Timeline: Medical Literature and LGBT People: 1800-1899

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Chronological Bibliography of Works by Doctors and Psychologists on the Subject of Sexual and Gender Non-Conformity

See also; Bibliography: Treatment of LGBT People by Doctors and Psychologists

See also: Timeline: Treatment of LGBT People by Doctors and Psychologists

This list includes the citations from From Jonathan Ned Katz, Gay American History: Lesbians and Gay Men in the U.S.A. (NY: Crowell, 1976), Bibliography: II Treatmemt" 1884-1974", pages 596-598 and "Notes", pages .

Chronological Bibliography

Listed earliest to latest:

1866, August

Buck, W. D. "A Raid on the Uterus," New York Medical Journal, vol. 5 (August 1866), p. 464. In an extract from an address in 1866 by Dr. W. D. Buck, President of the New Hampshire State Medical Society, the doctor says: "A distinguished surgeon in New York city, twenty-five years ago [1841], said, when [Guillaume] Dupuytren's operation for relaxation of the sphincter ani was in vogue, every young man who came from Paris found every other individual's anus too large, and proceeded to pucker it up. The result was that New York anuses looked like gimlet-holes in a piece of pork." Buck goes on to say that the uterus, also, is being subjected to "surgical operations, and is now-a-days subject to all sorts of barbarity from surgeons anxious for notoriety." His statement, which bears further analysis, seems aimed at primitive abortion and birth control measures. A brief biography of Dupuytren is in John Talbott, A Biographical History of Medicine (N.Y.: Grune & Stratton, 1970), p. 342-44. Jonathan Ned Katz thanks Stephen W. Foster and Dennis Lampkowski for help with this research.

1889, September 7 and 14

Lydston, G. Frank. "Sexual Perversion, Satyriasis and Nymphomania," Medical and Surgical Reporter. Vol. 61, no. 10 (Sept. 7,1889): p. 253-58. (P. 253.) Vol. 61, no. II (Sept. 14, 1889): 281-85. A lecture delivered at the Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons. Although he discusses male and female homosexuality, Lydston makes no specific recommendation for treatment. But since he links homosexuality with satyriasis and nymphomania, there is an unspoken suggestion that it should be similarly treated; for the two "perversions" of which he speaks Lydston suggests "removal of irritation of the sexual apparatus," "anaphrodisiac remedies," "attempts to restrain sexual excesses, or to break the habit of masturbation." But if the "disease" is organic, it is probably incurable and requires more radical treatment: "In women, extirpation of the ovaries, or the procedure of Mr. Baker Brown--clitoridectomy--may be performed. Howe recommends the application of the actual cautery to the back of the neck. Basing this treatment upon the theory that the disease takes its origin in over-excitation of the nerve fibres of the cerebellum or some of the ganglia in the neighborhood, he also suggests blisters and setons to answer the same purpose. Dry cupping to the nucha is also serviceable. Means to restore the general health are always indicated. In the severe cases of the maniacal form of excessive sexual desire the asylum is usually our only recourse".


Krafft-Ebing, R. von. Psychopathia Sexualis, with Special Reference to Contrary Sexual Instinct. A Medico-Legal Study. Authorized trans. of the 7th enlarged and rev. German ed. by Charles Gilbert Chaddock (Phila.: F. A. Davis, 1893). Material on treatment of contrary sexual instinct.

1893, February 4

"Removal of the Ovaries as a Therapeutic Measure in Public Institutions for the Insane," Journal of the American Medical Association (Chicago), Feb. 4, 1893, p. 135-37. There may be an earlier article on this in January, in the same journal. Dr. Joseph Price mentioned: p. 136-37. Also see "Domestic Correspondence," same, Feb. 18, 1893, p. 182-83. For comment on this article see Dr. F. E. Daniel (1893) on OutHistory.org.

1893, August

Daniel, F. E. "Castration of Sexual Perverts," Texas Medical Journal (Austin), Aug. 1893: 255-71. Reprinted in Texas Medical Journal. Vol. 27, no. 10 (April 1912): p. 369-85· A note (p. 369) adds: "Under the title, 'Should Insane Criminals or Sexual Perverts be Permitted to Procreate?' this paper was read at the Joint Session of the World's Columbian Auxiliary Congress--Section of Medical Jurisprudence--and the International Medico-Legal Congress, August 16th, 1893, and also before the American Medico-Legal Society, New York, October 11th, 1893, and published in the 'Medico-Legal Journal' for December, and in the 'Psychological Bulletin,' New York." Dr. Daniel is identified in the 1912 reprint as the editor of the Texas Medical Journal.

1894, May

Kiernan, James G. "Insanity. Lecture XXVI.-Perversion," Detroit Lancet. Vol. 7, no. II (May 1884): p. 481-84. (P. 483-84.)

1894, June

Kiernan, James G. "Psychical Treatment of Congenital Sexual Inversion," Review of Insanity and Nervous Disease. Vol. 4, no. 4 (June 1894): p. 293-95·


Schrenck-Notzing, Albert von. Therapeutic Suggestion in Psychopathia Sexualis with Especial Reference to Contrary Sexual Instinct. Authorized trans. from the German by Charles Gilbert Chaddock. Phila.: F. A. Davis, 1895.

1895, March

Raffalovich, Marc Andre. "Uranism, Congenital Sexual Inversion. Observations and Recommendations ... " Trans. C. Judson Herrick. Journal of Comparative Neurology. Vol. 5 (March 1895): p. 33-65. (P. 33-34,36-37,42,52.)

1895, April

Ellis, Havelock. "Sexual Inversion in Women," Alienist and Neurologist. Vol. 16, no. 2 (April 1895): 141-58. (P. 158.)

1896, April

Talbot, E. S., and Ellis, Havelock. "A Case of Degenerative Insanity, with Sexual Inversion, Melancholia, following Removal of Testicles, Attempted Murder and Suicide," Journal of Mental Science. Vol. 42, no. 177, new ser. no. 177 (April 1896): p. 340-44 (Le. 46-erroneous pagination in original). (P. 341-44.)

1896, July

Ellis, Havelock. "A Note on the Treatment of Sexual Inversion," Alienist and Neurologist. Vol. 17 (July 1896): p. 257-64. (P. 258-59.)


Ellis, Havelock, and Symonds, John Addington. Sexual Inversion. 1st English ed. London: Wilson and Macmillan, 1897; photo reprint, N.¥.: Arno, 1975· (P. 73.)


Quackenbos, John Duncan. "Hypnotic Suggestion in the Treatment of Sexual Perversions and Moral Anaesthesia: A Personal Experience," Transactions of the New Hampshire Medical Society. 1899: p. 69-91. (P. 69, 72, 75, 78-80.)