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Late 1973/Early 1974

The IDS publishes a letter to the editor in the “Jordan River Forum” by Charles Tull, who condemns and derides the notion of openly gay men serving in the military. Response to his comments is generally negative, but some of the people who condemn Tull report experiencing harassment in the mail and in person. Tull’s original letter seems to have appeared in the first seven days of 1974, which are not accounted for in the microfilm archives.

Ormos, Patrick. January 15th, 1974: Jordan river forum. Indiana Daily Student, page 4.

February 11th, 1974

CAPS sponsors a workshop on sexuality. The subject is not specifically homosexuality, but article mentions a question-and-answer session at the end of the workshop in which questions on the subject of homosexual relationships might be answered.

Indiana Daily Student, “CAPS to Sponsor Workshop on Sexuality,” February 11, 1974.

February 16th, 1974

The Bloomington Gay Alliance sponsors a Valentine’s Day dance. The headliner act, The New York Dolls, do not show up, but the turnout is still around 900 people.

Indiana Daily Student, “Dolls Are No-Shows for BGA Dance,” February 17, 1974.

March 22nd-29th, 1974

“Women’s Week”, a feminist consciousness-raising event, including workshops on a variety of topics in women’s issues, art exhibitions, and film showings, takes place between the 22nd and 29th of March. The event is explicitly lesbian-inclusive and includes several lesbian panels and an art show. Attendance is slightly lower than expected, but general reaction is positive.

Hinchion, Gail. “Women’s Week: Extravaganza off Programs Planned.” Indiana Daily Student, March 22, 1974.

Hinchion, Gail and Jae Berry. “Women’s Week: Workshops Draw Varied Response.” Indiana Daily Student, March 25, 1974.

March 29th-31st, 1974

Bloomington Gay Alliance hosts its First Annual Gay Awareness Conference, with a projected turnout of about 350 people from around the area and the state. Speakers include Phyllis Lyon, a founding member of the Daughters of Bilitis, and Frank Kameny. Panels, workshops, and film showings are all planned.

Indiana Daily Student, “Gay Conference to Educate,” March 28, 1974.

Wilson, Bill. “One Out of Ten a Homosexual, Gay Tells Crowd.” Indiana Daily Student, March 30, 1974.

April 9th, 1974

IDS publishes an issue with a 12-page insert on sexuality inside. Some of the articles cover changing sex roles, nontraditional families, or the significance of marriage in modern life, but a great deal of coverage is given to the “gay lifestyle” and lesbianism as a political and sexual phenomenon.

Indiana Daily Student, “Sex and the Sexes,” April 9, 1974.

June 16th-27th, 1974

IU Institute for Sex Research conducts its 5th Annual Summer Program in Human Sexuality. Event is intended to inform “educators, physicians, counselors, and other professionals” about socio-sexual issues, including homosexuality.

Indiana Daily Student, “Sex Research Institute Offers Summer Program,” June 10th, 1974.

June 24th, 1974

IDS front page features a story about the 414 N. Park Avenue Women’s Center. Article specifically mentions that the center is lesbian-friendly, with an interviewee discussing the significance of the Lesbian Liberation movement and a recent meeting it held at the center.

Berry, Jae. “Women’s center mural reflects liberated mood.” Indiana Daily Student, June 24, 1974.

August 6th, 1974

IDS profiles a gay student who writes gay love songs. Article is sympathetic to the student.

Berry, Jae. “Guitar Player Composes Songs of Gay Romances.” Indiana Daily Student, August 6, 1974.

August 31st, 1974

The Women’s Center hosts a dinner for lesbians to help women who had recently come out or were considering doing so a chance to experience the community, and stress the significance of feminism in both lesbian and straight circles.

Simon, Cheryl. “Women’s Center Hosts Lesbian Dinner.” Indiana Daily Student, September 2, 1974.

October 25th, 1974

IDS publishes front-page article on a research done by IU Professors Martin Weinberg and Colin Williams on the well-being of homosexuals. Article takes a relatively supportive view of the study’s advocacy of a sociological—rather than pathological—view of homosexuality.

Tash, Paul. “Homosexuality No Illness, Researchers Conclude.” Indiana Daily Student, October 25, 1974.

October 25th, 1974

Bloomington Gay Alliance hosts a Halloween Dance Party. The event attracts a “large crowd” and features outlandish costumes. Considered a “success” by the BGA organizers.

Watson, Tom. “People Main Attraction at Dance.” Indiana Daily Student, October 28, 1974.

August 21st, 1974—?

The opinion page of the IDS announces a plan to feature opinions by the 4 major “minority groups” on campus (black students, latino students, women students, and gay students) every Monday on a rotating basis. First article by a gay individual appears 9/9/74; features by gay individuals cycle in the slot at least until the end of the year. Ask 1975 if this continued beyond the Fall ’74 semester.

Stevens, John. “Diverse Ideas.” Indiana Daily Student, August 21, 1974.

Bedwell, Michael. “Gays as Human Beings.” Indiana Daily Student, September 9, 1974.

General Notes

Staff and letters to the editor seemed to be generally pro-gay.

Many articles about feminism included references to lesbian organizations.

Breakdown of traditional gender roles was a major topic of discussion.

Patrick Ormos (Jan. 15th) is still alive and well, as are, apparently, the two researchers who published the study covered on August 25th.

The minority opinion Monday features (August 21st) seemed to be having trouble finding columnists. It is unclear if it met with continued success beyond its first few appearances, especially the gay branch.