Titles 751-1000

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The following is a list of items in the Blanche M. Baker Library listed by the original accession numbers. This page lists items 751 through 1,000.

The books listed here were collected by Don Slater, Jim Kepner, and others through their work for ONE, Incorporated, and the Homosexual Information Center (HIC). Many of these texts are archived and available for public viewing at the Vern and Bonnie Bullough Collection on Sex and Gender, a Special Collection within Oviatt Library, California State University at Northridge.

This exhibit will strive to be as comprehensive as possible, and to that aim we encourage comments and submissions from those knowledgeable in the field. If you would like to submit authors profiles, book reviews, insights, or corrections for this section of the exhibit, please contact C. Todd White at todd@tangentroup.org. Where necessary, copyright information and rights must be provided in order for us to publish the materials.

NOTE: Readers are invited to submit abstracts and reviews of these volumes.

Acc. Title Author Year Publisher City Type Loc
751 Encyclopedia of Criminality Branham, Vernon Carnegie 1949 Philosophical Library New York Ref Unk
752 Reader’s Encyclopedia, The Benét, William Rose Reference Unk
753 Whispering Gallery, The Lehmann, John 1955 Harcourt, Brace & Co. New York Biography Unk
754 Religion of the Semites, The Smith, William Robertson 1956 Meridian Books New York Religion Unk
755 Psychiatry and Catholicism Van der Veldt, James H. 1952 McGraw-Hill New York Psyc/Rel Unk
756 Walt Whitman: Thinker and Artist Briggs, Arthur E. 1952 Philosophical Library New York Biography Unk
757 Extinct Languages Friedrich, Johannes 1957 Philosophical Library New York Hist/Anth Oviatt
758 Psychoanalyst and the Artist, The Schneider, Daniel E. Psyc Unk
759 Psychoanalysis Today: A Catholic Approach Gemelli, Agostino 1955 P. J. Kenedy & Sons New York Psyc/Rel Oviatt
760 Women and Sometimes Men Scott-Maxwell, Florida 1957 Alfred A. Knopf New York Oviatt
761 What God has Joined Together: A Book on Christian Marriage Thibon, Gustone 1952 H. Regnery Co. Chicago Religion Unk
762 Frenzied Poets, The: Andrey Biely and the Russian Symbolists Maslenikov, Oleg A. 1952 U. of CA Press Berkeley Lit Studies Oviatt
763 End to Innoncence, An: Essays on Culture and Politics Fiedler, Leslie A. 1955 Beacon Boston Politics Unk
764 E. M. Forster Trilling, Lionel 1943 New Directions Norfolk, CT Biog/Lit Studies Oviatt
765 Rebel, The: An Essay on Man in Revolt Camus, Albert 1954 Vintage Books New York Psyc/Hist Unk
766 Autumn Leaves Gide, André 1950 Philosophical Library New York Fiction Unk
767 Journal of Katherine Mansfield Mansfield, Katherine nd Alfred A. Knopf New York Biography Unk
768 Walt Whitman, An American: A Study in Biography Canby, Henry Siedel 1943 Riverside Press Cambridge Biog/Lit Studies Unk
769 Walt Whitman Reconsidered Chase, Richard 1955 William Sloane Assoc. New York Biog/Lit Studies Unk
770 Lese Majesty: The Private Lives of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor Lockridge, Norman 1953 Continental Books New York Biography HIC
771 Francis Bacon, Philosopher of Industrial Science Farrington, Benjamine 1951 Lawrence and Wishart London Biography Unk
772 Byron, Shelly and their Pisan Circle Cline, Clarence Lee 1952 J. Murray London Biography Unk
773 Odes of Pindar, The Pindar Poetry Unk
774 History of Charles XII Voltaire, Francois Maris Arouet de 1912 E. P. Dutton New York Hist/Biog Oviatt
775 Modern Education: A Critique of it's Fundamental Ideals Rank, Otto 1932 A. A. Knopf New York Soc Unk
776 Poems of Catullus, The Gregory, Horace (ed) 1956 Grove Press New York Poetry Unk
777 Correspondence of Gerard Manley Hopkins and Richard Watson Dixon, The Hopkins, Gerard Manley 1955 Oxford U. Press London Biog/Hist Unk
778 Sir Richard Burton’s Wife Burton, Jean 1941 Alfred A. Knopf New York Biog/Hist Unk
779 André Gide Starkie, Enid 1953 Bowed & Bowes Cambridge Biog/Hist Unk
