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March 1993

Revised affirmative action policy which includes sexual orientation is adopted by IU Board of Trustees and all brochures will include this statement.

Carty, Susan A. “Indiana University Educational Task Force on Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Concerns Final Report.” Indiana Daily Student, March, 1993.

March 2nd, 1993

President of OUT encourages students to support the military lift on homosexuality.

Carnes, Neal. “Call for Ehrich to Act Awiftly on ROTC, Homosexuals.” Indiana Daily Student, March 2, 1993.

March 3rd, 1993

IU’s Chancellor and President wrote a letter to the campus about recent acts of discrimination against minorities. These acts included a gay student being threatened in his dorm which resulted in him moving out of the dorm because he was worried about his safety. IU’s leaders wanted to make it clear that such acts were unacceptable and action would be taken against those who commit them.

Gros Louis, Kenneth; Ehrlich, Tom. “Open Letter to the Bloomington Campus Community” Indiana Daily Student, March 3, 1993.

March 3rd, 1993

Deaner refutes a former statement made by an IU columnist about gay people having shorter life spans and participating in homosexual sex acts that heterosexual couples also participate in for example oral sex, anal sex etc.

Deaner, Jason. “Letter on Homosexuals Draws Response.” Indiana Daily Student, March 3, 1993.

March 22nd, 1993

Ricky Newport denounces churches who say gay rights laws are hate laws against churches and should not happen, referencing attacks against a gay man that happened August of 1992 near Griffy Lake.

Newport, Ricky. “False Prophets Knock Homosexual’s Rights.” Indiana Daily Student, March 22, 1993.

March 29th, 1993

Story on the new definition of family from IU’s Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Task Force. Family is no longer just through marriage or adoption, this would allow people who are not married to apply for family housing. They are hoping to make campus housing open to GLB members.

Tritch, Charlotte R. “ Cleaving Away Old ‘Family’ Definitions.” Indiana Daily Student, March 26, 1993.

March 29th, 1993

Ari Kane, a gender counselor and therapist, as well as an open cross dresser, speaks about cross dressing and what it means, to about 60 student.

Wyatt, Liz. “Cross Dresser Speaks about Gender.” Indiana Daily Student, March 29, 1993.

March 31st, 1993

IU hosting a Unity in Diversity celebration to raise awareness about issues such as racial and sexual orientation differences. It is a week-long celebration with activities such as a discussion panels and television in other languages.

Gruszewski, Kara. “Diversity to Be Celebrated.” Indiana Daily Student, March 31, 1993.

April 9th, 1993

A story about people from small, isolated towns in IN who are taught to be racist because of the people they grow up with. This story addresses all kinds of racism and hatred against homosexuality.

Katz, Victor. “In What Unlikely Places Does Racism Rear Its Ugly Head?” Indiana Daily Studentm, April 9, 1993.

April 21st, 1993

Bloomington Human Rights Commision held a hearing to discuss recent gay-bashing in Monroe County schools. Half of the Bloomington religious community supported the idea of teaching non hatred about homosexuals, the other half denounced it. Hesting, Chad.

Khalil, Ashraf. “Gay-Bashing Report Spurs Heated Debate.” Indiana Daily Student, April 21, 1993.

April 21st, 1993

Kinsey’s study that 10% of men reported homosexual acts is being challenged by a Seattle Research Center. IU’s Neal Carnes, OUT president says it is impossible to ever get a real reading. Kinsey Institute says Seattle’s numbers have been manipulated by the media.

Indiana Daily Student, “New Study Disputes Number of Gays in Population,” April 21, 1993.

April 27th, 1993

Columnist Kheiry denounces the statements from Reverend Ben Cloud who linked homosexuality with rape as a sin in the eyes of the church.

Kheiry, Jamal. “Rapists, Thieves and Gays.” Indiana Daily Student, April 27, 1993.

May 9th, 1993

Sludor feels it is ok to engage in heterosexual PDA but homosexuals get stigmatized for engaging in PDA.

Sluder, Kirk. “Nothing Blatant about Confessing Homosexuality.” Indiana Daily Student, May 9, 1993.

May 17th, 1993

Campus family housing that allows married couples and single parents to live together on campus will possibly also allow homosexual couples to live together. The Campus Housing Committee is considering a proposal but is not planning to make any decisions soon.

