Uploads by SFNathan

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
17:07, 23 February 2010 Clinton the Cure for the Blues Button.jpg (file) 23 KB Button from Clinton's 1992 Election campaign "Clinton: The Cure for the Blues" 1
17:17, 23 February 2010 Transgender Health Benefit Passes Board of Supervisors.jpg (file) 29 KB San Francisco Chronicle Photo of Supporters of the San Francisco Transgender Health Benefit the moment the legislation passed at the Board of Supervisors 1
17:28, 23 February 2010 Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin.jpg (file) 46 KB San Francisco Chronicle Photo of Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin, the first couple married in San Francisco during the February 2004 San Francisco LGBT marriages, and the first to be married in San Francisco in 2008 when the California Supreme Court ruled the 1
23:43, 23 February 2010 Jim Rivaldo Harvey Milk's Campaign Consultant.jpg (file) 23 KB Jim Rivaldo was Harvey Milk's campaign consultant and he had a graphic design business, doing graphics for slate mailers, billboards and other media, and the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club was his client for decades before he passed away. 1
23:56, 23 February 2010 Boxer & Migden.jpg (file) 20 KB Barbara Boxer and Carole Migden, two of California's most prominent politicians early in their careers. 1
03:02, 24 February 2010 Paul Hogan.jpg (file) 15 KB   1
03:09, 24 February 2010 Rich Kowalewski.jpg (file) 8 KB   1
03:26, 24 February 2010 Laura Spanjian Scott Wiener & Rafael Mandleman.jpg (file) 15 KB   1
03:27, 24 February 2010 Laura Spanjian Scott Wiener.jpg (file) 15 KB   1
03:38, 24 February 2010 Heather Fong & Theresa Sparks.jpg (file) 22 KB   1
03:40, 24 February 2010 Fong & Sparks.jpg (file) 22 KB Police Chief Heather Fong introduces President of the Police Commission Theresa Sparks (Center). Sparks was the first transgender San Francisco Police Commissioner appointed by the Board of Supervisors in 2004. 1
03:46, 24 February 2010 Mark Leno & Al Gore.jpg (file) 23 KB   1
04:01, 24 February 2010 Barnes Slate Card.jpg (file) 126 KB   1
03:01, 25 February 2010 Dennis Herrera.jpg (file) 24 KB San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera. 1
03:08, 25 February 2010 Carole Migden.jpg (file) 23 KB Carole Migden early in her career. 1
03:56, 25 February 2010 Bevan Dufty.jpg (file) 18 KB San Francisco Supervisor Bevan Dufty 1
04:04, 25 February 2010 Susan Leal.jpg (file) 19 KB Former San Francisco Treasurer Susan Leal 1
04:09, 25 February 2010 Willie Brown Early Years.jpg (file) 27 KB Former Assembly Speaker and Former Mayor Willie Brown in his early career. 1
04:30, 25 February 2010 Kamala Harris.jpg (file) 20 KB San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris 1
04:34, 25 February 2010 Jose Cisneros.jpg (file) 13 KB San Francisco Treasurer Jose Cisneros 1
04:38, 25 February 2010 Nancy Pelosi.jpg (file) 27 KB Nancy Pelosi upon being the first woman elected as Democratic Minority Leader in 2003. 1
04:43, 25 February 2010 Leslie Katz.jpg (file) 11 KB Former San Francisco Supervisor Leslie Katz. 1
04:47, 25 February 2010 Tom Radulovich.jpg (file) 6 KB Bay Area Rapid Transit Board Member Tom Radulovich. 1
04:55, 25 February 2010 BarnesRobert.jpg (file) 6 KB San Francisco Political Consultant Robert Barnes 1
05:02, 25 February 2010 John Newsome.jpg (file) 15 KB   1
05:11, 25 February 2010 Lawrence Wong.jpg (file) 5 KB San Francisco Community College Board Member Lawrence Wong 1
05:37, 25 February 2010 Julius Turman & Rebecca Prozan.jpg (file) 34 KB   1
06:37, 25 February 2010 John Laird.jpg (file) 19 KB Former Assemblyman John Laird 1
16:26, 25 February 2010 Alice B. Toklas, by Carl Van Vechten - 1949.jpg (file) 17 KB   1
17:50, 25 February 2010 Prop-8-march-030409-2.jpg (file) 121 KB   1
23:20, 25 February 2010 Nathan Purkiss.jpg (file) 102 KB   1
03:08, 26 February 2010 SilenceEqualsDeath-thumb-250x303-67.jpg (file) 64 KB   1
16:39, 1 March 2010 Turman & Prozan.jpg (file) 34 KB   1
02:51, 9 March 2010 1973 1 Alice Reports.pdf (file) 756 KB   1
04:17, 9 March 2010 1976 4 Alice Reports.pdf (file) 1.25 MB   1
04:21, 9 March 2010 1976 7 Alice Reports.pdf (file) 968 KB July 1976 Edition of Alice Reports, newsletter of the Alice B Toklas LGBT Democratic Club 1
04:24, 9 March 2010 1977 5 Alice Reports.pdf (file) 502 KB May, 1977 Edition of Alice Reports, Newsletter of the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club 1
04:27, 9 March 2010 1977 12 Alice Reports.pdf (file) 947 KB December, 1977 Edition, Alice Reports, Newsletter of the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club 1
04:30, 9 March 2010 1978 1 Alice Reports.pdf (file) 504 KB January, 1978 Edition, Alice Reports Newsletter of the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club 1
04:34, 9 March 2010 1978 12 Alice Reports.pdf (file) 1.57 MB December, 1978 Edition Alice Reports, Newsletter of the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club 1
04:37, 9 March 2010 1979 6 Alice Reports.pdf (file) 550 KB June, 1979 Edition of Alice Reports, Newsletter of the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club 1
04:39, 9 March 2010 1979 9 Alice Reports.pdf (file) 717 KB September, 1979 Alice Reports, Newsletter of the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club 1
04:48, 9 March 2010 1982 8 Alice Reports.pdf (file) 1.16 MB August, 1982 Edition of Alice Reports, Newsletter of the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club 1
04:51, 9 March 2010 1982 9 Alice Reports.pdf (file) 1.17 MB September, 1982 Edition of Alice Reports, Newsletter of the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club 1
04:55, 9 March 2010 1983 4 Alice Reports.pdf (file) 1.65 MB April, 1983 Edition of Alice Reports, the newsletter of the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club 1
05:00, 9 March 2010 1983 7 Alice Reports.pdf (file) 1.75 MB July, 1983 edition of Alice Reports, newsletter of the Alice B Toklas LGBT Democratic Club 1
05:04, 9 March 2010 1985 1 Alice Reports.pdf (file) 816 KB January, 1985 Alice Reports, Newsletter of the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club 1
05:07, 9 March 2010 1986 4 Alice Reports.pdf (file) 1 MB April, 1986 edition of Alice Reports, Newsletter of the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club 1
05:11, 9 March 2010 1988 3 Alice Reports.pdf (file) 889 KB March, 1988 edition of Alice Reports, Newsletter of the Alice B Toklas LGBT Democratic Club 1
05:13, 9 March 2010 1988 8 Alice Reports.pdf (file) 1.11 MB August, 1988 Edition of Alice Reports, Newsletter of the Alice B Toklas LGBT Democratic Club 1
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