Titles 251-500

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The following is a list of items in the Blanche M. Baker Library listed by the original accession numbers. This page lists items 251 through 500.

The books listed here were collected by Don Slater, Jim Kepner, and others through their work for ONE, Incorporated, and the Homosexual Information Center (HIC). Many of these texts are archived and available for public viewing at the Vern and Bonnie Bullough Collection on Sex and Gender, a Special Collection within Oviatt Library, California State University at Northridge.

This exhibit will strive to be as comprehensive as possible, and to that aim we encourage comments and submissions from those knowledgeable in the field. If you would like to submit authors profiles, book reviews, insights, or corrections for this section of the exhibit, please contact C. Todd White at todd@tangentroup.org. Where necessary, copyright information and rights must be provided in order for us to publish the materials.

NOTE: Readers are invited to submit abstracts and reviews of these volumes.

Acc. Title Author Year Publisher City Type Loc
251 Plot Outlines of 100 Famous Novels Goodman, Roland A. 1942 Barnes & Noble New York Fiction/Ref Unk
252 Counterfeiters, The Gide, André 1927 A. A. Knopf New York Fiction Oviatt
253 Two Symphonies Gide, André 1931 A. A. Knopf New York Fiction Oviatt
254 Delilah Goodrich, Marcus 1941 Rinehart & Co. New York Fiction Oviatt
255 Idols and the Prey, The Goodwin, John 1953 Harper & Brothers New York Fiction Oviatt
256 Transgressor, The Green, Julien 1957 Panteon New York Fiction Unk
257 Jean-Paul Guersant, Marcel 1953 Éditions de Minuit Paris Fiction Unk
258 Sixth Beatitude, The Hall, Radclyffe 1936 William Heinemann London Fiction Oviatt
259 Well of Loneliness, The Hall, Radclyffe 1928 Covici-Friede New York Fiction Unk
260 The Unlit Lamp Hall, Radclyffe 1929 Jonathan Cape London Fiction Unk
261 Boy Hanley, James 1932 A. A. Knopf New York Fiction Oviatt
262 Last and First Love Hermant, Abel 1930 Macaulay Co. New York Fiction Unk
263 Talented Mr. Ripley, The Highsmith, Patricia 1957 Cresset Press London Fiction HIC
264 La Bas (Down There) Huysmans, Joris-Karl nd Courrier Graphique Paris Fiction Oviatt
265 Prater Violet Isherwood, Christopher 1945 Random House New York Fiction Unk
266 World in the Evening, The Isherwood, Christopher 1954 Random House New York Fiction Unk
267 Fall of Valor, The Jackson, Charles 1946 Rinehart & Co. New York Fiction Unk
268 From Here to Eternity Jones, James 1951 Scribner New York Fiction Oviatt
269 Divided Path, The Kent, Nial 1949 Greenberg New York Fiction Unk
270 Laughing Boy La Farge, Oliver 1929 Literary Guild of America New York Fiction Oviatt
271 So Unlike the English Langly, Noel 1937 W. Morrow & Co. New York Fiction Oviatt
272 Ballad and the Source, The Lehmann, Rosemond 1945 Reynal & Hitchcock New York Fiction Unk
273 First Lady Chatterly, The Lawrence, D. H. 1944 Dial Press New York Fiction Oviatt
274 Dusty Answer Lehmann, Rosamond 1927 Henry Holt & Co. New York Fiction Oviatt
275 Unreal City Liddell, Robert 1952 Jonathan Cape London Fiction Oviatt
276 The Outer Ring Lindop, Audrey Erskine 1955 Appleton-Century-Crofts New York Fiction Unk
277 Maybe–Tomorrow Little, Jay 1956 Pageant Press New York Fiction Oviatt
278 Somewhere Between the Two Little, Jay 1956 Pageant Press New York Fiction Oviatt
279 Psyche Louÿs, Pierre 1931 Covidi, Friede New York Fiction Oviatt
280 Woman and Puppet Louÿs, Pierre 1932 Rarity Press New York Fiction Oviatt
281 Mimes of the Courtesans, The Lucian 1931 Rarity Press New York Fiction Oviatt
282 A Way of Life Wildeblood, Peter 1956 Weidenfeld and Nicholson New York Fiction Oviatt
283 Sexual Deviations in the Female London, Louis S. 1952 Julian Press New York Psyc Oviatt
284 Doctor Looks at Life and Love, The Collins, Joseph 1926 Garden City Publishers Garden City, NJ Ethics Oviatt
285 The Turning Wheels Cloete, Stuart 1937 Houghton Mifflin New York Fiction Oviatt
286 Quicksilver Davis, Fitzroy 1942 Harcourt, Brace & Co. New York Fiction Unk
287 Joseph in Egypt Mann, Thomas Fiction Unk
288 Reflections in a Golden Eye McCullers, Carson 1941 Houghton Mifflin New York Fiction Oviatt
289 This Finer Shadow McIntosh, Harlan Cozad 1941 Dial Press New York Fiction Oviatt
290 Sonia: Between Two Worlds McKenna, Stephen 1917 Methuen & Co. London Ficiton Oviatt
291.1 Extraordinary Women Mackensie, Compton 1928 Vanguard Press New York Fiction Oviatt
291.2 Extraordinary Women Mackensie, Compton 1932 Martin Secker London Fiction Ovaitt
292.1 Thin Ice Mackensie, Compton 1957 Putnam New York Fiction Oviatt
292.2 Thin Ice Mackensie, Compton 1956 Chatto & Windus London Fiction Oviatt
293 Young Desire It, The Mackensie, Seaforth 1937 Jonathan Cape London Fiction Unk
