Hide/Seek Timeline: Part 1

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Responses to "Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture"

National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institutions, Washington, D.C.

See also:

Hide/Seek Timeline: Part 2

Jonathan David Katz and David C. Ward: “Hide/Seek", October 30, 2010-February 13, 2011

Timeline: ZAP! Art and the Queer Revolution, 1969-present

Timeline: Part 1

Entry Under Construction

September 9, 2010

Pre-opening publicity: Loos, Ted. "Portraits Shed Light Through Gay Prism". New York Times, September 9, 2010.

October 6, 2010

David Ward lecture at Smithsonian

October 30, 2010

Hide/Seek opens.

November 1, 20010

Zongker, Brett. "Smithsonian Explores Impact of Gays on Art History." Associated Press. November 1, 2010. Printed in many newspapers.

November 3, 2010

Goldstein, Andrew M. and Andrew Russeth. "What's Troubling About the Smithsonian's 'Hide/Seek' Show." ArtInfo.com, November 3, 2010.

November 13, 2010

Ulaby, Neda. "Express Yourself: A Major New Showcase Of Gay Portraiture". New Hampshire Public Radio, November 13, 2010.

November 14, 2010

Meisler, Stanley. "'Hide/Seek': National Portrait Gallery's exhibition of homosexual art." Los Angeles Times, November 14, 2010.

November 29, 2010

Starr, Penny. "Smithsonian Christmas--Season Exhibit Features Ant-Covered Jesus, Naked Brothers Kissing, Genitalia, and Ellen DeGeneres Grabbing Her Breasts. WARNING: This story contains graphic photographs of items on display in an exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery. CNSNews.com, November 29, 2010.

November 30, 2010

Beck, Glen. Smithsonian Christmastime Exhibit Features Ant-Covered Christ, Nudity, Gay Incest and Ellen Degeneres. Posted November 30th, 2010.

Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights: "Smithsonian Pulls Vile Video."

The Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery has pulled the video, "A Fire in My Belly," that the Catholic League objected to earlier today; it shows large ants eating away at Jesus on a crucifix.

Media Matters for America. "Beck just makes things up about Smithsonian exhibit". November 30, 2010 11:05 pm ET.

Starr, Penny. "Boehner and Cantor to Smithsonian: Pull Exhibit Featuring Ant-Covered Jesus or Else". CNSnews.com. Accessed December 6, 2010

Zongker, Brett. "Smithsonian Removes Video After Group Complains". Smithsonian removes video from exhibit on gays' impact on art after Catholic group complains. The Associated Press. WASHINGTON November 30, 2010.

Continued at: Hide/Seek Timeline: Part 2


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