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LGBTQ History Sites

Halsal, Paul. People With A History: An Online Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans History
Lots of information on LGBT history. This site was apparently last updated in October 1997.
The History Project: Boston
This site documents the history of Boston’s LGBT communities and is particularly strong in documenting a range of different racial communities.
Katz, Jonathan Ned. The Pink and the Blue: Lesbian and Gay Life at Yale and in Connecticut, 1642-2004
Selections from the LGBTQ history of Yale University and Conneticut, 1642-2004.
Norton, Rictor. Gay History and Literature. Essays by Rictor Norton
Many major documents and Norton's informed essays.
Public Broadcasting System. Out of the Past – 400 years of Lesbian and Gay History in America
An extensive timeline of gay and lesbian related events and people from 1600 to the present.
Spector, Cheryl. Rainbow History Project.
Research Request: ADD FULLER DESCRIPTION. See especially, the reproduction of The Furies, the periodical produced by Washington, DC, lesbian feminists in the early 1970s.

Sites with Significant LGBTQ Historical Content

GLBTQ: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer Encyclopedia
An extensive collaborative encyclopedia on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer issues, events, and people.
Extensive lists of sources on Queer Culture, Queer Theory, Queer Studies, Gender Studies and related fields helpfully indexed by subject. Links are provided to purchase sources from various vendors.
Sodomy laws domestic and international. Includes links to articles on the history of sodomy law as well as the listings of case law.Research Request: ALPHABETIZE BY NAME OF SITE CREATOR

Archive Sites

GLBT Historical Society (San Francisco)
This site mainly provides information for the physical collection of San Francisco’s GLBT Historical Society but has a few online exhibits as well as a useful online exhibits and an online video archive.
Lesbian Herstory Archives
Founded in 1974 by Joan Nestle and Deborah Edel, the Lesbian Herstory Archives is an established repository for archival material on lesbian history. This site is mainly dedicated to providing information about the physical archive housed in Park Slope, Brooklyn, New York. It includes several online collections as well as finding tools and overviews of the archive collections.
Southern California LGBT History
A joint project of ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives and UCLA’s LGBT Campus Resource Center, this site provides useful timelines from 1940 to the present as well as biographical sketches of LGBT people.

Researching History

Hacker, Diane. Research and Documentation Online
This online version of Hacker’s Research and Documentation in the Electronic Age offers an assortment of style guides, research tips, and helpful links for history, humanities, social science, and science scholars. Of particular interest are the links to History Finding Primary Sources and Documenting Sources.

Chicago Style Guide Examples encorages Chicago Style as it’s official style guide. These sites are useful for answering questions about correct formatting and citation.