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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer History by the LGBTQ Community

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Since Stonewall Local Histories Contest

View the winners and all the entries in the contest sponsored by to research and write the local history of your village, town, city, county, or state since Stonewall in 1969.


Today's History: The OutHistory Blog

Gay Suicides Stay in the News Clearly if, over the last 40 years, we have successfully changed the homophobic culture of a large number of American workplaces, then we do, in fact, have the tools and skills to change the culture of America's schools as well. We just need to borrow those tools from one environment and apply them to another.... Link to the OutHistory Blog for reflections on this recent news story.


In Amerika they Call Us Dykes: Lesbian Lives in the 1970s

In recognition of the momentous 1970s, the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies (CLAGS) will be holding a weekend long event/conference/ festival of lesbian history, culture, arts, scholarship, discussion, and performance from Friday, October 8 to Sunday, October 10th. The event will call upon experience, memory, and scholarship to represent as fully as possible the broad and wide experience of lesbians during the 1970s.


Help keep making history. Every penny counts! From 2011 on, will depend completely on donations from individuals like yourself, who understand that preserving the LGBT past is a form of activism -- and a valuable public service.


La Guardia and Wagner Archives, City Council Collection

Using materials from the La Guardia and Wagner Archives at La Guardia Community College, this exhibit provides a glimpse of events and documents that have helped change New York City laws as they relate to the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender communities.



Explore a thorough listing of historical exhibits on


Participate: Help Make History is unique in providing a freely accessible, non-profit forum for LGBTQ community members and their friends, including independent and academy-based scholars, to write and publish the history of the LGBT community. The focus for now is on the U.S. and its international relations. includes articles marked “Open Entry”. These are collaboratively and anonymously created by logged-on users with evidence, citations, and analysis to share. Here’s how to create an “Open Entry” also includes articles marked “Protected Entry”. These are by named, logged-on creators and can be edited only by that creator or site administrators. So the named author is responsible for the entry’s accuracy, clarity, and source citations. Upon request, the Coordinator of will protect an entry by a named author from changes. Here’s how to create a Protected Entry

For more about how to participate in see Participate

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REVIEW a Work on LGBTQ History

About is a freely accessible, community created, non-profit website on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and, yes, heterosexual history produced by the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies at the City University of New York Graduate Center, directed by Sarah Chinn. In its first four years it was supported by a generous grant from the Arcus Foundation (ending December 31, 2010), and contributions from individuals. OutHistory was awarded the 2010 Allan Berube Prize in Public History by the Committee on LGBT History of the American Historical Association. Staff

Coordinator: Lauren Gutterman:

Founder, Co-Director: Jonathan Ned Katz, Independent Scholar and Author: (

Co-Director: Daniel Hurewitz, Assistant Professor, Hunter College, NYC:

Co-Director: Karen Miller, Associate Professor of Urban Studies and History, LaGuardia Community College:

For more about OutHistory see About. FIGHT AGAINST FORGETTING!

In a story headed “Schomburg Center in Harlem Acquires Maya Angelou Archive”, the New York Times reports:

Ms. Angelou said that transparency about her life and work connected her to a long African-American tradition of preserving and retelling personal history.

“Hold those things that tell your history and protect them,” she said. “During slavery, who was able to read or write or keep anything? The ability to have somebody to tell your story to is so important. It says: ‘I was here. I may be sold tomorrow. But you know I was here.’ ”(Felicia R. Lee, “Schomburg Center in Harlem Acquires Maya Angelou Archive,” October 26, 2010. Accessed October 27, 2010.) Content Providers

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