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==Jonathan's Diary -- Making OutHistory.org==
Heinz Rutha
New York Times:
===Priorities for the Week Starting Monday, June 23, 2008===
HENLEIN AIDE SUICIDE IN CZECHOSLOVAK JAIL; Heinz Rutha, 'Foreign Envoy' of Sudeten Germans, Was Hel...  [PDF]
Heinz Rutha, right-hand man of Konrad Henlein, leader of the Sudeten German [Nazi] party, hanged himself last night in his cell at Boehmisch-Leipa jail, where he was detained on charges of immorality....
November 06, 1937, Saturday - Wireless to THE NEW YORK TIMES (NYT) - Article
Created Monday, June 23, 2008
Last edited Monday, June 23, 2008 4:31
Nazis Attend Rutha Funeral [PDF] funeral attended by Nazis...
November 11, 1937, Thursday - Wireless to THE NEW YORK TIMES (NYT) - Article
12 CZECH NAZIS ON TRIAL; Members of Youth Organization Face Homosexual Charges [PDF]
Twelve members of Konrad Henlein's Sudeten German party's youth organization appeared in court today to answer charges of homosexuality which were chiefly directed against the absent thirteenth codefendant--the "Foreign Minister" of the Sudeten German par...
December 03, 1937, Friday - Wireless to THE NEW YORK TIMES (NYT) - Article
*Fundraising: Look at Letter of Inquiry
*Budget: JNK look at. Try to understand. What do we have money to do.  Put budget on site? Why not?
*Dee Michel: follow up on last week's emails from him.  Get names of two library people he thought might work on this site.
*History of the Present:
==[[Participate| Help OutHistory.org Make History]]==
:(1) AIDS History: JNK emailed Tim McCaskell about beginning an entry on the history of AIDS and the response to it in Canada. Tim said he would.
Create exhibits, edit pages, discuss entries
:(2) Marriage History: Lawyers who write historical articles.
:(3) Gays in the Military. JNK email Aaron Belkin, head of Palm Institute.  See if he can provide this history.
:(4) Transgender History.  Someone to start this, direct it?
:(4) Legal History? Sodomy laws?
Credit for work done on OutHistory.org?  Can we provide this as a way of encouraging work on the site.
Last week JNK added dates to exhibit titles to set standard.  Check over these formats.  Check that new titles work with Exhibit list, Main Page list of Exhibits.
Wurttemberg: add pictures. add categories. anything else? Ask for photo of Woodcock.
Terminology: republish section of that old book.  Medical journal that includes terms? Get someone to direct this?
Scanning, OCR. Can we pay someone else to do this. See Budget.
*Recycling, repurposing, republishing out of print articles and books over which authors have rights.  The gay press is full of history articles that should be MORE READILY AVAILABLE ON THE WEB. MAKING INFO MORE READILY AVAILABLE is one of the big functions. D'Emilio is an example. List his future contributions.
Berube, Allan.  Create entry using D'Emilio's piece published in Gay and Lesbian Review. Scan photos of Allan and his friends for use on the site.
*Scanning. OCR
*Work for OutHistory v. work for CLAGS. discuss
===Priorities for the week starting Monday, June 16, 2008===
Created: Monday, June 16, 2008, 11:57 am
Last edited:  Tuesday,  June17, 2008, 8:22 am
:Phone talk Monday morning with Dee Michel about overview of categorizing issues.  He is sending written summary which Jonathan will edit and send back to Dee, get his response and then post on OutHistory, in the "About" section on "Operation of OutHistory.org" (to be created).  Also, added Peronnel categories to the About section.
:Meet at CLAGS at 1 pm on Tuesday to discuss fundraising. Prep: look at my notes on fundraising possibilities, Foundations, Individuals, Corporations.
:Meet with Lauren after Tuesday meeting at CLAGS.
:Call meeting of OutHistory.org Collective. Lauren, as part of your hours on this job, could you attend a meeting of people being on an OutHistory.org Collective, at my house in the West Village on Saturday, June 28, from 2 to 4 pm? Do you think that is a good time?  I will email you with this query.
:Email comment to Esther Newton about her intro to her curated section.
:Time searches. Century searchs?  Era searches? Discuss
:Learning the ropes?  Scanning.  Writing down how to do everything in the Help section. Scanning at lowest dots per inch (dpi) that provide clear documents. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) processing for most documents to make them machine readable for keyword searches.
:email account at CUNY?
:What else? What are our priorities for this week?
For the Week Starting '''Monday, June 9, 2008'''
Additions last made: Thursday, June 12, 4:27 pm
=== Priorities for this week? ===
:finish colonial documents; contact Michael Warner?
:finish Wurttemberg essay
:get my photo collection back.
*Lauren should focus on getting to know the site's operation, function, codes, and content.
:Jonathan thinks that in the advanced "Time era" search there are too many choices, and confusing, and that perhaps there should only be one choice for each period, and that the periods should be consecutive. What does Lauren think?
:Lauren and Jonathan plan to have lunch next week?
