User talk:Jnk

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Jonathan Ned Katz's Online Diary of the Making of of

Note: I will only include here thoughts and data that can be publicly shared

PROTECTED ENTRY: This entry by a named creator can be changed only by that creator and site administrators, but in the case of this entry please use the DISCUSS section of the MAIN PAGE to comment on Jonathan's Online Diary.

Friday, July 4, 2008 1:04 pm

When I looked at the Whitman, Sexuality, and Intimacy section yesterday, I realized that Martin Murray had done a lot of work on it -- the first active collaboration on OutHistory! I was surprised at how moved I found this. This really can work. People can really get together and do constructive things on the net.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008 1:48 am

Can't sleep thinking about the site. I just realized that the site as a whole has now become so complex in operation that one or two people (me and the Project Coordinator) can no longer understand everything or administer it. We need to immediately call for and try to round up volunteers to direct particular aspects of the site. Here's the list of major functions that I worked out with Dee Michel a few weeks ago and added to the About section of the site, but will repeat here.

OutHistory Personnel Needed


Ultimately responsible for budget, operation, character of site. Works with CLAGS Development Director to see that funding for the site is in place for 2009 and beyond.


Works with CLAGS Director and the website Director to see that funding for the site is in place for 2009. Coordinates funding for with other CLAGS funding priorities.


Historian or historically-oriented scholar responsible for overview of whole site and its ongoing functioning. Focuses on historical content and developing the site’s identity as, specifically, a site that helps users understand LGBTQ and heterosexual lives within the context of history (time and social changing structures). Supervises other administrators and content creators, both volunteer and paid. Solicits content and responds to offers of content by named authors, editors, curators, collectors. Networks with historical researchers. Outreach to teachers, students, authors, publishers. Helps to create and participates in transparent, democratic advisory and decision-making system for formulating policies and making decisions, especially regarding controversial content and the quality control of content.

Hours per week in 2008: Full time (40 hours a week minimum).

Pay status: 2007-2008: Volunteer. 2009: This should be a paid job and Jonathan does not want to do it. I would rather be a major consultant and content contributor.


The site could probably use directors of particular types of content to solicit, supervise, and monitor the development of particular types of content. Volunteers needed, for example, for Colonial American era, African American content (or People of African Descent content), Lesbian Content, Transgender Content, Bisexual History Content, Religious Content, Film Content, Youth-Related Content, Aging-Related Content, Visual Content, Audio Content, etc.

PROJECT COORDINATOR/MANAGING EDITOR: June 2008-present: Lauren Gutterman

Responsible for daily maintenance of the website. Ensures that all text on website is clearly written and viewable. Digitizes print and sound documents and graphics. In consultation with OutHistory Director and Information Structure Consultant, writes and edits Help information, and edits, copyedits, and proofreads articles submitted. Categorizes documents according to category system worked out by Information Structure Consultant (see below). Maintains contact with Technical Implementation Team. Deals with site users, volunteers.

Hours per week: 2007-2008: Part Time (15-20 hours a week). In 2009 this should be full time (40 hours a week minium).

Pay status: Salaried: 2007-2008 paid by hour.


Responsible for organizing the information on the site as it is seen by users. Establishes conceptual categories and actual terms used for categorizing individual documents. Recommends methods for searching, ordering items in lists, displaying relationships and linking between individual categories and areas of site. Creates procedures and forms to help researchers and site administrators apply categories to individual entries.

Hours per week: Lots of hours at the beginning, much less once things are running smoothly.

Pay status: Volunteer.


Advise and consult about the way the site looks and functions, stressing the values of clarity, ease, and transparency of operation. Makes suggestions for improvements, and implements them when approved.  Thinks about ways of identifying the site as focusing speifically on LGBTQ history (it's not just an archive, a collection of data, an encyclopedia, a museum. It is in part all those things, but the site is more as a history site.  Exactly what that more means will be determined in practice and in future dreaming of the site's potential.

Hours per week: ?

Pay status: In the first two years of operation this was provided by Cidamon (paid). In 2009 it should be volunteer.


Maintains site’s technical operation and deals with technical problems that arise. Helps administrators understand and solve technical problems. Suggests technical innovations that will improve the site’s ease of use, searchability, and further its identity as a specifically historical site. Technical server issues are also dealt with by this consultant.

Hours per week: ?

Pay status: Paid in 2008. 2009?


Works closely with the CLAGS Development Director and within the parameters of CLAGS' fundraising, to plan which foundations, individuals, corporations, and government grants are the most likely prospects. Suggests parties, benefits, auctions, sales of art, and other types of fundraising events that could help support the site. Explores the possibility of advertising in a separate section of the site recommended to site users.

Hours per week: ?

