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Data and Documents First Published on

Americans in Württemberg Scandal, 1888

Politics: Pastor Schlegel, Berlin/New York, August 1903; "an organization of his uranian colleagues”

Forthcoming History-Related Events

Conference: "Sex/ualities In and Out of Time"; Edinburgh, U.K., November 28-29, 2008

Edinburgh - St Andrews Interdisciplinary Sex/ualities Conference 2008

Conference Focus: The question of time has become a major concern in critical theory and is proving to be a particularly useful means of approaching gender and sex/uality. Important recent work in the field of gender studies and queer theory has begun to explicitly address and render visible how time comes to structure and determine the meaning of bodily experiences and expressions. Non-normative sex/ualities are commonly delegated out of time, for instance, via the promise of futurity and the negation of historical grounding and traditions. The attempt to locate these very same bodies and their sexual practices in time raises the question whether time can be refigured or manipulated in order to open up the possibility of epistemological and ontological alternatives. This conference aims to explore present and past narratives of sexuality, the various links between heterogeneous temporalities and dissident sex/ualities and to ask what is at stake in the recent turn to time in gender studies and queer theory.

The conference is interdisciplinary and open to all research students and academics. We strongly encourage proposals from doctoral students at any stage of their research and from all disciplines.

Topics for papers can include, but are not limited to: - Investigating and challenging normative figurations of time and becoming - Back to the roots: alternative genealogies, queer historiographies and the desire for traditions - Histories of sex/uality and possible rewritings of the history of sex/uality - No future, queer future? Queer theory reproductivity and the struggle with futurity - Queer utopias/dystopias - Visionary sex: future sex practices and technophilic constructions of sex/uality - Representing time/sex: temporal erotics in film, literature and modern culture - Temporalities and sex/ualities in narration - History and development of gender/sex/ualities studies: where we are now? - Post-gender: the end of gender and/or gender studies? - Temporalising sex/ualities: anticipation, identity and desire - How sexuality can be used to rethink time

Submission Details: Please send a 300-word abstract for 20-mintue papers along with your name and affiliation to by 15th August. The organisers will contact successful applicants by 25th August with full details and registration information. Please indicate in your email if you are an AHRC-funded doctoral student.

Keynote Speakers: Professor Judith Halberstam & Professor Claire Colebrook

Round Table Participants: Professor Lorna Hutson, Professor Laura Marcus, Professor Gill Plain, Dr Sarah Dillon

The conference is a joint venture between the Universities of St Andrews and Edinburgh and supported by the AHRC.

American Historical Association Annual Meeting: Globalizing Historiography

NEW YORK CITY, NY: Dates: January 2-5, 2009 Advisors Meeting Planned. All welcome. (Keep posted for details.)

Discuss Globalizing; teachers, students and the site; users and the site, and much more.


The AHA and its members have drawn inspiration from the historical scholarship of colleagues in other lands from the very beginnings of the organization. In 1885, the year following its foundation, the AHA extended its first honorary membership to Leopold von Ranke, and it has since added another 88 honorary foreign members to its rolls. In keeping with this tradition, the theme for the 2009 annual meeting will be Globalizing Historiography. This theme encourages AHA members to expand and interrogate the boundaries of their discipline by examining the relationship of professional historical scholarship in the American historical community with professional historical scholarship as practiced elsewhere.

One of the great strengths of American historical scholarship over the past four decades has been its remarkable ability to enlarge the scope of its concerns in response to the changing demographic patterns of recruitment into the historical profession. The receptivity of the American historical profession to new influences both foreign and domestic has led to increasing concern with issues of diaspora, migration, and immigration, tied to older concerns with race and ethnicity, and to the emergence of the new field of transnational history. It has also involved recognition that many of the conventions and analytical categories of the discipline of history, as practiced in the United States, were originally created in a global context (for instance, of imperialism and colonialism), and are thus already deeply implicated in perceptions of global interactions and exchanges. The 2009 annual meeting offers an opportune moment to renew and deepen AHA members' commitments to fruitful awareness of the global context in which we work, and to a certain extent have always worked, by explicitly Globalizing Historiography.

The chosen theme for the 2009 annual meeting might take historians in multiple, distinct yet overlapping directions as they formulate plans for potential sessions. For some it may prompt efforts to rescue history from the nation by framing national histories in larger, and more appropriate, contexts. For others it may support programs already underway to internationalize historical understanding by bringing perspectives of scholars from different lands to bear on national histories. For yet others, it may provoke a challenge to the very legitimacy of the discourse of "globalization," or its relevance to historiography. It will certainly invite consideration of the nature of modern historical scholarship in light of differing national and cultural traditions of historical thought and practice. To what extent do AHA members share the thematic, theoretical, methodological, and analytical concerns of their colleagues in other lands? To what extent do such concerns diverge, and how might the perspectives of professional historians beyond North America challenge and enrich the work of AHA members? To what extent do particular national and cultural traditions hamper communication and understanding among professional historians in different lands? How do the shifting, and (arguably) ever more intensively global, contexts in which we live and work inflect the work of historians, both here and abroad? How does one approach and write the history of "premodern" societies in light of the new perspectives generated by transnational and global history? Are the theoretical and methodological principles of historiography sensitive to the changing global conditions within which the writing of history takes place and if not, should they be? Can, or should, historiography be truly globalized? These are but a fraction of the questions we hope to raise through the chosen theme, Globalizing Historiography.

Past Events (Most Recent First)

ALMS Conference, NEW YORK CITY, MAY 8-10, 2008

Conference of GLBT Archives, Libraries, Museums, and Special Collections (ALMS)


CLAGS will host an extraordinary international conference focusing on GLBT Archives, Libraries, Museums, and Special Collections (ALMS) and the archivists, librarians, researchers, artists, activists, and volunteers who work with them. This will be the 2nd ALMS conference since 2006 to explore the construction, use, organization, reflection, and preservation of queer archival material, collections, and research. For details see:

Friday, May 9, 11 am-12:15 pm, Rm C204-5

Building Queer Communities, Building Queer Websites: New Digital Resources from CLAGS

  • Sarah Chinn, CLAGS
  • Lynley Wheaton, CLAGS,
  • Jonathan Ned Katz,
  • Nomvuyo Nolutshungu,IRN

Bringing Us All Together:

The 101st Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians

Friday, March 28 to Monday, March 31, 2008

Hilton New York West 53rd Street and Avenue of the Americas

The one-hundredth and first annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians will be held in New York City, answering a call to bring us all together. The last generation or so of scholarship in American history has excavated the experiences and concerns of a wide array of Americans. Our field now advances a far more expansive definition than ever before of what it means to live an American life. We not only know about people of many genders and races, we see class and region as integral dimensions of American identity. Scholars writing in languages other than English and living outside the United States are also valued members of the community of American historians.

For more information: