, in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 56-69.
Delehanty, Suzanne: »Thek's Comet/Paul Thek: Seeking the Way« [2008/1977], in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 262-283.
Dercon, Chris, Hiller, Susan, Lingwood, James, Scheidemann, Christian: »Remaking Art? A Panel Discussion« [1995], in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 402-416.
Falckenberg, Harald: »Freedom is first of all Freedom from Identification«, in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter (Hrsg.), Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 17-36.
Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter (Hrsg.): Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008.
FOGLE, 2008
Fogle, Douglas (Hrsg.): Life on Mars: 55th Carnegie International, Pittsburgh: Carnegie Museum of Art, 2008.
FRANKE, 2008
Franke, Marietta: »›The Creative Idea Remains...‹. On the Interweaving of Childhood, the Psychological Factor, and Society in the Work of Paul Thek«, in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 186-199.
GERMER, 2008
Germer, Stefan: »Full Fathom Five My Father Lies. Speculations about Paul Thek's Contemporaneousness« [1996], in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 240-253.
GORDON, 2008
Gordon, Kim: »I wanted to paint a landscape«, in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 136-139.
GRAW, 2008
Graw, Isabelle: »Marktforschung mit Hirtenstab«, in: taz Tageszeitung, 12.2.2008.
Groenenboom, Roland: »›Things Growing Are Not Ripe Until Their Season‹. Birth, Development, and Waning of Collaborative and Process-based Environments in the Œuvre of Paul Thek, 1968-1973«, in: Falkenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 150-168.
HAFNER, 2008
Hafner, Hans-Jürgen: »Der Mythos-Reflex«, in: artnet, 8.10.2008, http://www.artnet.de/magazine/harald-falckenberg-peter-weibel-hg-paul-thek-artists-artist/
HEIL, 2008
Heil, Axel: »This Is the End - The Tomb and Its Metamorphosis«, in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 97-119.
HEISER, 2008
Heiser, Jörg: »55th Carnegie International«, in: Frieze, 117, September, 2008, pp. 187–188.
Herstatt, Claudia: »Eine Dampfwalze auf der Überholspur«, in: Weltkunst, 78, 4, April, 2008, pp. 23–26.
HüBL, 2008
Hübl, Michael: »Paul Thek: Werkschau im Kontext zeitgenössischer Kunst: ›Romantiker der Beat Generation.‹« in: Kunstforum International, 190, März–April, 2008, pp. 361–62.
KELLEY, 2008
Kelley, Mike: »Death and Transfiguration – A Letter from America« [1992], in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 254-261.
KLEIN, 2008
Klein, Edwin: »A Document Made by Paul Thek and Edwin Klein« in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 350-357.
KUNITZ, 2008
Kunitz, Daniel: »Painting Pushes Its Limits«, in: New York Sun, 14.8.2008.
LAMM, 2008
Lamm, April Elizabeth: »Agents for Zeitgeist Guesswork«, in: Sleek, Frühling, 2008, pp. 204–15.
LAMM, 2008
Lamm, April Elizabeth: »Paul Thek«, in: Frieze, 115, May, 2008, p. 181.
LüSCHER, 2008
Lüscher, Ingeborg: »Magician-Photo No. 179« [1980], in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 290-291.
MILLER, 2008
Miller, John: »Sodom and Gomorrah«, in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 130-135.
Monovoisin, Alain (Hrsg.): Dictionnaire International de la Sculpture Moderne & Contemporaine, Paris: Éditions du Regard, 2008.
MUNDER, 2008
Munder, Heike (Hrsg.): Sammlung/Collection Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst Zürich, 1978–2008, Zürich: Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, JPR Ringier 2008.
Neubauer, Susanne: »Ephemeralia. Paul Thek in Lucerne - A Reconstruction«, in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 170-184.
PARIS, 2008
Centre Pompidou, Traces du Sacré, Paris: Éditions du Centre Pompidou 2008.
RUGOFF, 2008
Rugoff, Ralph: »Psycho Buildings: An Illustrated History«, in: Rugoff, Ralph (Hrsg.): Psycho Buildings: Artists Take on Architecture, London: Hayward Publishing 2008.
Schachter, Kenny: »Nothing but Time. The Newspaper Works of Paul Thek«, in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 120-129.
SCHIFF, 2008
Schiff, Hajo: »Paul Thek – Werkschau im Kontext zeitgenössischer Kunst: Sammlung Falckenberg, Hamburg«, in: Kunstforum International, 192, Juli–August, 2008, pp. 282–84.
SMITH, 2008
Smith, Roberta: »An Alien Sighting on Planet Pittsburgh«, in: New York Times, 9.5.2008.
SMITH, 2008
Smith, Roberta: »Art in Review: Painting Now and Forever, Part II«, in: New York Times, 8.8.2008.
Schwalb, Harry: »Carnegie International«, in: Artnews, Summer, 2008, p. 173.
SMOLIK, 2008
Smolik, Noemi: »Paul Thek: ZKM Museum für Neue Kunst«, in: Artforum, 46, 8, April, 2008, p. 384.
Szeemann, Harald: »Paul Thek, or Aspiration to the Concept of Unity«, in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter (Hrsg.): Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 284-286.
