Out Front Colorado: The Future

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After 34 years, Out Front Colorado remains independently owned and operated. In 2007, the publication promoted staff writer Matt Kailey to managing editor, making him one of the first, if not the first, transsexual managing editor of a major LGBT publication.

And while Out Front Colorado has maintained a Web presence for some time, as the recent economic crisis reached its peak, print media nationwide regrouped and reorganized, and many LGBT publications closed their doors, OFC expanded its Web presence, adding a blog, a digital version of the print publication and several new Web pages. New Web editor Sunnivie Brydum was one of a few LGBT media representatives to blog live from California during the Proposition 8 trial, and will return to San Francisco for closing arguments and the decision.

Find that coverage online on Out Front's Blog, OFCB

OFC Management, from left to right: Managing Editor Matt Kailey, Art Director/Publisher Jay Klein, Editor-in-Chief/Publisher Greg Montoya, Web Editor Sunnivie Brydum

As Out Front Colorado moves toward its 35th anniversary in 2011, it remains tangible proof of Phil Price’s original slogan – there’s no turning back.

Phil would be proud. <comments />