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The following is a list of items in the Blanche M. Baker Library listed by the original accession numbers. This page lists items 1251 through 1500.

The books listed here were collected by Don Slater, Jim Kepner, and others through their work for ONE, Incorporated, and the Homosexual Information Center (HIC). Many of these texts are archived and available for public viewing at the Vern and Bonnie Bullough Collection on Sex and Gender, a Special Collection within Oviatt Library, California State University at Northridge.

This exhibit will strive to be as comprehensive as possible, and to that aim we encourage comments and submissions from those knowledgeable in the field. If you would like to submit authors profiles, book reviews, insights, or corrections for this section of the exhibit, please contact C. Todd White at todd@tangentroup.org. Where necessary, copyright information and rights must be provided in order for us to publish the materials.

NOTE: Readers are invited to submit abstracts and reviews of these volumes.

Acc. Title Author Year Publisher City Type Loc
1251 Causes of Homosexuality, The Benjamin, Harry 1955 (May) Sexology Article Oviatt
1252 L 'esprit d' Arcadie Baudry, Andre 1960 (April) Arcadie (magazine) Paris Article Unk
1253 Prostitution Benjamin, Harry 1961 Ency. of Sexual Behavior Article Oviatt
1254 L 'esprit d' Arcadie Baudry, Andre 1960 (April) Arcadie (magazine) Paris Article Unk
1255 Transexualism and Transvestism: A Symposium Benjamin, Harry (ed.) 1954 Amer. Journal of Psychotherapy Article Unk
1256 Sex Censorship in Medicine (and Unfree) Benjamin, Harry nd Sex and Censorship San Francisco Article Oviatt
1257 Lessons from Jelke Sex Trial (As Seen by a Sexologist) Benjamin, Harry 1952 (July) Sexology Article Oviatt
1258 Prostitution Re-Assessed Benjamin, Harry 1951 Sexology Article Oviatt
1259 Treatment of Aging, The Benjamin, Harry 1958 Senior Citizen Magazine Arcicle Unk
1259.1 Nature and Meaning of Old Age, The Benjamin, Harry 1958 (April) Senior Citizen Magazine Article Oviatt
1260 In Time... We Must Accept Benjamin, Harry 1958 Mattachine Review Article HIC
1261 Dramatic Event, The: An American Chronicle Bentley, Eric 1954 Beacon Press Boston Hist Oviatt
1262 Confessions of A Spent Youth Bourjaily, Vance Nye 1960 Dial Press New York Biog Unk
1263 Uncomfortable Inn, The Rainer, Dachine 1960 Aberlard-Schuman New York Fiction Oviatt
1264 Last Resort, The Unk
1265 Season with Mammon, A Goff, Martyn Putnam London Fiction Oviatt
1266 Damned and Damned Again Willis, William 1958 Cassell London Biog Oviatt
1267 Breakfast at Tiffany’s Capote, Truman 1958 Random House New York Fiction Oviatt
1268 Love in Ancient Greece Flaceliere, Robert 1962 Crown New York Hist Unk
1269 Homosexual Society, The Heuser, Richard Year Pub Place Genre Loc
1270 Ten Pollitt Place Kitchin, C. H. B. 1957 Secker & Warburg London Fiction Oviatt
1271 Dharma Bums, The Kerouac, Jack 1958 Viking New York Fiction Oviatt
1272 Mann in der Photographie I, Der 1954 Der Kreis Zürich Art HIC
1273 Folklore of Sex, The Ellis, Albert 1951 Charles Boni New York Ethics/Moraltiy Oviatt
1274 Venus Castina: Famous Female Impersonators, Celestial and Human Bulliet, Clarence Joseph 1933 Covici-Friede New York Hist/Theatre Unk
1275 Act of Anger Spicer, Bart 1962 Antheneum New York Fiction Oviatt
1276 Anthology of Friendship Carpenter, Edward 1929 George Allen & Unwin London Anth Oviatt
1277 Impresario, The Money, John 1961 William Morrow New York Fiction Oviatt
1278 Life Plus 99 Years Leopold, Nathan F. 1959 Doubleday & Co. New York Unk
1279 Shot in the Dark, A Garnett, David 1958 Little, Brown & Co. Boston Fiction Unk
