Category:20th century
From OutHistory
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Pages in category "20th century"
The following 193 pages are in this category, out of 193 total.
- A Citywide Blue-collar Economy Evaporates
- A Polk Street Sex Work Economy
- AIDS in Watauga County, North Carolina, 1985-2009
- Allan Spear
- Anne Stradauskas
- Appalachian State University LGBT Life
- Appalachian State University LGBT Life, 1969-1978
- Appalachian State University LGBT Life, 1979-1988
- Appalachian State University LGBT Life, 1989-1998
- Appalachian State University LGBT Life, 1999-2009
- Appalachian State University's Response to HIV/AIDS
- Carole Midgen
- Carpenter's "Intermediate Types Among Primitive Folk", 1911
- Cathy Woolard
- Chris Kolb
- Christine Kehoe
- Christine Quinn
- Chuck Carpenter
- Columbia, SC
- Come Out! Magazine, 1969-1972
- Coming Out Into Come Out!
- Commercialized Sex and Economic Uplift
- Comprehensive Timeline for Watauga County, North Carolina LGBT Life, 1970-2009
- Condom Dispensers at ASU, 1988-1989
- Corvallis, Oregon State University gay activism 1969-2004
- Gay Bars “Turn Hustler”
- Gay Liberation in Champaign-Urbana, IL. 1971-1976: A Personal History
- Gay-Straight Alliances
- Gengle's "GAI wants to get other groups started", 1975-76
- George Eighmey
- Gerry E. Studds
- Gifford's "Female transvestites", 1933
- Glenn Burke Hits a Homerun for the Gays, 1977
- Grand Jury and the Fight for a Gay Rights Bill in Champaign, May 1972-May 1973
- Grand Jury and the Fight for a Gay Rights Bill in Champaign, May 1972-November 1972
- Gregory Pettis
- Jack Adair, April 21, 1993
- Jeff Graubart: A Conspiracy Unraveled, My 17 Day Urbana Sit-in, March, 1976
- Jeff Graubart: My Mayoral Campaign, January 1973-April 1973
- Jeff Horton
- Jim Kolbe
- Jim McGill
- Joe Herzenberg
- John D'Emilio, "A Woman for All Generations," 1930s - 1990s
- John D'Emilio, "Bayard Rustin in Chicago," 1951
- John D'Emilio, "Every Kick is a Boost," 1977
- John D'Emilio, "Pulp Madness," 1950 - 1970
- John D'Emilio: "Dade County, USA," 1977
- John D'Emilio: "Gay Power," Chicago, 1966
- John D'Emilio: "History and Me," 1950-2008
- John D'Emilio: "In The News," 1950-1970
- John D'Emilio: "The Lavender Scare in Chicago," 1950s
- John D'Emilio: "Writing for Freedom," 1970s
- John D'Emilio: drag and street fairy life; Chicago, 1965-1970
- John Laird
- Jonathan Ned Katz, Recalling My Play "Coming Out!" June 1972
- Jones' "They Played the Harlot with Each Other", 1901-02
- José Sarria
- Juanita Owens and Rosalinda del Moral
- Judy Powers
- Legg's "Berdache and Theories of Sexual Inversion", 1959
- Lesbians and Cultural Issues in the 20th Century
- Lesbians and the 1950s
- Lesbians Between the World Wars
- Lesbians, World War II and Beyond
- Leslie Katz
- LGBT Life in Watauga County, North Carolina, 1990-2009
- Liz Stephanics and Linda Siegle
- Louis Escobar
- Lowie's "One surviving berdache", 1907-12
- Lowie's "She eloped with her sister-in-law", 1909
- National Coming Out Day
- National Day of Silence
- National Gay Mobilizing Committee for a March on Washington, May 1973-December 1973
- Neil Giuliano
- Nestle: Blog on History; Dexter and Diana: Voices in the Wind, 1950s-1990s
- Nestle: Blog on History; Thank You, Del Martin, 1921-2008
- Nestle: Blog on History; The Kiss, 1950s-1990s
- Nestle: Blog on History; Women's House of D, 1931-1974
- New Hampshire Elected Officials
- Newsletters, Documents, and Other Primary Sources
- Pam Cuthbert
- Patti Bushee
- Phil Reed
- Philadelphia LGBT History Project, 1945-1972
- Photographs:Gender Bending Women, early-20th c.
- Police sweeps to social service
- Polk Street Gay Commercial Health Undermined
- Polk Street Homelessness
- Polk Street Merchants Push Back
- Postcards: Masculine Women, Feminine Men; early-20th c.
- Sample Exhibit
- Sassafras Lowrey
- Sex Work Economy Breaks Down
- Sheila Kuehl
- Simms's "He compelled these people to wear men's clothing", 1902
- Social Scientists and Homophiles, 1950s and 1960s
- Spier's "Transvestites or berdaches", 1930
- Stephen Lachs
- John William Sterling and James Orville Bloss, 1870-1918
- Steve May
- Student Homophile League/Gay Liberation Front
- Suicide at Appalachian State University, 1970
- Support Programs for Queer At-Risk Youth
- Susan Leal
- The Fight for a Gay Rights Bill in Urbana, April 1973-October 1973
- The History of the Alice B Toklas LGBT Democratic Club, San Francisco, California, 1971-2004
- The Tavern Guild and Imperial Court
- Thomas Duane
- Tim Mains
- Timeline of Events Viewed Through Historical Sources
- Tom Ammiano
- Tom Brougham
- Two "Queens" Attend Prom - Together, 1980