Titles 1-250

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The following is a list of items in the Blanche M. Baker Library listed by the original accession numbers. This page lists items 1 through 250.

The books listed here were collected by Don Slater, Jim Kepner, and others through their work for ONE, Incorprated, and the Homosexual Information Center (HIC). Many of these texts are archived and available for public viewing at the Vern and Bonnie Bullough Collection on Sex and Gender, a Special Collection within Oviatt Library, California State University at Northridge.

This exhibit will strive to be as comprehensive as possible, and to that aim we encourage comments and submissions from those knowledgeable in the field. If you would like to submit authors profiles, book reviews, insights, or corrections for this section of the exhibit, please contact Dr. White at todd@tangentroup.org. Where necessary, copyright information and rights must be provided in order for us to publish the materials.

NOTE: Readers are invited to submit abstracts and reviews of these volumes.

Acc. Title Author Year Publisher City Type Loc
1 Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition Derrick Sherwin Bailey 1955 Longmans, Green & Co London Religion Unk
2 Sexual Offenders and Social Punishment Derrick Sherwin Bailey 1956 The Church Information Board Westminster Religion Oviatt
3 Transexualism and Transvestism—A Symposium Harry Benjamin 1954 American Journal of Psychotherapy Paper HIC
4 Unvernunft und Unheil im Sexualstrafrecht Wolfgang Benndorf 1956 Sensen-Verlag Paper Oviatt
5 Homosexuality: Disease or Way of Life? Edmund Bergler 1956 Hill and Wang, Inc. New York Psyc Unk
6 The Glands Regulating Personality Louis Berman 1928 The Macmillan Co. New York Psyc Unk
7 Muffs and Morals Pearl Binder 1954 William & Morrow New York Ethics HIC
8 Sexual Life of Our Time in its Relations to Modern Civilization Iwan Block 1928 Allied Book Company New York Sexuality Unk
9 Meaning and Content of Sexual Perversions Medard Boss 1949 Grune and Stratton New York Love / Sex Unk
10 "A Psychiatric Evaluation of Laws of Homosexuality" Karl M. Bowman 1956 Temple Law Quarterly reprint Psych / Law Oviatt
11 Bisexuality in Patterns of Homosexuality D.O. Cauldwell 1948 Haldeman-Julius Girard, KS Bisex/Psych Oviatt
12 “The Problem of Homosexuality” Karl M. Bowman 1953 American Social New York Psych Oviatt
13 Astra's Tower #2 Marian Zimmer Bradley March 1958 Brochure HIC
14 Homosexuality and Prostitution British Medical Committee London Pamphlet Unk
15 The Sotadic Zone Sir Richard Burton The Panurge Press New York HIC
16 Assembly Bill #2853 California Legislature 1957 State of California Sacramento, CA Legal Unk
17 Final Report on California Sexual Deviation Research Assembly of the State March 1954 State of California Sacramento, CA Legal HIC
18 Variations in Sexual Behavior Frank Samuel Caprio 1955 Citadel Press New York Sexuality Unk
19 Love’s Coming of Age Edward Carpenter nd Modern Library New York Love Unk
20 Dictionary of American Underworld Lingo Hyman E. Golden 1950 Twayne Publishers New York Lexicon Unk
21 The World Within Gina Cerminara 1957 W. Sloan Associates New York Religion Unk
22. Hermaphroditos: The Human Intersex A. P. Cawadias 1946 Wm. Heinemann London Psyc Unk
23 Unisexual Love Dr. Caufeynon 1934 New Era Press New York Psyc Unk
24 Some Friends of Walt Whitman: A Study in Sex-Psychology Edward Carpenter 1924(?) British Society for the Study of Sex Psychology London Psyc Oviatt
25 The Bulletin of Homosexuality Church Information Board ? The Church of England Moral Welfare Council Westminster Religion Oviatt
