Talk:Herbert Spiers: November 8, 1945-March 2, 2011

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Comments on Herbert Spiers: November 8, 1945-March 2, 2011

DennisS said ...
11:47, 23 March 2011 (EST)
Herb added fun, stimulated knowledge and provided support when most needed. So much of significance was shared in a relatively short time, he remains a constant presence in my life.
victor wexler said ...
16:27, 25 March 2011 (EST)
This is truly an enormous loss. I admired Herb for his quick, if sometimes caustic, wit. His great intellengence and genrousity. He was the best party giver in town. If a friend had something to celebrate, his loft became filled with a joyus crowd and he appeared in fabullous drag. What touched me most about herb at the time and still does now was his unswerving loyalty to friends in trouble. When we all started dying in droves, Herb provided true care and support even to the end. Indeed, he mastered the art of the sensitive but remarkably non-morose funeral oration. Somehow he managed to console us and engouraged us to go on. A real inspiration. He belongs with the angels.
Bill and Kathy Ubbing said ...
15:46, 10 April 2011 (EST)
Mr. Spiers was our Freshman History teacher at Bishop Watterson High School in 1968-1969. Both Bill and I went on to finish high school, college (he @U of ND and I @ OSU). This morning we read of Herbert's death we send our prayers to his dear friends and family. Both of us agreed almost instantly that "Mr. Spiers" was one of those few and far between wonderful teachers. He was an inspired speaker and passionate about American History. We will never forget him and his talent took him very far in his life.

Most sincerely, Bill and Kathryn Ubbing 2030 Langham Road

Columbus, OH 43221
Mary McEwan Schneider said ...
09:08, 11 April 2011 (EST)
I had Mr. Spiers for my l969 POD class. I remember he allowed the class to take over one day. We were allowed 15 mintues to say or do whatever(within reason)we thought would be educational and interesting. The Phil Donahue Show was very popular at the time so I decided to run my own style of that show. I asked some thought provoking questions and got some amazing revealing answers. Herb was VERY complimentary. He went as far as to write me a letter encouraging me to pursue broadcasting. What a wonderful boost for a very insecure young girl. Such a GREAT teacher and good man. God rest his soul.