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January 8th, 1994

Indianapolis Catholic archbishop, Daniel Buechlein was criticized by the Indiana Civil Liberties Gay and Lesbian Taskforce for urging broadcasters to censor a public health ad campaign geared towards using condoms. This goes against the Catholic proscription of use of contraceptives.

The Associated Press. “Archbishop Accused of Trying to Censor Condom Campaign”. Indiana Daily Student, January 8, 1994.

January 13th, 1994

Federal prison inmate, Dee Farmer sues over initial 1989 rape which occurred three weeks after incarceration, and then again in 1993 over another alleged rape. The case was taken to the Supreme Court and her argument included feeling as though the system had not taken into account the dangers that should be inferred by throwing a Male-to-Female transsexual in a prison with other men.

Grelli, Richard. “Transexual Inmate Clashes with Government”. Indiana Daily Student, January 13, 1994.

January 21st, 1994

Images of gay and lesbian youth and lifestyle hit advertisements and pages of popular magazines like GQ and Vanity Fair. Shows how increasing in the 90s “niche” advertising was targeted towards the “pink” (or gay) dollar.

Massette, Michael and Glass, Tracy. “Sex Sells.” Indiana Daily Student, January 21, 1994.

January 26th, 1994

Continuing controversy over attempts to find new director for Kinsey Institute, which researches and archives all forms of sex and sexuality. The workers at the Institute are frustrated because they feel they are undermanned (not enough people to answer phones).

Eckels, Tracey. “Kinsey Search Comes to Impasse”. Indiana Daily Student, January 26, 1994.

February 2nd, 1994

Bloomington Faculty Council passes motion to request fringe benefits for same-sex domestic partners; a proposal draft was developed. Peter Burkholder, music professor and BFC member is for it; he his a same-sex partner and it would benefit them both, as well as show the universities chops. Chemistry professor, Victor Viola says it is not in the best interest of the BFC.

Bajko, Matthew. “Gay, Lesbian Faculty Couples Might get Benefits”. Indiana Daily Student, February 2, 1994.

February 8th, 1994

Indiana Jay county Superior court judge, Joel D. Roberts awards custody of two pre-teen boys to Twila Teegarden, mother who happens to be lesbian. Judge not 100% progressive; article cites his provisions for the award: avoid living with any women with whom she has sexual relationship, and refrain from engaging in love activities in front of the children. Reflects both Indiana’s judicial tendency to award custody to mothers and its homophobia in one solid example.

Jordan, Barry. “Gay parents-an exercise in equality”. Indiana Daily Student, February 8, 1994.

February 22nd, 1994

Indiana senate keeps hotly debated hate crimes bill alive under deadline by eliminating clause that gives longer jail time to people who commit hate crimes against gays and lesbians.

Bubala III, Louis. “Protection from Crimes Against Gays Removed from Bill”. Indiana Daily Student, February 22, 1994.

February 24th, 1994

OUT, IU’s GLB social and political organization loses bid for student activity funding to WIUS because it is not definable as a broad, “diverse” enough group of student—one stipulation for receiving funding.

Milenky, Elissa “OUT in Out”. Indiana Daily Student, February 24, 1994.

April 8th, 1994

A movie review about three college roommates and their love triangle. Two guys, one girl: one guy into the girl, the into the other guy and that guy, secretly, into the first guy. Not a great piece of gay representation, or apparently even a good movie.

Rainer, Peter. “’Threesome’ is Sophomoric Soft-Porn”. Indiana Daily Student, April 8, 1994.

April 26th, 1994

Dean of Students, Dick McKaig, plans to open doors to IU’s GLB center by the fall. But doors may never open if an available space isn’t secured. Hopefully, says, McKaig, there is space that is underutilized that can be reallocated for the GLB center.

Bajko, Matthew. “Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Center could Open in Fall”. Indiana Daily Student, April 26, 1994.

April 29th, 1994

IU’s College Republicans and Young Americans for Freedom organizations protest GLB center based on funding concerns; Jim Holden, chair of College Republicans spearheads the effort, wanting to show the “absurdity of the whole thing.”

Bajko, Matthew. “Conservatives Oppose GLB Center Using University Funds”. Indiana Daily Student, April 29, 1994.

April 29th, 1994

Partially in an effort to compete with other Big Ten universities, IU might extend same fringe benefits to domestic partners that are enjoyed by married couples. University of Minnesota and University of Iowa were among the first to extend these benefits. BFC president, Paul Eisenberg said the time is right for IU to do so, but is not positive it will go through.

Bajko, Matthew. “IU Debates Extending Benefits to Domestic Partners”. Indiana Daily Student, April 29, 1994.

May 16th, 1994

Kelley and Jill Carr host safe sex workshop for lesbians at Aquarius Bookstore (formerly located on Grant street, Bloomington, IN). Want to inform lesbians, who are often left out of safew-sex equation, about the various ways they can protect themselves from STDs and HIV/AIDS.

Trent, Andrea. “Workshop Focuses on Safe Sex for Lesbians”. Indiana Daily Student, May 16, 1994.

May 18th, 1994

In fall a new office for GLB concerns will potentially open with a fulltime staff person and parttime secretary. It will be funded by a $50,000 university allocation recommended by budgetary committee of BFC.

Herald-Times, “New IU office Fills a Need,” May 18, 1994.

May 19th, 1994

Plans for GLB office are underway despite protest from IU College Republicans and Young Americans for Freedom. Many student leaders endorse it, including Jeff Nowak, IUSA president. The main argument used against the office opening—in light of a tightening overall university budget in 1994—is that the money will go to benefit a small minority group of homosexuals instead of something useful to a larger group of students. The amount of money attempting to be publicly allocated to the office is $50,000.

Snyder, Brian. “GLB Office Will Help Everyone”. Indiana Daily Student, May 19, 1994.

May 23rd, 1994

IU Faculty Council supports a new policy proposal to include domestic partners in the fringe benefits program. They will vote on this issue in the coming months. It will go to the IU Board of Trustees, where it will likely die. Article outlines how the other Big Ten schools with similar policy inclusions show that participation is small and costs minimal—well worth doing.

Thomas, Wendy. “IU System Ponders Benefits Unmarried Staff’s Partners”. Indianapolis Star, May 23, 1994.

June 4th, 1994

IU Board of Trustees approved plans to open a support office for GLB students; also rejected a proposal to extend fringe benefits to domestic partners of gay university employees. This rejection around the same time as an approval sends a mixed message to faculty and staff about GLB support from the IU administration.

Thomas, Wendy. “Gay-Support Office Approved for IU Bloomington Campus”. Indianapolis Star, June 4, 1994.

June 6th, 1994

GLB office is planned to be housed in Dean of Students annex on 7th street across from the Indiana Memorial Union. IU Board of Trustees president, Robert McKinney is unhappy with the process by which the office was proposed; feels there was “misinformation” from the start. Grous Louis, IU Vice President and Chancellor dispels misconceptions that is promotes homosexuals like a social club: it is meant for sharing resources and information, as well as counseling. A search committee will form this month to find a director for the office.

Bajko, Matthew. “Trustees View Tentative Plans for GLB Office”. Indiana Daily Student, June 6, 1994.

June 6th, 1994

IU’s Board of Trustees voted down the resolution passed by BFC to extend fringe benefits to domestic partners of IU faculty. Trustee John Walda believe extending benefits is not economically feasible at this time—assures that the decision was not based on discrimination based on sexual orientation. Trustee, Cindy Stone, however was the only member to vote for the resolution and is peeved: “These people are nto asking for special benfits, but equal benefits.” Mark Stalens, Director of the statewide Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Trangendered Fairness organization believes “this is not a dead issue, it is a very long war.”

Bajko, Matthew. “Board Rejects Proposed Domestic Partner Benefits”. Indiana Daily Student, June 6, 1994.

June 23rd, 1994

Plans for the GLB office on IU campus move ahead with the submission of coordinator/director’s job description to IU’s Human Resource Management.

Davis, Amy. “Job Description Submitted for GLB Office Director”. Indiana Daily Student, June 23, 1994.

June 27th, 1994

Gay Pride picnic held at local Harmony School as an opportunity for GLB people and their allies to network and commemorate/celebrate Stonewall’s 25th anniversary.

Schraber, Tim. “Local GLB Community Sponsors Picnic to Commemorate Stonewall”. Indiana Daily Student, June 27, 1994.

July 25th, 1994

Held at Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity house was an Interfraternity Institute conference which addressed issues including hazing, sexual assault and homosexuality.

Rowland, Marijke. “Advisors Say Greeks Need to Discuss Homosexuality”. Indiana Daily Student, July 25, 1994.

August, 1994

Woody Burton, Republican state representative wants to send a message to IU by spearheading an effort with other state representatives to cut $500,000 from the University’s state funding as a way to protest the new GLB student office. It is something like a threat, but closer to a blackmail attempt. Burton and representative Rupple both drafted amendments to be brought to the House.

Vince, Doe. “Debate Continues in State Legislature about GLB Office, University Funding”. Indiana Daily Student, August-Fall Issue Short Edition, 1994.

September 2nd, 1994

In April $50,000 was appropriated as public funding for the new GLB office. By January Representative Woody Burton plans to introduce an IU budget cut amendmentof $500,000 to the House. It is not expected to go far, but Burton gather 17 representatives in support. Former OUT president, Neal Carnes says the idea of having a GLB office on campus is not new; seven of eleven Big Ten campuses already GLB centers. At IU discussions of a GLB office began in 1989 when the Board of Aeons, a student group that researches issues pertinent to the university, recommended it.

Wimmer, Amy. “Center of Debate: IU’s GLB Office Stirs Controversy at Indiana Statehouse”. Indiana Daily Student, September 2, 1994.

September 2nd, 1994

Neal Carnes, former OUT president, coordinator of 1st Ballantine Hall kiss-in and National Coming Out Day wants to see the office come to fruition especially because he is concerned about suicide prevention. For his efforts at IU, he has received death threats to his home address. Jim Holden, president of IU College Republicans feels the University discriminates against conservative beliefs. He thinks the administration is liberal and is pushing that agenda instead of looking at the needs of the larger body of students.

Wimmer, Amy. “Two Students, Two Views”. Indiana Daily Student, September 2, 1994.

Septmeber 8th, 1994

A nine-person search committee, including four students, three faculty and two staff members will look over 72 applications for the best candidate for the coordinator of the new GLB support services office. This process will narrow it down to less than five for final interviews and then the recommendation will be submitted to Dean McKaig.

Rowland, Marijke. “Search for GLB Director Underway”. Indiana Daily Student, September 8, 1994.

September 15th, 1994

Brian Witham and Marcus Will demonstrate at IU’s 3rd annual kiss-in held in front of Ballantine Hall (where two people of the same sex kiss in public). This year was quite calm compared to the crowd-control issues of the previous two years.

Kelly, Beckie. “Gay students Demonstrate Pride at Annual Kiss-In”. Indiana Daily Student, September 15, 1994.

September 21st, 1994

College Deomcrats president, Randy DeCleene teams up with College Republican president, Jim Holden in “bipartisan effort” to combat the opening of the GLB office.

Wimmer, Amy. “Bipartisan Campus Leaders Come Out Against GLB Office”. Indiana Daily Student, September 21, 1994.

September 22nd, 1994

The “Bipartisan effort” fails as College Democrat president, Randy DeCleene resigns only hours after making his declaration against the office, citing poor organization and internal disputes as his reason for leaving (but really he just didn’t get his way). The group’s executives said he went against the organization’s beliefs when he voiced opposition to the office and didn’t get proper approval from the executive council before making his stance known.

