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Latest revision as of 16:13, 25 July 2008

Adapted from Wikipedia by Jonathan Ned Katz, Director, OutHistory.org

PROTECTED ENTRY: This entry by a named creator or site administrator can be changed only by that creator and site administrators, so they are responsible for its accuracy, coverage, evidence, and clarity. Please do use this entry's Comment section at the bottom of the page to suggest improvements. Thanks.

This is a stub, an entry with no, little, or incomplete data, a work in progress by a named creator or a site administrator, so it can only be edited by its creator or site administrators. But visitors are encouraged to use the Discuss section of this entry if they have data, documentation, citations, or constructive suggestions for the entry's creator.

The Arbitration Committee is a panel of experienced users that exists to impose binding solutions to Outhistory.org disputes that neither communal discussion, administrators, nor mediation have been able to resolve, and to consider certain cases where exceptional factors such as privacy preclude a public hearing.

Arbitration is the last step in the dispute resolution process–-it is a last resort, only to be employed when all else has failed. Try other steps first, including discussion between disputants and, where appropriate, mediation.

The Arbitration Committee only deals with the most serious disputes and cases of rule-breaking.

Straightforward vandals can be blocked by any administrator.

The Arbitration Committee can impose a solution that CLAGS will consider to be binding, with of course the exception that CLAGS reserves the right of executive clemency and indeed even to dissolve OutHistory if it turns out to be a disaster.

The Arbitration Committee could overturn any decision that the Director of OutHistory.org makes in his traditional capacity within OutHistory.org.

To request that a dispute be Arbitrated, see OutHistory:Requests for arbitration.[1]

The Arbitration policy details the rules and procedures involved. The Arbitration guide provides a guide to the Requests for arbitration process. Completed requests provides an index to all previous Committee decisions.

  1. Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration.