Closets of a College Town

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The Pennsylvania State University
Old Main Building, as it looks from College Avenue. [1]

A night football game at Beaver Stadium.

Athletics and Tailgating
Traditional tailgates at University Park for Penn State football games.

Fraternities and Sororities

Homecoming Parade as it passes the intersection of College Ave & South Allen St. [2]

The Interfraternity Council / Panhellenic Dance Marathon, which benefits the Four Diamonds Fund.

A performance at Greek Sing - one of the competitions during Greek Week.

Participants at the Interfraternity Council / Panhellenic Dance Marathon, performing their traditional, hourly dance.

Pike's fraternity video

Intersections with LGBTQA Communities

Other Anti-LGBTQA Events in Happy Valley

Other Anti-LGBTQA Events in Happy Valley
(1988, Apr) Anti-Gay Posters Appear Around Campus
(1989) Conservative Independent Newspaper, "The Lionhearted" Founded
(1989, Mar) The Whitehead BITNET/NEWSNET Incident
(1995, Oct) Anti-Gay Posters Advertise "National Going Back Into the Closet Day"
(1997, Mar) USG Approves Charter for STRAIGHT Group
(1999, Mar) STRAIGHT Group to Disband for Lack of Membership Interest
(2005, Feb) Kovalchick's Letter to the Editor

References and Sources

  1. Attributed to: George Chriss. 7 July 2006. Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0. Retrieved 18 February 2010, from
  2. Attributed to: Rick Zhuang. 28 October 2005. Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0. Retrieved 4 March 2010, from

Contact Information

Name: Eric V. Patridge, Ph.D.