Pay status: Volunteer for 2009


Works with Site Director and Managing Editor to develop publicity strategy for site.

Hours Per Week: ?

Pay Status: Volunteer in 2008 and 2009 via CLAGS and pro bono professional

LEGAL CONSULTANT: 2008: Ropes and Gray

Advises about legal issues such as copyright, libel, obscenity, and the like.

Hours per week: ?

Pay status: Ropes and Gray pro bono in 2008. (Will they continue advising site in 2009 as issues arise?)


Help to administer the site, scan documents, make them searchable, etc. Volunteers wanted.


Deadlines and description?


Help to administer particular aspects of the site. Volunteers wanted.

Board of Advisors

This was estabalished by invitation in 2007. Some are Honorary and some active, and some both. They are scattered around the country and consult via an Yahoo list. Volunteers accepted.

OutHistory New York City Area Face to Face Collective

This was established and had its first meeting on June 28, 2008. It will probably meet monthly to discuss issues that are better and more easily discussed in person via email. Volunteers wanted.

Decision Making Structure

There seems to be an immediate need to create a clear decision making structure and personnel for dealing with basic issues concerning the site, content quality control issues, and responses to vandalism. This is a priority.

10:02 AM

Anxiety dream last night when I did finally fall asleep, about the website of course. I was involved in putting on a show, a Brecht play. Last minute technical probelms meant that there would be no music. I said: "Sing it without music. It will be even more moving." There was lots more anxiety producing stuff that I can't remember.

End of Jonathan's Diary


John R. Yoakam

"Gods or Monsters: A Critique of Representations in Film and Literature of Relationships Between Older Gay Men and Younger Men"

Page Range: 65 - 80 DOI: 10.1300/J041 v13 n04 _08

Copyright Year: 2001

Contributors: John R. Yoakam PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, MN, 55403, USA,

KEEP THIS stuff below from WIKIPEDIA

Insert: – — … ° ≈ ≠ ≤ ≥ ± − × ÷ ← → · § Sign your username: Jnk 10:41, 3 April 2008 (PDT)

Wiki markup: {{}} {{{}}} | [] [[]] [[Category:]] #REDIRECT [[]]  

Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content Template:Reflist • (templates)

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JNK is storing this here: from notes in GAH or GLA

MERRYMOUNT About 1626, according to William Bradford, Thomas Morton and the other male settlers at Merrymount were guilty of "great licentiousness." The men's consorting with Indian women is mentioned, along with "worse practices" associated with ancient Roman feasts. Bradford said that Morton and his men "set up a maypole,drinking and dancing about it many days together, inviting the Indian women for their consorts, dancing and frisking together like so many fairies, or furies, rather; and worse practices. As if they had anew revived and celebrated the feasts of the Roman goddess Flora, or the beastly practices of the mad Bac-' chanalians." Subject for research: It would be interesting to know just what feasts and "beastly practices" Bradford had in mind; see his Of Plymouth Plantation, pp. 204-06; Oaks, 'Things Fearful,' " p. 269.

Alphabetize category entries by last name You simply add this snippet of text above the category: {{DEFAULTSORT:Kolbe, Jim}}

Let me just mention that the link text donesn't necessarily need to be the same as the article title. I can link to Jim Kolbe's article for example by typing [[Jim Kolbe|Jim Kolbe's article]] (text before vertical bar is what it links to, text after the vertical bar is what it says on the page). You can also automatically sign your name when you write something on the discussion pages (like I did below) by typing four tilde characters (~~~~). The will turn into a signature stamp when you save or preview.

Ebukva 12:30, 8 November 2007 (PST)

I was here. JNK Jnk 12:58, 19 November 2007 (PST)

Hello and welcome to

Thank you signing up and contributing to the project. Here are a couple of things you may find helpful as you navigate your way through the site:

  • First, we suggest that you set up the correct time zone for yourself by visiting the preferences page. This will allow you see when articles have been posted and edited according to your local time, rather than Greenwich Mean Time. Click on the "Date and time" tab and simply click on the "Fill in from the browser" button to determine your time zone automatically. You can also set other useful defaults on the preferences page.
  • Next, try editing your own user page to tell others a bit about yourself and get familiar with editing. You can access your user page by clicking on your username on the top of the sidebar.
  • Each user on OutHistory has a user page and a talk page. Use your and others talk pages for discussion and communication. Just like on Wikipedia, it's a standard practice to indent your paragraphs one level further when engaging in a discussion. Type a single or multiple colons before each of you paragraphs to indent text (::Like this). Sign your edits automatically by typing four tilde characters (~~~~). If your discussion concerns a single article, edit that article's discussion page instead.
  • Finally, for advanced editing see editing help and above all, experiment on the sandbox page rather than a real article page.

Ebukva 14:31, 10 January 2008 (PST)