Szeemann, Harald: »Paul Thek, or the Aspiration to the Concept of Unity« [1977], in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 283-289.
»News & Around: Paul Thek«, in: Tema Celeste, 125, January/February, 2008, p. 104.
THOREL, 2008
Thorel, Benjamin: »Paul Thek: ZKM«, in: Flash Art, 260, May–June, 2008, p. 156.
Tietenberg, Annette: »Die Substitute des Subjekts. Paul Theks The Tomb, gesehen als modellhafte Reflexion von Autorschaft«, in: Kunstgeschichte. Texte zur Diskussion, 2008.
Tietenberg, Annette: »The Artist - An Endangered Species?«, in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 141-148.
Trainor, James: »55th Carnegie International. Interview with Douglas Fogle«, in: Frieze, 112, January–February, 2008, pp. 144–46.
WILSON, 2008
Wilson, Ann: »Mare Tenebrarum – Sea of Darkness« [2001], in: Falckenberg, Harald, Weibel, Peter, Paul Thek. Artist's Artist, Cambridge, MA./London: The MIT Press 2008, pp. 230-239.
WILSON, 2008
Wilson, Michael: »Worldly Concerns: Michael Wilson on ›Life on Mars.‹«, in: Artforum, 46, 9, May, 2008, p. 165.
COSTA, 2009
Costa, José Manuel: »El ›proto-hippie‹«, in: ABC, 14.-20.3.2009.
GARCIA, 2009
Garcia, Carolina: »Paul Thek«, in: Arte y Parte, 79, February/March, 2009, p. 117.
HEISER, 2009
Heiser, Jörg: »Surface Tension«, in: Kaleidoscope, 4, November–December, 2009, pp. 44–48.
MARíN, 2009
Marín, Guillermo: »La crudeza de la carne«, in: Descubrir el Arte, 120, February, 2009, pp. 122.
MONTES, 2009
Montes, Javier: »Paul Thek, La carne es fuerte«, in: ABC, 14.-20.3.2009.
NEW YORK, 2009
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RAUL, 2009
Raul Rispa (Hrsg.): Paul Thek: Artista de artistas; Obras y procesiones, 1958–1988, Madrid: Documenta Artes y Ciencias visuales and Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía 2009.
REYERO, 2009
Reyero, Itziar: »Thek, el hombre que restituyó al arte la crudeza de la carne«, in: ABC, 6.2.2009
VOIGT, 2009
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Breslin, David: „'Magnificently Schizophrenic': Paul Thek and an Italien Lesson“, in: Sussman, Elisabeth, Zelevansky, Lynn (ed.), Paul Thek: Diver. A Retrospective, 1963-1988, New Haven/London: Yale University Press 2010, pp. 42-45.
BUDICK, 2010
Budick, Ariella: „Paul Thek, Whitney Museum,New York“, in: Financial Times, 8.11.2010.
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Harrison, Rachel: „Paul Thek: Diver, a Retrospective“, in: Artforum (http://artforum.com/museums/) (30.11.2010)
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Nagy, Eleonora: »Delicate Matter: Two Conservation Case Studies on the Work of Paul Thek«, in: Sussman, Elisabeth, Zelevansky, Lynn (Hrsg.), Paul Thek: Diver. A Retrospective, 1963-1988, New Haven/London: Yale University Press 2010, pp. 274-283.
Neubauer, Susanne: »Paul Thek at documenta 5: The Case of an American-European Reception«, in: Sussman, Elisabeth, Zelevansky, Lynn, Paul Thek: Diver. A Retrospective, 1963-1988, New Haven/London: Yale University Press 2010, pp. 174-179.
Perreault, John, „Paul Thek Revised: The Missing Years“, in: Artsjournal Weblog, 15.11.2010 (http://www.artsjournal.com/artopia/2010/11/paul_thek_revised_the_missing.html) (30.11.2010).
Rothkopf, Scott: „Paul Thek and the Sixties Surreal“, in: Sussman, Elisabeth, Zelevansky, Lynn, Paul Thek: Diver. A Retrospective, 1963-1988, New Haven/London: Yale University Press 2010, pp. 46-53.
Schjeldahl, Peter: „Out-There Man. Paul Thek Rediscovered“, in: The New Yorker, 1.11.2010.
Schwendener, Martha: „Paul Thek Gets a Major Retrospective at the Whitney“, in: The Village Voice, 27.10.2010.
Sussman, Elisabeth: „Photography in Life and Death: Paul Thek and Photography“, in: Sussman, Elisabeth, Zelevansky, Lynn, Paul Thek: Diver. A Retrospective, 1963-1988, New Haven/London: Yale University Press 2010, pp. 28-41.
Sussman, Elisabeth, Zelevansky, Lynn: Paul Thek: Diver. A Retrospective, 1963-1988, New Haven/London: Yale University Press 2010
Susmann, Elisabeth, Zelevansky, Lynn: „Introduction“, in: Sussman, Elisabeth, Zelevansky, Lynn, Paul Thek: Diver. A Retrospective, 1963-1988, New Haven/London: Yale University Press 2010, pp. 8-9.
WILSON, 2010
Wilson, Ann: „Beatitudes: Remembering Paul Thek“, in: Sussman, Elisabeth, Zelevansky, Lynn, Paul Thek: Diver. A Retrospective, 1963-1988, New Haven/London: Yale University Press 2010, pp. 116-119.
Zelevansky, Lynn: „Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries: The Life and Art of Paul Thek“, in: Sussman, Elisabeth, Zelevansky, Lynn, Paul Thek: Diver. A Retrospective, 1963-1988, New Haven/London: Yale University Press 2010, pp. 10-27.
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Beck n.d. Beck, Hubert, Paul Thek, exh. leaflet, Frankfurt: Museum für Moderne Kunst, n.d.
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Revision as of 12:00, 16 December 2010