294 Folded Leaf / Dark Legend, The: A Study in Murder Maxwell, William 1945 Book Find Club New York Fiction Ovaitt
295 Folded Leaf / Dark Legend, The: A Study in Murder Maxwell, William 1945 Book Find Club New York Fiction Unk
296 Moby Dick Melville, Herman 1933 A & C Boni New York Fiction Oviatt
297 Demon of Noon, The Merrick, Gordon 1954 J. Messner New York Fiction Oviatt
298 Confessions of a Mask Mishima, Yukio 1954 New Directions Norfolk, CT Fiction Unk
299 Blood of the Martyrs Mitchison, Naomi 1948 Whittlesey House New York Hist. Fict Oviatt
300 Two Adolescents Morovia, Alberto (pseud.) 1950 Farrar, Straus & Co. New York Fiction Oviatt
301 The Conformist Morovia, Alberto (pseud.) 1951 Farrar, Straus & Young New York Fiction Oviatt
302 Time of Indifference, The Morovia, Alberto (pseud.) 1953 Farrar, Straus & Young New York Fiction Oviatt
303 Young Törless Musil, Robert 1958 Noonday Press New York Fiction HIC
304 Free Niles, Blair 1930 G. G. Harrap & Co. London Fiction Oviatt
305 Strange Brother Niles, Blair 1931 H. Liverlight, Inc. New York Fiction Oviatt
306 Finistère Peters, Fritz (pseud.) 1951 Farrar, Straus & Young New York Fiction Unk
307 Complete Works of Gaius Petronius, The Petronius, Gaius Arbiter 1932 Rarity Press New York Fiction/Poetry HIC
308 Satyricon Petronius, Gaius Arbiter 1953 Spearman & Calder London Fiction Oviatt
309 Special Friendships Peyrefitte, Roger 1950 Vanguard Press New York Fiction Unk
310 Bitterweed Path, The Phillips, Thomas Hal 1950 Rinehart & Co. New York Fiction Oviatt
311 Museum Pieces Plomer, William Charles Franklyn 1954 Noonday Press New York Fiction Unk
312 Amours Singulières, Les Peyrefitte, Roger 1949 Jean Vigneau Paris Fiction Unk
313 Naked Streets, The Pratolini, Vasco 1952 A. A. Wyn New York Fiction Oviatt
314 Nine Days to Mukalla Prokosch, Frederic 1953 Viking Press New York Fiction Unk
315 Captive, The Proust, Marcel Fiction Unk
316 Cities of the Plain Proust, Marcel 1927 Modern Library New York Fiction Unk
317 Recherche du Temps Perdu, À la Proust, Marcel 1949 Gallimard Paris Genre Oviatt
318 King Must Die, The Renault, Mary 1958 Pantheon New York Fiction Oviatt
319 Last of the Wine, The Renault, Mary 1956 Longmans, Green & Co. London Fiction Oviatt
320 Middle Mist, The Renault, Mary 1945 William Morrow & Co. New York Fiction Oviatt
321 Charioteer, The Renault, Mary 1953 Longmans, Green & Co. New York Fiction Oviatt
322 Immortal, The Ross, Walter 1958 Simon and Schuster New York Fiction Loc
323 Five Women Who Loved Love Saikaku, Ihara 1956 Tuttle Rutland, VT Fiction Unk
324 Catcher in the Rye, The Salinger, J. D. 1951 Little, Brown & Co. New York Fiction Oviatt
325 Dark Passions Subdue Snaderson, Douglas 1952 Mead New York Fiction Unk
326 David the King Schmitt, Gladys 1946 Dial Press New York Fiction Unk
327.1 Scarlet Pansy, A Scully, Robert 1937 Nesor Pub. Co. ? Fiction Oviatt
327.2 Scarlet Pansy, The Scully, Robert 1952 Royal Publishers New York Fiction Oviatt
328 Man Who Never Changed, The Selby, John 1954 Rinehart & Co. New York Genre Oviatt
329 To Mary, With Love Sherman, Richard 1936 Little, Brown & Co. New York Fiction Unk
330 Leopard in the Grass Stewart, Desmond 1951? Farrar, Straus & Young New York Fiction Unk
331 Grotto, The Stone, Grace Zaring 1951 Harper New York Fiction Unk
332 Lesbia Brandon Hughes, Randolph 1952 Falcon Press London Fiction Oviatt
333 Children of Light, The Sykes, Gerald 1955 Farrar, Straus & Young New York Ficiton Oviatt
334 Behind These Walls Teale, Christopher 1957 Frederick Fell, Inc. New York Biography Oviatt
335 Twilight Men Tellier, André 1948 Greensberg New York Fiction Unk
336 Never the Same Again Tesch, Gerald 1956 Putman New York Fiction Unk
337 Stranger in the Land Thomas, Ward 1949 Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston Fiction Oviatt
338 Dangerous Games, The Torres, Tereska 1957 Dial Press New York Fiction Unk
339 City and the Pillar, The Vidal, Gore 1948 Grosset & Dunlap New York Fiction Unk
340 Judgement of Paris, The Vidal, Gore 1952 E. P. Dutton & Co. New York Fiction Unk
341 Season of Comfort, The Vidal, Gore 1949 E. P. Dutton & Co. New York Fiction Oviatt
342 Men Into Beasts Viereck, George Sylvester 1955 Bridgehead Books New York Biography HIC
343 Nude in the Mirror, The Viereck, George Sylvester 1953 Woodford Press New York Biography? Oviatt
344 Naked Heart, The Weldon, John Lee 1953 Farrar, Straus & Young New York Fiction Unk
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This entry is part of the featured exhibit The Pre-Gay Era in the USA curated by C. Todd White. As it is content created by a named author, editor, or curator, it is not open to editing by the general public. But we strongly encourage you to discuss the content or propose edits on the discussion page, and the author, editor, or curator will make any changes that improve the entry or its content. Thanks.