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February 13th, 1989

Several campus organizations, including IU Student Association and OUT (IU’s Gay and Lesbian Student Organization), sponsor AIDS Awareness week. OUT Plans to distribut 230 candles each representing an Indiana victim.

Martin, Jennifer. “Groups Team Up to Sponsor IU’s AIDS Awareness Week.” Indiana Daily Student, February 13, 1989.

February 17th, 1989

Candle vigil in honor of the 236 AIDs victims in Indiana is held in conjunction withAIDS Awareness Week. Acting Dean of Students Richard McKaig addresses the crowd about the equal opportunity of the AIDS Virus.

O’Brien, Patti. “Candle Vigil Remembers 236 Hoosier AIDS Deaths.” Indiana Daily Student, February 17, 1989.

February 17th, 1989

Several Bloomington groups like the Bloomington Gay and Lesbian Alliance, and Gay and Lesbian Switchboard team up to create FIND (Friends Indeed) a free and anonymous program to help AIDS victims in the Monroe County area.

Martin, Jennifer. “Campus, City Program Provides Support for AIDS Victims.” Indiana Daily Student, February 17, 1989.

March 7th, 1989

The IDS brings homophobia to the front page of the paper by sharing examples of local homophobic based harassment. Bloomington’s Gay/Lesbian Switchboard is encouraging people to report verbal and physical harassment against individuals based on their sexuality. Examples of harassment and what IU is doing to help prevent it are given throughout the article as well as hotline numbers for counseling.

Zollman, Kim. “Local Homosexuals Fighting Homophobia.” Indiana Daily Student, March 7, 1989.

March 8th, 1989

“The IU Student Association is developing a plan to encourage companies that recruit at IU to include a non-discriminatory clause aimed at gays, lesbians, and bisexuals in their hiring policies…” An estimate that about 5000 students on campus are homosexual helps justify why IU should not allow companies who discriminate against homosexuals to recruit at IU. Government agencies and Fortune 500 companies are among the listed examples of those who discriminate in hiring.

O’Brien, Patti. “Skeptics Question Plan Requiring Sex Orientation Clause.” Indiana Daily Student, March 8, 1989.

March 23rd, 1989

An opinion column in response to the gay marriage talks in San Francisco sheds light on reasons why “homosexuals should have legal right to marry.” The opinion peace talks about the prejudices gay people are up against, including the church and perceived sexual promiscuity. It explains that the Unitarian Universalist Church in Bloomington performs religious ceremonies as “marriages” and accepts gays as members of the community.

Powell, Christy. “Created Equal.” Indiana Daily Student, March 23, 1989.

April 6th, 1989

An opinion column questions another letter about the Catholic Church and Bible’s stance on homosexuality. In a very passionate column the writer insists that not everything in the Bible can be taken so literally and that intolerance shouldn’t be tolerated.

Sorensen, Jay. “Don’t Oppose Homosexuality – Oppose Intolerance.” Indiana Daily Student, April 6, 1989.

April 11th, 1989

Two opinion columns express disgust with the idea of homosexuality from a biblical and a civil rights perspective. One article calls for people to “Protest against attempt to force ‘deviant moral code’ on us” saying that homosexual behavior is “repugnant” and society should demand higher moral standards from the IDS and IU by not allowing their ‘life-style.’ The second column refutes a past opinion piece’s take on the Bible and homosexuality, stating that “God can completely change that person’s orientation.”

Haywood, Charles R. “Protest Against Attempt to Force ‘Deviant Moral Code’ on Us.” Indiana Daily Student, April 11, 1989.

Wignall, Brian. “Homosexual Behavior certainly is Sinful, but God Can Help.” Indiana Daily Student, April 11, 1989.

April 17th, 1989

The opinion column battle between Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual supporters and those who condemn homosexuality continues with a letter from an IU Student Association assistant director of Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Concerns. The writer insists that while Mr. Haywood (Haywood April 11, 1989) talks of freedom he is contradicting himself and misunderstanding the idea of diversity. He also addresses Mr. Wignall (Wignall April 11, 1989) and his views of God and the Bible regarding homosexuals.

Bass, Jeffrey. “Judge Homosexuals for Who They Are, Not What They Are.” Indiana Daily Student, April 17, 1989.

April 19th, 1989

‘Torch Song Trilogy’ plays at local theaters and is described as more than just a “gay film.” The comedy/drama is about a gay man in New York who is struggling to find love and acceptance from both society and his mother.

Hockensmith, Steve. “’Torch Song’ is More Than a ‘Gay Film.’ Indiana Daily Student, April 19, 1989.

May 6th, 1989

The U.S. military’s “archaic” stance on homosexuality in the military is challenged in the opinion column. Using an example of Perry Watkins, a gay man who served two tours in Korea, is now being denied the right to enroll and his retirement benefits.