(from the Paul Thek Project, accessed December 16, 2010 from http://www.ptproject.net/publ/biography.php)

This is a work in progress. Details of Paul Thek's biography are added constantly. See references and sources at the bottom of the page.

1933-1951 Paul Thek is born in Brooklyn, New York, as one of four children of parents of German and Irish ancestry on November 2. He is baptised George Joseph. Aged 7 the family moves to Floral Park Bellrose, Long Island. Thek starts to draw extensively when he is 13, early drawings date from the 1947s.

1950 Thek might also have followed courses at the Arts Students League in New York and the Pratt Institute of Arts in Brooklyn (RD, p. 185. An evidence for this fact could not have been found by PW, see p. 34).

1951-1954 Thek moves to Manhattan in 1951 and begins with his studies at the Cooper Union of Arts. At Cooper Union he befriends the painter Joseph Raphael, the photographer Peter Hujar and Marion Greenstone. Among his friends were also Eva Hesse, Linda Rosencrantz and the later art critic Gene Swenson (PW, p. 32). One of Thek’s teachers was the painter Morris Kantor (1896-1974) (PW, p. 38). At Cooper Union Thek makes portraits and nude drawings and small paintings often recalling Matisse and Picasso. Theks student’s work does not reflect the contemporary New York art scene (PW, p. 54). He creates set designs for the student theatre and several fashion illustrations (PW, p. 90/RD, p. 185). He visits Cherry Grove, Fire Islands, for the first time (RD, p. 185). In 1954 Thek leaves Cooper Union. It is not surely documented whether Thek has taken his exams as he falls ill with pneumonia.

1954-58 Thek moves to Miami, Florida where he meets Peter Harvey and Charles Shuts. He stays in Florida from end of 1954 until May 1955. In the summer he works as a waiter on the island of Nantucket. Peter Harvey asks for his assistance in a theatre play in Matunuck, Rhode Island. Together they create the set design. In 1956 Thek applies for a job as set designer in New York. Among their friends are actress Althea Murphy, composer Theodore Newman and writer Tennesse Williams. Peter Harvey points out the work of Robert Graves to Thek (PW, p. 59-62). In New York, Thek befriends the artist Ann Wilson (RD, p. 185).

1955, July By July 1955 Thek renames himself Paul, apparently due to an artistic new beginning and because he also wants to distance himself to his father George. He writes to his friend Peter Harvey: “Let me tell you who I am George Joseph Thek but Paul to you and Paul to me you would have to be me to know why I am Paul after all this erroneous George business (…) everything has a name names are important (…)”. Why Thek chooses the name Paul is not clear (PW, p. 56).

1957 First exhibition at the Mirrell Gallery in Miami with works on paper (RD, p. 185).

1958-62 Thek and Harvey move to New York, Thek lives in an apartment in the East Village where he stays until his departure to Europe in summer 1962. During this time he also meets Susan Sontag who later dedicates her book “Against Interpretation” (1966) to him (RD, p. 185). Thek does not paint a lot, the time between 1958 and 1962 is a time of low art production. He works as designer in Jack Prince’s studio from 1959-1962. In 1962, he paints „The Birth of Venus“, showing an abstract motif suggestive of human flesh. (RD, p. 185). “The Birth of Venus” is considered a solo work within Thek’s oeuvre (PW, p. 87-88). A friend advises Thek to go to Norway to get some inspiration (PW, p. 86, 89).

Sources (see Bibliography, Chronological, below):

PW: Philipp Wittmann 2004

RD: Rotterdam 1994

Selected documents and letters by Paul Thek and correspondence partners.

See also:

Paul Thek: Bibliography, Alphabetical

Paul Thek: Bibliography, Chronological

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