26 The Law on Homosexual Offenses Church Information Board 1956 The Church of England Moral Welfare Council Westminster Religion Unk
27 Female Sex Perversion: The Sexually Aberrated Woman as She Is Maurice Chideckel 1935 Eugenics Publishing New York Psyc Unk
28 Under the Lash: A History of Corporal Punishment in the British Armed Forces Scott Claver 1954 Torchstream Books London Hist Oviatt
29 The Right to Know: An Exposition of the Evils of News Suppression and Propaganda Kent Cooper 1956 Farrar, Straus and Cudahy New York Media HIC
30 The Homosexual in America Donald Webster Cory 1951 Greenberg New York Soc Oviatt
31 Homosexuality: A Cross Cultural Approach Donald Webster Cory 1956 Julian Press New York Anthro Unk
32 The Lust Market Harold A. U. Cross 1956 Citadel Press New York Soc Unk
33 Sex Perversion and the Law Porter Davis 1950 Mental Health Books New York Law Oviatt
34 Sex Perversion and the Law Porter Davis 1950 Mental Health Books New York Law Oviatt
35 A Symposium on the Davis Report Katherine Bement Davis 1957 (?) Unk Unk Psyc Oviatt
36 The Male Hormone Paul Henry De Kruif 1945 Harcourt, Brace and Co. New York Psyc HIC
37 A History of the Borgias Frederick Baron Corvo 1931 Modern Library New York Hist HIC
38 Bestiality: An Historical, Medical, Legal and Literary Study Gaston Dubois-Desaulle 1933 Panurge Press New York Hist Unk
38 Self: A Study in Ethics and Endocrinology Dillon, Michael 1946 William Heinemann London Psyc Oviatt
40 The Sex Paradox Isabel Drummond 1953 Putnam New York Law Unk
41 The American Sex Tragedy Albert Ellis 1962 L. Stuart New York Soc Unk
42 Studies in the Psychology of Sex Havelock Ellis 1940 Random House New York Psyc HIC
43 From Marlowe to Shaw Havelock Ellis 1950 William and Norgate London Lit/Hist Unk
44 A Student’s Dictionary of Psychological Terms Horace B. English 1934 Harper Bros. New York Psyc Unk
45 Three Men: An Experiment in the Biography of Emotion Jean Evans 1950 Alfred A. Knopf New York Psyc Unk
46 Sex in Prison Joseph F. Fishman 1935 John New York Soc Unk
47 Patterns of Sexual Behavior C. Ford / F. Beach 1951 Harper New York Soc Unk
48 Three Essays on Theory of Sexuality Sigmund Freud 1952 (1949) Imago Publishing London Psyc Unk
49 General Introduction to Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud 1943 (1935) Garden City Publishers New York Psyc Oviatt
50 The Famale Hormones Juliet Parker 1947 Booktab Press New York Psy HIC
51 Search For Love Lucy Freeman 1957 The World Publishing New York Psyc Oviatt
52 The Problem of Onanism Frederick Ernst von Gagern 1960 (1955) The Mercier Press Cork, Ireland Psyc Oviatt
53 Corydon: Four Socratic Dialoges André Gide 1952 Secker & Warburg London Fiction Oviatt
54 Corydon: Four Socratic Dialoges André Gide 1925 Gallimard Paris Fiction Oviatt
55 The Psychopathology of Prostitution Edward Glover 1957 Inst. for the Study and Treatment of Delinquency London Psyc Oviatt
56 The Greek Myths Robert Graves 1955 Penguin Books Baltimore Religion Unk
57 The Social and Legal Aspects of Sexual Abnormality Edward Glover 1956 Inst. for the Study and Treatment of Delinquency London Psyc Oviatt
58 Group Life: The Nature and Treatment of its Specific Conflicts Marshall C. Greco 1950 Philosophical Library New York Soc Oviatt
59 The Greek Anthology Leslie Shane 1929 Ernest Benn London Trans Unk
60 The Book of the It George Groddeck 1950 Vision Press, Ltd. London Trans HIC
61 Sex Offences: The Problem, Causes, and Prevention Manfred S. Guttmacher 1951 Norton New York Psyc Unk
62 The Ethics of Sexual Acts René Guyon 1948 Knopf New York Ethics Oviatt
63 The Sexual History of the World War Magnus Hirshfeld 1941 Cadillac Publishing New York Hist Unk
64 All the Sexes George W. Henry 1955 Rinehart & Co. New York Psyc Unk
65 Sex Variants: A Study of Homosexual Patterns George W. Henry 1948 Paul B. Hoeber, Inc. New York Psyc Oviatt
66 Sex Ethics and the Kinsey Reports Sevard Hiltner 1953 Association Press New York Ethics Unk
67 Sex Ethics and the Kinsey Reports Sevard Hiltner 1953 Association Press New York Ethics Unk
68 Sexual Pathology: A Study of Derangements of the Sexual Instinct Magnus Hirshfeld 1945 Emerson New York Psyc Unk
69 Sexual Life in Ancient Rome Otto Kiefer 1952 Barnes & Noble New York Hist Oviatt
70 Friendship-Love in Adolescence N. M. Iovetz-Tereschenko 1946 George Allen London Psych Unk
71 Untrodden Fields of Anthropology Dr. Jacobus 1937 Falstaff Press New York Anth HIC
72 An Anthopological Tour Dr. Jacobus 1937 Falstaff Press New York Anth HIC
73 Dianetics L. Ron Hubbard 1950 Hermitage House New York Religion Unk
74 The Biology of Schizophrenia Roy Graham Hoskins 1946 W. W. Norton & Co. New York Psyc Unk
75 The Bill of Rights, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Robert M. Hutchins 1956 Law Unk
76 Report of the Illinois Commission on Sex Offenders Illinois Commission on Sex Offenders 1953 Illinois Commission on Sex Offenders Springfield, IL Law Oviatt
77 Miss Christine Jorgensen Presents "Denmark" Christine Jorgensen 1953 Unk Unk Brochure HIC
78 "Homosexuality" Kenneth Soddy 1954 Lancet Article Oviatt
79 "Homosexual Charges Against Children" Maurice A. R. Hennessy 1940 J. Crim Article Unk
80 “Homosexual Trends in Children” Lauretta Bender 1941 American Journal of Orthopsychiatry Vol. 11 No. 4 Article Oviatt
81 “Some Aspects of Homosexuality in Relation to Hypnosis” Jerome M. Schneck 1950 Psychoanaytic Review Article Oviatt
82 “The Homosexual” Allen Clifford 1953 Medical World Vol. 78 No. 144 Article Oviatt
83 “Homosexuality” Eugene W. Green 1944 Journal of Criminal Psyhcopathology Vol. 5? Article Oviatt
84.1 “Results of Endocrine Treatment in a Controlled Group of Homosexual Men” Clifford A. Wright 1941 Medical Records Vol. 154? Article Oviatt
84.2 “New Concepts on the Pathogenesis, Diagnoses and Penal Regulations of Male and Female Homosexuality” R. Lemke 1940 Medizinische Klinik Vol. 36 Article Oviatt
85 “Differential Diagnosis Between Spurious Homosexuality and Perversion Homosexuality” Edmund Bergler 1947 Psychiatric Quarterly Vol. 21 Article Oviatt
86 “The Problem of the Homosexual with Veneral Disease” F. G. Mac Donaldd Article Unk
87 “The Cocran-Mosteller-Turkey Report on the Kinsey Study” Alfred C. Kinsey 1955 American Statistical Association Journal Article Oviatt
88 “A Primer on Homosexuality” G. English 1953 Spurgeon Article Oviatt
89 “A Summary of the Essential Facts in the Case of Esquire v. Postmaster General” 1944? Law HIC
90 “The Sexual Psychopath Act in Practice” Frederick J. Hacker 1955 California Law Review Vol. 43 No. 5 Law Oviatt
91 Beacon Lights of History: Great Women John Lord Joan of Arc book section HIC
92 “Pastoral Counseling for Homosexuals” George W. Henry 1951 Pastoral Psychology Brochure Oviatt
93 “Homosexuality” Muriel Ivimey 1947 Ass. for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis New York Lecture Oviatt
94 ? of the Group for the Advancement of Psychology Comm. on Coop. with Govt. Agencies Unk
95 Der Wolfenden Report Albert D. Dieckhoff 1957 Kriminalistik Hamburg Law Oviatt
96 Englisches und Deutshces Strafverfahren zum Fall Dr. Adams Albert D. Dieckhoff 1957 R. v. Decker’s Verlag Hamburg Brochure Oviatt
97 Concepts of Normality and Abnormality in Sexual Behavior Alfred C. Kinsey 1949 Grune & Stratton New York Article Oviatt
98 Homosexuality: Criteria for a Hormonal Explanation of the Homosexual Alfred C. Kinsey 1941 Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Article Oviatt
99 "Report of the Institute of Sex Research" Alfred C. Kinsey 1955 Indiana Univ. Press Bloomington Article Oviatt
100 Sexual Behavior in the Human Male Alfred C. Kinsey et al. 1948 W. B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia Soc/Psyc Unk
101 Sexual Behavior in the Human Female Alfred C. Kinsey et al. 1953 W. B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia Soc/Psyc Oviatt
102 The Sexual Offender and His Offences Benjamine Karpman 1954 Julian Press New York Law
103 Psychopathia Sexualis Richard von Krafft-Ebing 1946 Pioneer Publications New York Psyc HIC
104 Der Mann in der Phographie I 1952 Der Kreis Fraumünster, Zürich Art/Photo Oviatt
105 Der Mann in der Phographie II 1952 Der Kreis Fraumünster, Zürich Art/Photo Oviatt
106 Der Kreis 1953 Fraumünster, Zürich Mag Oviatt
107 The Homosexuals: As Seen By Themselves and Thirty Authorities A. M. Krich 1954 Citadal Press New York Psyc Oviatt
108 Human Sterilization J. H. Landman 1932 Macmillan Co. New York Hist Unk
109 Courtesans Princesses Lesbians Marie-Louise Laurent-Tailhade 1950 privately printed Paris Hist Oviatt
110 Sexual Life in Ancient Greece Hans Light 1952 Barnes & Noble New York Hist Oviatt
111 A Handbook of Psychiatry P. M. Lechtenstein 1943 W. W. Norton New York Psyc HIC
112 Must You Conform? Robert Lindner 1956 Rinehart New York Psyc Unk
113 Sexual Deviations L. London / F. Caprio 1950 Linacre Press Washington DC Psyc/Soc Unk
114 The Natural Philosophy of Love Remy De Gourmant 1957 N. Spearman London Love Unk
115 Is Homosexuality a Menace? Arthur Guy Matthews 1957 Robert McBride New york Psyc/Soc Oviatt
116 The Sexual Relations of Mankind Paolo Mantegazza 1932 Falstaff Press New York Anth Oviatt
117 The Sexual Relations of Mankind Paolo Mantegazza 1932 Falstaff Press New York Anth Oviatt
118 The Margin of Masculinity J. D. Margrin 19 ONE Magazine Los Angeles Article Unk
119 From the South Seas: Studies of Adolescence and Sex in Primitive Societies Margaret Mead 1939 M. Morrow & Co. New York Anth Unk
120 Male and Female Margaret Mead 1949 William and Morrow New York Anth Unk
121 Perversions of the Sex Instinct Albert Moll 1931 Julian Press New York Psyc Unk
122 Life and Love Clyde M. Narramore 1956 Zondervan Publishing House Grand Rapids Religion Unk
123 Sex Life in Greece and Rome G. Lowes Dickenson ? Haldeman-Julius Girard, KS Hist Unk
124 Life and Morals in Greece and Rome Joseph McCabe 1926? Haldeman-Julius Girard, KS Religion Unk
125 Sex Symbolism William J. Fielding 1925? Haldeman-Julius Girard, KS Lang Unk
126 The Marquise George Sand Haldeman-Julius Girard, KS Fiction Unk
127 Homosexual Life William J. Fielding ? Haldeman-Julius Girard, KS Psyc Unk
128 Freud on Sleep and Sexual Dreams Anton S. Booker ? Haldeman-Julius Girard, KS Psyc Unk
129 The Tragic Story of Oscar Wilde’s Life Charles J. Finger ? Haldeman-Julius Girard, KS Bio Unk
130 Sex in Pschoanalysis Clement Wood ? Haldeman-Julius Girard, KS Bio Unk
131 Recollections of Oscar Wilde André Gide ? Haldeman-Julius Girard, KS Bio Unk
132 How to Recognize and Handle Abnormal People Robert M. Matthes 1954 Ntl. Assoc. for Mental Health New York Law Oviatt
133 “Concepts for Homophiles” Rev. H. L. Bradshaw 1957 Mattachine Society? Denver? Paper Oviatt
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This entry is part of the featured exhibit The Pre-Gay Era in the USA curated by C. Todd White. As it is content created by a named author, editor, or curator, it is not open to editing by the general public. But we strongly encourage you to discuss the content or propose edits on the discussion page, and the author, editor, or curator will make any changes that improve the entry or its content. Thanks.