1280 Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living Long, H. W. Ethics/Morality HIC
1281 Secret in a Bottle: The Cause and Cure of Alcoholism Stowe, Perry 1952 Pageant Press New York Psyc Unk
1282 Geschichte Lichbrect, Der (?) Unk
1283 Homosexuals Today (1956) Cutler, Marvin (Pseud.) 1956 ONE, Inc. Los Angeles Hist Unk
1284 Days with Antonio (Story from Der Kreis) Cordon, Wolfgang Fiction Unk
1285 Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud, The Brill, A. A. Psyc Unk
1286 Sex Life of the Unmarried Adult, The Wile, Ira S. 1941 Garden City Pub. New York Psyc Unk
1287 Nudism in Modern Life Parmelee, Maurice Soc Unk
1288 Strange Customs of Courtship and Marriage Fielding, William J. 1944 (April) Garden City Pub. New York Anth Oviatt
1289 Temple of Golden Pavilion, The Mishima, Yukio 1959 Knopf New York Fiction Unk
1290 Middle Mist, The Renault, Mary 1945 William Morrow New York Hist Unk
1291 I Will Not Serve Mahyere, Eveline 1960 E. P. Dutton & Co. New York Fiction Unk
1292 Cool World, The Miller, Warren 1959 Little, Brown & Co. Boston Fiction Oviatt
1293 Brontes, The Bentley, Phyllis 1954 Arthur Barker, Ltd. London Hist/Biog Unk
1294 Provincials, The Cornish, John 1951 W. Sloane New York Unk
1295 Brainstorm Brown, Carlton 1944 Farrar & Rinehart New York Biog Oviatt
1296 Young Törless Musil, Robert 1955 Pantheon New York Fiction Unk
1297 Pleasures of the Torture Chamber, The Swain, John 1957 [1931] Noel Douglas London Hist/Psyc HIC
1298 Short Stories, The Woodford, Jack Fiction Unk
1299 Sexual History of the World War, The Hirschfeld, Magnus 1934 Panurge Press New York Hist Oviatt
1300 Homosexual in America, The: A Subjective Approach Cory, Donald Webster 1951 Greenberg New York Soc Unk
1301 Homosexual Society, The Hauser, Richard Soc Unk
1302 Winger’s Landfall Lauder, Stuart 1962 Eyre & Spottiswoode London Fiction Oviatt
1303 Sam: A Novel Coleman, Lonnie 1959 David McKay New York Fiction Unk
1304 La Bas (Down There) Huysmans, Joris-Karl Unk
1305 Kama Kalpa or The Hindu Ritual of Love Thomas, P. nd D. B. Taraporvevala Bombay Religion Unk
1306 Bachelor’s Hall Underwood, Reginald 1937 Fortune Press London Fiction Oviatt
1307 History of Western Morals, A Brinton, Clarence Crane 1959 Harcourt, Brace & Co. New York Hist/Morality Oviatt
1308 Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology 1960 Batchworth London Ref/Religion HIC
1309 Castration for the Sex Offender is Therapatric Nihilism Ruskin, I. W. Psyc Unk
1310 Obscenity and The Mail: A Study of Administrative Restraint by Edward De Grazia De Grazio, Edward 1955 Duke University of Law Durham, NC Legal
1311 I Speak my Name Larkman, John Unk
1312 Youth in Twelve Centuries: Anthology of Friendship M. E. B. 1886 D. Lothrom & Co. Boston Hist Oviatt
1313 Eros (Magazine) Periodical Unk
1314 Doctor Looks at Love and Life, The Collins, Joseph 1926 Garden City Pub. New York Ethics/Morality Unk
1315 Homosexuality and Mental Health Psyc Unk
1316 Homosexuality and Mental Health Psyc Unk
1317 Homosexuality and Mental Health Psyc Unk
1318 Corn King and the Spring Queen, The Mitchison, Naomi 1931 Jonathan Cape London Fiction Oviatt
1319 Marriage Below Zero, A Cohen, Alfred J. 1889 G. W. Dilinham New York Fiction Oviatt
1320 Gaudy Image, The Talsman, William Fiction Unk
1321 Questions Men Ask Wylie, William P. 1956 Church Info. Westminster Religion Oviatt
1322 Neglected Educator, A Thompson, Merrit M. Education Unk
1323 Someone to Love Farewell, Nina 1959 Julian Messner New York Fiction Oviatt
1324 Malcolm Purdy, James 1959 Farrar, Straus & Cudahy New York Fiction Oviatt
1325 Before The Great Snow Pump, Hans 1958 Harcourt, Brace & Co. New York Fiction Unk
1326 Patterns of Psychosexual Infantilism Stakel, William 1952 Liveright New York Psyc Unk