780 Fuehrer, Der: Hitler’s Rise to Power Heiden, Konrad 1944 Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston Biog/Hist Unk
781 Main Chance, The Wildeblood, Peter 1957 Hougton Mifflin Co. Boston Unk
782 Christian Behaviour Lewis, C. S. 1948 Macmillan Co. New York Religion HIC
783 Schopenhauer: Pessimist and Pagan McGill, V. J. 1931 Brentano’s Publishers New York Biog/Philos Oviatt
784 Flowers of Friendship: Letters Written to Gertrude Stein Gallup, Donald Clifford 1953 Alfred A. Knopf New York Hist Oviatt
785 Trelawny: A Man’s Life Armstrong, Margaret 1940 Macmillan Co. New York Biography Unk
786 Frederick the Great Goldsmith, Margaret 1929 Paper Books New York Biography Oviatt
787 Erasmus at Rotterdam Zweig, Stefan 1934 Viking Press New York Biography Oviatt
788 If It Die… An Autobiography Gide, André 1955 Secker & Warburg London Biography Unk
789 King’s Favourite: The Love Story of Robert Carr and Lady Essex Gibbs, Phillip nd Hutchinson London Biog/Hist Unk
790 Kaiser, The: A Life of Wilhelm II, last Emperor of Germany von Kurenberg, Joachim 1955 Simon & Schuster New York Biography Unk
791 Goebbels Diaries, The (1942–1943) Goebbels, Joseph 1948 Doubleday New York Biog/Hist Unk
792 Katherine Mansfield: A Biography Alpers, Antony 1953 Alfred A. Knopf New York Biography Oviatt
793 Desert and the Stars: A Biography of Lawrence of Arabia Armitage, Flora 1955 Holt New York Biography Unk
794 Clothes Laver, James 1952 Burke London Unk
795 Outsider, The Wilson, Colin 1956 Houghton Mifflin Boston Soc HIC
796 Sex Variant Women in Literature: A Historical and Quantitative Survey Foster, Jeannette Howard 1956 Vantage Press New York Hist/Lit Studies Oviatt
797 Starlit Dome: Studies in the Poetry of Vision Knight, G. Wilson 1941 Oxford U. Press London Lit Studies Oviatt
798 New Directions in Prose and Poetry No. 10 Laughlin, James (ed) 1948 New Directions New Jersey Poetry/Fiction Oviatt
799 Martha’s Husdband: An Informal Portrait of G. Washington Niles, Blair 1951 McGraw-Hill New York Biography Unk
800 Decorative Art in America: A Lecture Wilde, Oscar Art/Soc HIC
801 Road to Survival Vogt, William 1948 William Sloan Assoc. New York Unk
802 First Footsteps in East Africa (or, An Exploration of Harar) Burton, Richard F. 1894 Meccan Press London Biog/Hist Oviatt
803 Apocrypha, The (or the Non-Canonical Books of the Bible) Komroff, Manuel 1936 Tudor Publishing Co. New York Religion Oviatt
804 Life and Works of Flavius Josephus Flavius, Joseph John C. Winston Philadelphia Biog/Lit Studies Oviatt
805 Existentialism Sartre, Jean-Paul 1947 Philosophical Library New York Philos Oviatt
806 Exodus Uris, Leon 1958 Doubleday & Co. Garden City, NY Unk
807 Sex Life and Sex Ethics Guyon, René 1949 John Lane The Bodley Head London Ethics/Morality Oviatt
808 Beach Bums, The Owen, Jack 1959 Coward-McCann, Inc New York Fiction Oviatt
809 Sergeant, The Murphy, Dennis 1953 Viking Press New York Unk
810 Heritage of Buddha: The Story of Siddhartha Gautama Boozer, LuZanne 1953 Philosophical Library New York Hist/Religion Unk
811 I Take the Rap Shelly, Gordon 1957 F. Fell New York Unk
812 U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence Govt/Law Unk
813 Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice Peter Piper Press Mount Vernon, VA Govt/Law Oviatt
814 New Testament, The 1941 Catechetical Guild St. Paul, MN Religion Oviatt
815 Dictionary of the Bible Smith, William Ref/Religion Unk
816 New Dictionary of the French and English Language Clifton, E. C. Reference Unk
817(a) Hassfield’s, New Practical Method of the Dutch Language Reference Unk
817(b) Key to the Dutch Language Reference Unk
818 Speak Danish G. E. C. Gad Copenhagen Reference Oviatt
819 Koran, The 1909 J. M. Dent London Religion Unk
820 Meaning of the Glorious Koran, The: An Explanatory Translation Pickthall, Mohammed Marmaduke 1953 New American Library New York Religion Oviatt
821 New Testament, The Religion Unk
822 Bibel, Die Religion Unk
823 Engels Handwoordenboek Van Wely, F. P. H. Reference Unk
824 Collected Papers Freud, Sigmund 1948 Hogarth Press New York Psyc Unk