Wimmer, Amy. “IU Democrats Refute Stance of ExPresident”. Indiana Daily Student, September 22, 1994.

September 30th, 1994

IU College Democrats relax after passing an official statement refuting former president, Randy Decleene’s opposition to the GLB office. The vote passed 29-1 in favor and the outcome makes it clear that he misrepresented the organization.

Binhack, Anne. “College Democrats Vote to Support GLB Office”. Indiana Daily Student, September 30, 1994.

October 4th, 1994

Woody Burton will meet with student GLB leaders to discuss the controversial office, but students don’t expect him to back down.

Wimmer, Amy. “Burton to Meet with GLB Leader”. Indiana Daily Student, October 4, 1994.

October 6th, 1994

New IU president, Myles Brand will address IUSA for the first time tonight and will most likely end up fielding questions about the GLB office. It is looked at as an opportunity for the IUSA to publicly reaffirm support for the office.

Kelly, Beckie. “Bran Makes First IUSA Address Tonight”. Indiana Daily Student, October 6, 1994.

October 7th, 1994

After meeting with student GLB leaders yesterday, Burton is still firm that the GLB people are a “special interests” group that don’t warrant state funding for an office like “true minorities”.

Wimmer Amy. “Legislator Stays Firm in Opposing GLB”. Indiana Daily Student, October 7, 1994.

October 7th, 1994

IUSA throws in a symbolic dollar to reaffirm support of the GLB office opening. IUSA endorsed the idea at its birth in 1989, again in 1993 and once more today as a way to “recognize the work and emotions of our predecessors,” says Jeff Nowak, IUSA president.

Wimmer, Amy. “IUSA Throws in Dollar of Support of Proposed Office”. Indiana Daily Student, October 7, 1994.

October 7th, 1994

A direct action group focused on issues vital to lesbian survival and visibility, The Lesbian Avengers have formed chapter in Bloomington. Carol Guess is the founding member of the Bloomington chapter.

Egherman, Dara Joy. “Avengers Focus on Lesbian Issues”. Indiana Daily Student, October 7, 1994.

October 12th, 1994

50 people march through campus for National Coming Out day, an event which QUEST (Queers United for Equal Social Treatment) helped sponsor.

Pratt, Danett. “QUEST Commemorates Coming Out Day”. Indiana Daily Student, October 12, 1994.

October 12th, 1994

On National Coming Out day the American Association of Physicians for Human Rights changed its named to a more direct, descriptive one: the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association.

Roan, Shari. “Medical Organization Announces New Name on National Coming Out Day.” Indiana Daily Student, October 12, 1994.

October 14th, 1994

Search for a director of the new GLB office was narrowed to 3 people with GLB advocacy backgrounds: Lisa Gunterman, gay rights activist from Louisville, KY; Doug Bauder, counselor from Bloomington; Bill Shipton, an IU director of diversity. November is the set time for a final decision.

Rowland, Marijke. “Finalists for GLB Office Director Announced”. Indiana Daily Student, October 14, 1994.

October 17th, 1994

There was an announcement October 14th that private funding will be used to fund the GLB office, which caused Woody Burton to step down his threat to introduce a $500,000 budget cut to IU as a punishment for public funding being allocated to the office. IU president Myles Brand made the announcement and says there will be 2 changes: private instead of public funding, and a name-change of the larger office in the same building from Student Ethics to Office of Student Ethics and Anti-Harassment Programs. This will subsume the title “GLB Student Support Services” on the building sign. OUT president, Sally Green outraged at the news, as it will serve to shove the office further down the scheme of importance.

Rowland, Marijke. “Burton Drops Threat to Cut IU funding”. Indiana Daily Student, October 17, 1994.

October 18th, 1994

A number of students including Julie Thompson and Carol Guess of the Lesbian Avengers protested universities decision to switch funding for the GLB office from public to private. One sign reads, “Hey Myles, wake up and smell the queers”

Welsch-Huggins, Andrew. “Students Protest IU Funding Switch”. The Herald-Times, October 18, 1994.

