Help:Format Book Publication

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Revision as of 20:21, 2 August 2008 by Jnk (talk | contribs)
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Carefully choose a title for this Book Publication entry, preferably one line, preferably starting with Book: author's last name, short title of book, month, day, year of publication.

Type selected title in Search box and Search.

Click on title, create, edit, and save format below. Then fill in the data.

Subtitle: Authors Whole Name, Name of Book in Italics, (Place of publication: Publisher, Month, Day, Year of Publication)

Image of cover or illustration from book uploaded here.

OutHistory's Description:

Publisher's Description

Brief Description of Author

Publication Data:


Publication Month and Day:

Publication Year:




Retail Price:


Publisher's Categories:

Link to publisher and this book:

Link to articles about, published reviews of this book:

Fill in "Article timeline:" "From" and "To"

Fill in "Synopsis"


[[Category: ]] [[Category: ]]

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