Alphabetical notes below:
What are our priorities among the following items?
CUNY GC policy.  What kind of ads could we possibly get? And would advertisers go with having them in a separate section of for-profit and not-for-profit supporters?
*'''AHA Meeting of OutHistory Advisors'''
:JNK contact Karen Krahulik. Are we getting a meeting space at the AHA?
:Should we set up some sort of history blog, have different guest historian bloggers?
*'''Categories, Categorizing'''
:Dee Michel is looking at.
:How to inform users of all content types? Dee Michel working on this. NY Times and Village Voice content pages.
*'''Content credibility?'''
:Tension between anonymous public access sections, accountability, and tension between public access and credibility of evidence presented by named authors, some of whom have credentials and prestige.  Recognize that a hierarchy exists, then deal with it. Stress that clear, full citations to evidence are needed.
*'''Content Needed'''
:AIDS History (Visual AIDS has visual stuff)
:Asian American LGBTQ History
:Hispanic LGBTQ History (or should it be called Latina/o LGBTQ History?)
:Lesbian History (Email Liz Kennedy, Lila Rupp, Estelle Freedman, Lillian Faderman, etc.)
:Marriage: The History of LGBTQ Marriage. Email lawyers involved.
:Military: The "Gays in the Military" Issue--History. Email Aaron Belkin
:Newsworthy historical revelation for debut???? Would be great.
:Outreach to get the content we want rather than writing it ourselves.
:Presidents, U.S.: Buchanan. Collect evidence. Lincoln, Present all the evidence on the site.
*'''Content Possible'''
:Bibliographies. Largest free on line list. Annotated. Categorized. Enlist authors and publishers?
:Exhibits planning. Same-sex intimacy in U.S. advertising. Affectionate men and affectionate women photo collections. Books. Collectors. Ed C, Mitchell, Guy in NJ?, authors of books.
:John D'Emilio's piece on Allan Berube, with large collection of pictures of Allan that no one else has. Scan and upload them from my house?
:LGBTQ History and Biological Determinism
:Local LGBTQ Histories
:Popular content categories? Entertainment, Religion, Sports, Travel
:Review the site, review an article, review a book, review a historical movie, TV program, etc.
*'''Content Promised'''
:John D:
:JNK African American biblio on old laptop
:Should we have contests for the best original research, photo, visual art work, etc?
*'''Controversial entries policy?'''
:Child Pornography
:Feminism and Pornography
:Explicit sexual description
*'''Domain Names'''
:Buy OutHistory.org.us  ?  Buy other major countries?
*'''Editing Policy?'''
This came up for Jonathan in regard to Esther Newton's students exhibit on Lesbian history.  I think the title should be changed to something like "Lesbianism in the United States in the 20th Century." Also, is it OK to break up the long paragraphs into smaller ones for web reading, to make them look less formiddable? What about copy edits for clarity and grace?
*'''Fellowships to create entries'''
:Deadline?  Put on Upcoming on News page
*'''Functions, site'''
:Should we add a What's New? on the site function to the red bar? And can it operate automatically to list everything new?
*'''Funding of OutHistory.org?'''
:Howard Gilman Foundation?
:John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation?
:Andy Warhol Foundation of the Visual Arts
:New York State Council on the Arts
:Meeting soon?
:Grass roots fundraising via the web? How does Obama do it?
:Put the budget on line on the site? 
*'''Gay TV -- Cable--History Channel'''
:Tie ups? Study how they do history.
:Write up how to do everything on Help Page. This is MAJOR.
*'''How to:''' Research LGBTQ History.
:Find out what is known already. Don't reinvent the wheel.
*'''Integrating LGBTQ History'''
:in the U.S. History curriculum; suggestions?
Email Ropes and Gray for advice schedule
*'''LGBTQ Art History'''
:"Art and the Gay Revolution" entry: Start bibliography
:Art inspired by history as illustrations for website. (Marget Long, Nathaniel Siegel)
*'''Logo Idea'''
:The Month Is: June
:The Day Is: 9
:The Year Is: 2008
*'''Mentoring system?'''
:Can we provide this for unexperienced researchers, writers?
*'''My History'''
:Should we add a function with this name to "my" section of the red bar? The idea would be to encourage people to write little mini-histories of themselves, encouraging the idea that everyone is important.  We would put a little note to that effect at the top of the section. History from the ground up. History of "ordinary" people. Memoir can be powerful. First person testimony is powerful. Is this different than blogging?
:Should we establish specific easy ways that researchers interested in particular topics can network with each other?  If so, how?  This could turn out to be very popular, JNK thinks.
*'''Operation of the site'''
:Make it transparent. Make the policy transparant. Make who is responsible for what transparant. Put the budget on the site. Put the job functions on the site.
*'''OutHistory's Character'''