825 Dictionary of Amer-English Usage Nicholson, Margaret Reference Unk
826 English-Danish & Danish-English Pocket Dictionary Unk Unk
827 Perma Rhyming Dictionary, The Reed, Langford Reference Unk
828 Moloch, Der Wafferman, Jacob 1921 S. Filcher/Derlag Berlin Unk
829 Subterraneans, The Kerouac, Jack 1958 Grove Press New York Fiction Oviatt
830 Cassell’s French-English English French Dictionary Baker, Ernest A. Reference Unk
831 Webster’s Dictionary of Synonyms Reference Loc
832 Roget’s International Thesaurus Roget, Peter Mark Reference Unk
833 Dictionary of the English and German Languages Reference Unk
834 Voices of Dissent: A Collection of Articles from Dissent Magazine 1958 Grove Press New York Anthology Unk
835 California Law for Laymen Bagley, Ralph F. 1960 California Legal Pub. Los Angeles Law Unk
836 Encyclopedia of Criminology Branham, Vernon Carnegie 1949 Philosophical Library New York Ref/Law Unk
837 Story of an African Farm Schreiner, Olive 1883 Rand McNally & Co. Chicago Fiction Unk
838 Other Voices, Other Rooms Capote, Truman 1948 Random House New York Fiction Unk
839 My Six Convicts: A Psychologists Three Years in Fort Leavenworth Wilson, Donald Powell 1951 Rinehart New York Psyc Unk
840 Thibaults, The Du Gard, Roger Martin 1939 Literary Guild of America New York Fiction Unk
841 Outer Ring, The Lindop, Audrey Erskine 1955 Appleton-Century-Crofts New York Fiction Unk
842 Verdict of You All, The Croft-Cooke, Rupert 1955 Secker & Warburg London Unk
843 Parent’s Day Goodman, Paul Unk
844 Tombolo Fersen, Nicholas 1954 Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston Fiction Oviatt
845 Twisted Heart, The MacLaren, Mary 1952 Exposition Press New York Fiction Unk
846 You’re Only Human Once Moore, Grace 1944 Doran & Co. Garden City, NY Unk
847 Let it Come Down Bowles, Paul Frederic 1952 Random House New York Fiction Unk
848 Pillar, The Walker, David Harry 1952 Houghton Mifflin Boston Unk
849 Lucifer’s Dream Curtis, Jean-Louis 1953 Putnam New York Unk
850 Star Against Star Brownrigg, Gawen 1935 Obelisk Press Pairs Unk
851 Girl on the Wheel Bauken, Iris B. 1959 Vantage Press New York Fiction Oviatt
852 Go Holmes, John Clellon 1952 Scribner New York Unk
853 Decorative Art in America: A Lecture Wilde, Oscar Art/Soc Unk
854 My Sister and I Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm 1951 Boar’s Head Books New York Unk
855 Serenade Cain, James M. 1946 [1937] World Publishing Cleveland Fiction Oviatt
856 Sexual Urge, The: How it Grows and Wanes Feré, Charles Samson 1932 Falstaff Press New York Psyc Unk
857 Image and the Search, The Baxter, Walter 1953 Putnam New York Fiction Oviatt
858 Diary of Love, A Hutchins, Maude Phelps 1950 New Directions New York Unk
859 Selected Letters of Friedrich Nietzsche Nietzshe, Friedrich Willhelm 1921 Doubleday, Page & Co. Garden City, NY Biog/Hist Oviatt
860 Call House Madame: The Story of the Career of Beverly Davis Wolsey, Serge G. 1942 Martin Tudordale New York Biography Oviatt
861 Invisible Glass, The Wahl, Loren 1950 Greenburg New York Fiction Unk
862 Scalloy Square Schiff, Pearl Unk
863 Pleasures of Being Beaten, The (and Other Fleshly Delights) Lucian nd privately printed New York Hist/Psyc HIC
864 Mr. Smith Bromfield, Louis 1951 Harper & Bros. New York Unk
865 Reach to the Stars Willingham, Caider 1951 Vanguard Press New York Fiction Oviatt
866 Washington Confidential Lait, Jack 1951 Crown Publishers, Inc. New York Ethics/Morality Oviatt
867 Meaning and Varieties of Love, The: A Psychological Analysis and Interpretation Bridges, James Winfred 1935 Sci-Art Publishers Cambridge Psyc HIC
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This entry is part of the featured exhibit The Pre-Gay Era in the USA curated by C. Todd White. As it is content created by a named author, editor, or curator, it is not open to editing by the general public. But we strongly encourage you to discuss the content or propose edits on the discussion page, and the author, editor, or curator will make any changes that improve the entry or its content. Thanks.