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(New page: In order to create real social change in our communities, FIERCE believes we need to build a sizable membership base. We build our membership base through street outreach, monthly base-bui...)
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FIERCE has developed our own unique style of outreach through established social networks and by engaging other LGBTQ youth in the language, culture and style that is specific to our community. FIERCE also has an Outreach Team, which consists of FIERCE members who are dedicated to building our membership base.
FIERCE has developed our own unique style of outreach through established social networks and by engaging other LGBTQ youth in the language, culture and style that is specific to our community. FIERCE also has an Outreach Team, which consists of FIERCE members who are dedicated to building our membership base.
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Revision as of 19:24, 31 March 2010

In order to create real social change in our communities, FIERCE believes we need to build a sizable membership base. We build our membership base through street outreach, monthly base-building events, and presentations at LGBTQ youth service organizations. To date, FIERCE has reached thousands of LGBTQ youth of color in NYC with our membership base exceeding 1000 LGBTQ youth of color.

FIERCE has developed our own unique style of outreach through established social networks and by engaging other LGBTQ youth in the language, culture and style that is specific to our community. FIERCE also has an Outreach Team, which consists of FIERCE members who are dedicated to building our membership base.

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                 <embed src="http://h.zeitbyte.com/o1/zb_projects/zb_player/zb_whtlbl3.swf"
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