1327 What Ship? Where Bound? Rifkin, Shepard 1961 Knopf New York Fiction Oviatt
1328 Leave Me Alone Karp, David 1957 Knopf New York Fiction Unk
1329 Bit Off the Map and Other Stories, A Wilson, Angus 1957 Viking New York Fiction Unk
1330 World Within, The: Fiction Illuminating Neuroses of Our Time Aswell, Mary Louise 1947 Whittlesey House New York Fic/Psyc Unk
1331 Tillotson Hyams, Edward 1960 Simon & Schuster New York Fiction Oviatt
1332 Captain Cat Holles, Robert 1960 M. Joseph London Oviatt
1333 Breakdown Bratby, John 1961 World Pub. Cleveland, OH Oviatt
1334 Pianissimo Faber, Francoise 1955 Hamish Hamilton London Fiction Oviatt
1335 Man with Two Shadows, The Maugham, Robin 1958 Harper & Bros. New York Fiction Oviatt
1336 De Profundis Wilde, Oscar 1950 Philosophical Library New York Essay Unk
1337 Question of Innocence, A Winks, Donald 1960 Macmillan New York Fiction Unk
1338 Top Dog Cobb, Mary 1960 Doubleday & Co. Garden City, NY Fiction Oviatt
1339 Outer Ring, The Lindop, Audrey Erskine 1955 Appleton-Century-Crofts New York Fiction Unk
1340 From Marlowe to Shaw Ellis, Havelock 1950 William and Norgate London Oviatt
1341 Uses and Abuses of Psychology Eysenck, H. J. 1959 Penguin Boston Psyc Oviatt
1342 Verdict on the Kinsey Imports, The Bowman, Karl M. 1958 (Aug.) The American Journal of Psychiatry Psyc Article Unk
1343 Homo-sexual Life Fielding, William J. 1925? Haldeman-Julius Girard, KS Psyc Unk
1344 Sheaf For Laughter, A Fortune, Peter 1950 Poetry Unk
1345 Psychoanalytical Method and the Doctrine of Freud Dalbiez, Roland 1948 Lowe & Brydone London Psyc Unk
1346 Woman as Force in History: A Study in Traditions and Realities Beard, Mary R. 1946 Macmillan Co. New York History Unk
1347 Scarlet City, The Haasse, Hella S. 1954 McGraw-Hill London Fiction Oviatt
1348 Voyage from Lesbos: the psychoanalysis of a female homosexual Robertiello, Richard C. 1959 Citadel Press New York Psyc Oviatt
1349 Wisest Fool in Christendom, The: The Reign of King James I and VI McElwee, William 1958 Harcourt, Brace & Co. New York Hist/Biog Unk
1350 Arturo’s Island Morante, Elsa 1959 Alfred A, Knopf New York Fiction Oviatt
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1381 Erotic in Literature, The Loth, David 1961 Julian Messner New York Ethics/Morality HIC (Dup)
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1384 Mann in der Photographie III, Der 1954 Der Kreis Zürich Art Oviatt
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1392 Special Friendships Peyrefitte, Roger Fiction Unk
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1402 Psychopathia Sexualis: A Medico-Forensic Study von Krafft-Ebing, Richard 1953 Pioneer Publications New York Psyc HIC
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1449 Homosexual Society, The Hauser, Richard 1962 Bodley Head Liverpool Soc Unk
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1477 Circle of Sex, The Arthur, Gavin 1962 Pan-Graphic Press San Francisco Oviatt
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1479 Femme Mimics Winford, Carlton E. 1954 Winford Co. Dallas Biog Unk
1480 Title Author Year Pub Place Genre Loc
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1482 Female Homosexuality Mei, Lynn 1961 Lynn Mei San Francisco Psyc/Soc Unk
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This entry is part of the featured exhibit The Pre-Gay Era in the USA curated by C. Todd White. As it is content created by a named author, editor, or curator, it is not open to editing by the general public. But we strongly encourage you to discuss the content or propose edits on the discussion page, and the author, editor, or curator will make any changes that improve the entry or its content. Thanks.