Snyder, Brian. “Family Dorms Might Open Doors to Gays.” Indiana Daily Student, May 17, 1993.

May 20th, 1993

Story about police trying to stop sex in Ballantine. OUT VP Brian Withem said it is not just homosexuals who have sex in Ballantine. Police are starting to arrest anyone found engaging in sexual activity in the Hall.

Wyatt, Liz. “Police Crack Down on Sex in Ballantine Hall.” Indiana Daily Student, May 20, 1993.

May 20th, 1993

Staff editorial defending homosexual’s right to serve in the military. Also promoting more equal rights for gays.

Staff Editorial. “Homosexuals Have Right to Serve.” Indiana Daily Student, May 20, 1993.

June 21st, 1993

City council will decide whether or not to add a sexual orientation clause to the city’s human right’s ordinance. Local churches are against it.

Leasure, Leslie. “City Council to Debate Sexual Orientation Clause.” Indiana Daily Student, June 21, 1993.

June 28th, 1993

City council voted to add sexual orientation clause to the city’s human rights ordinance. Discrimination based on sexual orientation made illegal in Bloomington.

Judge, Jay. “Anti-Discrimination Plan Headed for Final Approval.” Indiana Daily Student, June 28, 1993.

June 28th, 1993

Staff editorial approving the City council’s decision. Condemns the critics, claiming human rights are rights for everyone.

Staff Editorial. “Fear is the Root of Opposition.” Indiana Daily Student, June 28, 1993.

July 8th, 1993

Students expressed strong support at the Bloomington City Council Members vote for a gay rights clause.

Schmitt, John. “Some Students Support City’s Proposed Gay Rights Ordinance.” Indiana Daily Student, July 8, 1993.

July 12th, 1993

Ordinance passed unanimously, prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation. Church leaders and landlords opposed and protested. Some city council members jobs were threatened.

Lynch, Kevin. “City Council Passes Gay Rights Ordinance.” Indiana Daily Student, July 12, 1993.

July 12th, 1993

People opposing City Council’s decision quoted the bible and attacked homosexuality as a sin. City council members accused of being homosexual-very hostile. People supporting the clause received threats from the KKK and other hate organizations.

Leasure, Leslie. “Hostility Continues. Ordinance Doesn’t Change Gay’s Treatment.” Indiana Daily Student, July 12, 1993.

July 22nd, 1993

Editorial says “don’t ask, don’t tell” is a small step in the right direction. Says open homosexuals should be allowed to serve.

Staff Editorial. “Minimal progress on gay ban.” Indiana Daily Student, July 22, 1993.

August 2nd, 1993

Editorial bashing the argument of the Daily Student in their editorial the week before. Mikaloff is careful to say that he supports the right of homosexuals.

Mikaloff, Jason. “Editorial on Gays in Military is Irrational.” Indiana Daily Student, August 2, 1993.

August 9th, 1993

Gay students, faculty and supporters planted crosses in Dunn Meadow to protest the status of gays in the military. Organized by Young Queers for Freedom.

Overpeck, Deron. “Gays Construct Mock Cemetery at IU.” Indiana Daily Student, August 9, 1993.

August, 1993

Reprint of the story that ran on May 17th with a new title.

Snyder, Brian. “Gay Couples Might be Included in Family Housing.” Indiana Daily Student, August 1993. Welcome Back edition.

October 12th, 1993

OUT held their annual kiss-in to recognize National Coming Out Day and protest unfair treatment by campus peers. Mad Max Lynch, who was standing on a soap box denouncing Clinton, yelled that “God hates homosexuality” to the OUT participants. They continued with their rally.

Eckels, Tracey. “OUT, Mad Max Trade Verbal Blows Near Ballantine.” Indiana Daily Student, October 12, 1993.

October 13th, 1993

Staff editorial about the OUT kiss-in, applauding them for getting their organization talked about.

Staff Editorial. “PDA, and Lots of It.” Indiana Daily Student, October 13, 1993.

October 18th, 1993

Sexual orientation and law discussed at Indiana Civil Liberties Union conference in Bloomington.

Silverman, Amy. “Sexual Orientation, Law Discussed at ICLU Conference.” Indiana Daily Student, October 18, 1993.