:Accesibility principle: Making data and ideas freely and readily accessible even though they are "accessible" if you know where and what to look for, have time, access to a major library, etc.
:Digitable Democracy
:History from the Community Up
:Prototype should provide an exciting sampling suggesting the site's diverse, vast possibilities
:Community-based history and historians
:Interactive?  How to make it more interactive?
:Freely accessible
:Educational (but this is such a deadly word); Public Education function of site
:Institutionally-based in order to assure continuity over the long term.
:Popular and Scholarly!
:Two parts: content by named authors and content provided by anyone with data, documents, and citations to share.
:Present site is a PROTOTYPE with a sampling of the wide variety of content and types of written, audio, and visual materials that can eventually go on it.
:What defines an LGBTQ history site as opposed to an LGBTQ encyclopedia? or an LGBTQ archive? JNK thinks we need to keep stressing this and figuring out how to actively, creatively make the site historical.
:Repurposing old historical work for a new web audience. Taking out of print articles and books that no one else will make as readily accessible and making them readily accessible.
*'''Publicity Volunteer?'''
:JNK email Sarah
*'''Red Bar Listings'''
:Rearrange the listings within each section alphabetically unless there is a pressing reason not to.
:Are all the functions listed necessary? Could some be placed elsewhere on the site? For instance, some of the one's to do with the operation of the site: Block User
:Should some red bar functions be renamed?
:What's the dif between Links and What Links Here?
:Should the sections be titled as in Wikipedia to say what each of them represents?
*'''Save Page, etc. placement is awk'''
*'''Sites to Learn From'''
:New York Historical Society
:blog sites David recommended (find his list)
:Urge users to create stub categories if they want to know about a subject/topic and there is no entry for it. "If you don't see something, write something."
Do we have the capacity now to upload audio and video or movies? We should have at least one sample of each on the site by the time we go on line. By the way, what happened to the Evelyn Hooker video?
*'''Yochai Benkler,''' The Wealth of Netowrks. (A manifesto for online collaboration mentioned in the NYT recently)
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JNK is storing this here: from notes in GAH or GLA
MERRYMOUNT About 1626, according to William Bradford, Thomas Morton and the other male settlers at Merrymount were guilty of "great licentiousness." The men's consorting with Indian women is mentioned, along with "worse practices" associated with ancient Roman feasts. Bradford said that Morton and his men "set up a maypole,drinking and dancing about it many days together, inviting the Indian women for their consorts, dancing and frisking together like so many fairies, or furies, rather; and worse practices. As if they had anew revived and celebrated the feasts of the Roman goddess Flora, or the beastly practices of the mad Bac-' chanalians." Subject for research: It would be interesting to know just what feasts and "beastly practices" Bradford had in mind; see his Of Plymouth Plantation, pp. 204-06; Oaks, 'Things Fearful,' " p. 269.
Alphabetize category entries by last name
You simply add this snippet of text above the category:
<nowiki>{{DEFAULTSORT:Kolbe, Jim}}</nowiki>
Let me just mention that the link text donesn't necessarily need to be the same as the article title. I can link to [[Jim Kolbe|Jim Kolbe's article]] for example by typing <nowiki>[[Jim Kolbe|Jim Kolbe's article]]</nowiki> (text before vertical bar is what it links to, text after the vertical bar is what it says on the page). You can also automatically sign your name when you write something on the discussion pages (like I did below) by typing four tilde characters (<nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>). The will turn into a signature stamp when you save or preview.
Let me just mention that the link text donesn't necessarily need to be the same as the article title. I can link to [[Jim Kolbe|Jim Kolbe's article]] for example by typing <nowiki>[[Jim Kolbe|Jim Kolbe's article]]</nowiki> (text before vertical bar is what it links to, text after the vertical bar is what it says on the page). You can also automatically sign your name when you write something on the discussion pages (like I did below) by typing four tilde characters (<nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>). The will turn into a signature stamp when you save or preview.
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{{New User Welcome}}
{{New User Welcome}}
[[User:Ebukva|Ebukva]] 14:31, 10 January 2008 (PST)
[[User:Ebukva|Ebukva]] 14:31, 10 January 2008 (PST)
Hey Jonathan,  do you know why the dns is showing for the site?  - I haven't seen this issue on any site - wiki or not and it is fascinating.  One of the issues is that it causes people to have to log into even if they are logged into http://OutHistory.org
Curious,  [[User:MarkDilley|MarkDilley]]