Benedict, Douglas. “No Cooties.” Indiana Daily Student, May 6, 1989.

May 17th, 1989

A proposal for the University funded gay support center seems to be stuck on paper due to a lack of funding. The proposal from IU and Bloomington’s gay/lesbian supports groups included two parts; part one included adding “sexual orientation” to the University’s non-discrimination clause. Part two was to build a visible support center to address the needs of the ‘sizable minority.’ The current office of 8 feet by 7 feet is argued to ‘not provide adequate space’ and is ‘unsafe.’

Zollman, Kim. “Plans for Gay Center Likely to Be Shelved.” Indiana Daily Student, May 17, 1989.

June 30th, 1989

A collaborative article written by members of “OUT’, IU’s Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual People’s Union claimed that the Indiana Daily Student was very ‘disappointing’ and did not ‘present a very flattering image of the national Gay Rights movement.’ The article stated that the parade broke records for attendance at the national level and the number of IU students in attendance. OUT recognized the support from IU but cited that much is still needed to be done.

OUT. “Gay Pride March Made History, But Not the Pages of the ‘Daily Student.’” Indiana Daily Student, June 30, 1989.

July 14th, 1989

Through the grave situation that the AIDS virus has put the homosexual community in, this article attempts to find some positive benefits. ‘Dan McNeely, the president of Indianapolis-based Justice, Inc., spoke about the political ramifications of AIDS on the gay community…’ The article stressed that the very little support given to their community during the initial AIDS crisis forced them to take action on their own. Once it was known to affect everyone (not just gay communities), the government needed help from them because they ‘…were experts at that point’ and gave them a national political voice that could have taken years to establish without the AIDS virus.

Mitchell, Nancy. “AIDS Has Yielded Positive Political Benefits, Gay-Rights Activist Says.” Indiana Daily Student, July 14, 1989.

August 25th, 1989

An article explains the want and need of the IU Gay Community center. Once again the lack of funding is cited for the delayed progress, but insists that everyone at IU is onboard. Things like a support center, safe-haven, crisis hotline, daycare, and diversity education are highlighted as reasons for the importance of a new center.

Powell, Christy. “IU Gay/Lesbian Groups Want Center.” Indiana Daily Student, August 25, 1989.

October 24th, 1989

A new “Student Code of Ethics is causing a stir among gay/lesbian student activists on campus.” In the new code the words “sexual orientation” are not included. Students and organizations on campus express their disapproval and concern for their own rights, saying they need something ‘concrete’ to ensure their safety.

Powell, Christy. “Gay Rights: Activists Call for Code Reforms.” Indiana Daily Student, October 24, 1989.

November 1st, 1989

An article urging people to write letters to the IU Faculty Council argues that “Sexual Orientation” should be included in the Unlawful Discrimination section of IU’s Code of Student Ethics. The article states that almost 9,000 students are not protected from harassment based on their sexuality across Indiana’s eight campuses.

Gaylord, Beck. “Justice for All.” Indiana Daily Student, November 1, 1989.

November 6th, 1989

The First Miss IU Gay Pride Taryn Blake is crowned. The pageant had six contestants that were all Bloomington residents, and featured a talent, formal wear, and personal interview to be judged. Low turnout of about 30 people was the only downside according to the article. This was part of IU’s first Gay Pride Week.

Powell, Christy. “Pageant Pride: Female Impersonator Wins IU Crown.” Indiana Daily Student, November 6, 1989.

November 6th, 1989

IU’s first Gay Pride Week is underway and the event chairman Charlie Colpaert said, “We’ve worked hard, and it’s time to celebrate now.” The article explains all of the work they put in for the past year to prepare the event, including saving dates, booking spots, an ensuring security. They have a few things on their agenda to promote and expect to raise eyebrows, maybe even cause some commotion among campus.

Powell, Christy. “Week Highlights Concerns of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals.” Indiana Daily Student, November 6, 1989.

November 8th, 1989

The final proposal for IU’s gay GLB Support Center is on paper. The Board of Aeons has completed the document and delivered it to IU President Thomas Ehrlich. Although the final draft is done no one truly expects any action to be taken, simply accepting that it is a future plan due to a lack of money. The immediate cause of the GLB community and IU President is to include sexual orientation in the Student Code of Ethics.

Powell, Christy. “Gay Center Proposal Completed by Aeons.” Indiana Daily Student, November 8, 1989.

November 8th, 1989

An editorial column about the Miss IU Gay Pride pageant gives readers a more personal look into what it was like attending the show. Allison Glock explains how she came curious and left entertained or even enlightened. Further into the article she expresses her concern about America’s obvious mistreatment of the gay population. She calls for a stop to the harassment and encourages people to stop using homosexuals as a ‘scapegoat’ to mock.

Glock, Allison. “Gay Pageant Opened Some Eyes.” Indiana Daily Student, November 8, 1989.