October 18th, 1994

A new umbrella organization including QUEST OUT and the Lesbian Avengers, Zero Tolerance forms in order to protest Brand’s changes to the proposed plans for the GLB office on campus. They protested outside Brands office, reaching a pinnacle of 30 people, to show their anger at the privatization of funding for the office. As Zero Tolerance sees it, this was a buckling under conservative duress.

Rowland, Marijke. “GLB Groups Protest Brand’s Decision”. Indiana Daily Student, October 18, 1994.

October 19th, 1994

Zero Tolerance plans to question Brand intensely during the Q&A portion of his address tonight. They have been handing out handbills all over campus, including at the Melissa Etheridge concert at the IU Auditorium.

Rowland, Marijke. “Zero Tolerance Plans to Question Brand During his Address Tonight”. Indiana Daily Student, October 19, 1994.

October 20th, 1994

Out of the twenty questions asked of Myles Brand at his inaugural IUSA address, fifteen were related to GLB office controversy. He is frustrated because he feels his decisions were in the best interest of preserving the office.

Pearlman, Russell. “Brand Defends GLB Office Decision”. Indiana Daily Student, October 20, 1994.

October 20th, 1994

Brand meets with Zero Tolerance members to rectify the situate/misunderstandings surrounding his decision to privatize funds for the GLB office. Members of Zero Tolerance were not satisfied by the meeting. Stances were just repeated, not changed.

Rowland, Marijke. “Brand Meets with GLB Leaders to Discuss Support Center Changes”. Indiana Daily Student, October 20, 1994.

October 20th, 1994

Woody Burton, Republican state representative from Greenwood was criticized by reporters for attempting to clarify what groups he considers “authentic minorities” and which he does not. His definition includes minorities that are “visibly different”—based solely on physical characteristics. He then professed that he could include Jews in that category, and tried to describe the physical characteristics of a Jew. Which is insane.

Herald –Times, “Burton Comments Inappropriate,” October 20, 1994.

October 24th, 1994

Members of Young Americans for Freedom, a conservative campus group sponsors the first Straight Pride Week to mock Gay Pride Week. They will host opposite, similar events: movie “Straight Talk” with Dolly Parton, a debate over the GLB and a “hug-in” in front of Ballantine Hall (in direct reference to the OUT-sponsored kiss-in).

Pratt, Dancett. “Straight Pride Week Begins Today”. Indiana Daily Student, October 24, 1994.

November 4th, 1994

Wanda and Brenda Henson spoke to a small group of students at IU Auditorium about the violence they had endured because of their lesbian relationship and their work creating and running Sister Spirit, Inc starting in 1989. (A feminist organization started in small-town Henson, Mississippi).

Abels, Michelle. “Lesbian Couple Speaks on Sexism”. Indiana Daily Student, November 4, 1994.

November 4th, 1994

For the first time, two different GLB organizations sponsor the event. They want it to be distinguished from Straight Pride Week because its not meant to mock or bash straight people. Everyone is invited, which is why they purposefully didn’t include “Gay” in the title.

Pratt, Danett. “QUEST, OUT Sponsor Pride Week”. Indiana Daily Student, November 4, 1994.

November 9th, 1994

Doug Bauder, the newly appointed coordinator of the GLB office on campus says he sees himself in a mediator role as the office opens and begins to function. He is set to begin work November 21st.

Rowland, Marijke. “Newly Named GLB Office Coordinator Wants to Build Bridges”. Indiana Daily Student, November 9, 1994.

November 22nd, 1994

The GLB office opening, for all the controversy was relatively low-key. With just a desk and a phone to work with so far, Doug Bauder spends the day fielding phone calls and greeting walk-ins, of which there about a dozen of each.

Rowland, Marijke. “Controversial GLB Office has Quiet Opening”. Indiana Daily Student, November 22, 1994.