Latest revision as of 11:34, 25 September 2012

Heinz Rutha

New York Times:

HENLEIN AIDE SUICIDE IN CZECHOSLOVAK JAIL; Heinz Rutha, 'Foreign Envoy' of Sudeten Germans, Was Hel... [PDF] Heinz Rutha, right-hand man of Konrad Henlein, leader of the Sudeten German [Nazi] party, hanged himself last night in his cell at Boehmisch-Leipa jail, where he was detained on charges of immorality.... November 06, 1937, Saturday - Wireless to THE NEW YORK TIMES (NYT) - Article

Nazis Attend Rutha Funeral [PDF] funeral attended by Nazis... November 11, 1937, Thursday - Wireless to THE NEW YORK TIMES (NYT) - Article

12 CZECH NAZIS ON TRIAL; Members of Youth Organization Face Homosexual Charges [PDF] Twelve members of Konrad Henlein's Sudeten German party's youth organization appeared in court today to answer charges of homosexuality which were chiefly directed against the absent thirteenth codefendant--the "Foreign Minister" of the Sudeten German par... December 03, 1937, Friday - Wireless to THE NEW YORK TIMES (NYT) - Article

Help OutHistory.org Make History

Create exhibits, edit pages, discuss entries



KEEP THIS stuff below from WIKIPEDIA

Insert: – — … ° ≈ ≠ ≤ ≥ ± − × ÷ ← → · § Sign your username: Jnk 10:41, 3 April 2008 (PDT)

Wiki markup: {{}} {{{}}} | [] [[]] [[Category:]] #REDIRECT [[]]  

Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content Template:Reflist • (templates)

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Cyrillic: А а Б б В в Г г Ґ ґ Ѓ ѓ Д д Ђ ђ Е е Ё ё Є є Ж ж З з Ѕ ѕ И и І і Ї ї Й й Ј ј К к Ќ ќ Л л Љ љ М м Н н Њ њ О о П п Р р С с Т т Ћ ћ У у Ў ў Ф ф Х х Ц ц Ч ч Џ џ Ш ш Щ щ Ъ ъ Ы ы Ь ь Э э Ю ю Я я IPA: t̪ d̪ ʈ ɖ ɟ ɡ ɢ ʡ ʔ ɸ ʃ ʒ ɕ ʑ ʂ ʐ ʝ ɣ ʁ ʕ ʜ ʢ ɦ ɱ ɳ ɲ ŋ ɴ ʋ ɹ ɻ ɰ ʙ ʀ ɾ ɽ ɫ ɬ ɮ ɺ ɭ ʎ ʟ ɥ ʍ ɧ ɓ ɗ ʄ ɠ ʛ ʘ ǀ ǃ ǂ ǁ ɨ ʉ ɯ ɪ ʏ ʊ ɘ ɵ ɤ ə ɚ ɛ ɜ ɝ ɞ ʌ ɔ ɐ ɶ ɑ ɒ ʰ ʷ ʲ ˠ ˤ ⁿ ˡ ˈ ˌ ː ˑ ̪ • Template:IPA

Let me just mention that the link text donesn't necessarily need to be the same as the article title. I can link to Jim Kolbe's article for example by typing [[Jim Kolbe|Jim Kolbe's article]] (text before vertical bar is what it links to, text after the vertical bar is what it says on the page). You can also automatically sign your name when you write something on the discussion pages (like I did below) by typing four tilde characters (~~~~). The will turn into a signature stamp when you save or preview.

Ebukva 12:30, 8 November 2007 (PST)

I was here. JNK Jnk 12:58, 19 November 2007 (PST)

Hello and welcome to OutHistory.org.

Thank you signing up and contributing to the project. Here are a couple of things you may find helpful as you navigate your way through the site:

  • First, we suggest that you set up the correct time zone for yourself by visiting the preferences page. This will allow you see when articles have been posted and edited according to your local time, rather than Greenwich Mean Time. Click on the "Date and time" tab and simply click on the "Fill in from the browser" button to determine your time zone automatically. You can also set other useful defaults on the preferences page.
  • Next, try editing your own user page to tell others a bit about yourself and get familiar with editing. You can access your user page by clicking on your username on the top of the sidebar.
  • Each user on OutHistory has a user page and a talk page. Use your and others talk pages for discussion and communication. Just like on Wikipedia, it's a standard practice to indent your paragraphs one level further when engaging in a discussion. Type a single or multiple colons before each of you paragraphs to indent text (::Like this). Sign your edits automatically by typing four tilde characters (~~~~). If your discussion concerns a single article, edit that article's discussion page instead.
  • Finally, for advanced editing see editing help and above all, experiment on the sandbox page rather than a real article page.

Ebukva 14:31, 10 January 2008 (PST)

Hey Jonathan, do you know why the dns is showing for the site? - I haven't seen this issue on any site - wiki or not and it is fascinating. One of the issues is that it causes people to have to log into even if they are logged into http://OutHistory.org

Curious, MarkDilley