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January 22nd, 1996

OUT sponsored a Drag Show in the Frangipani Room of the Indiana University Memorial Union. A 3-dollar donation was requested at the door and all proceeds went to the GLB Support Services Office. Approximately 300 people attended the show, which raised about 700 dollars. Mid-show, a panel hosted a 15-minute discussion with the audience.

Fabi, Randy. “Drag Show Raises Funds for GLB Services.” Indiana Daily Student, January 22, 1996.

January 25th, 1996

Mark Schrader of Columbus, Ohio spoke at IUPD’s cultural diversity training session. He discussed his life as a homosexual police officer and offered advice to the Indiana University police on how to go about dealing with other homosexual officers. He made suggestions like avoiding the use of terms such as “gay lifestyle,” among many others.

Emily, Jennifer. “IUPD gets Lessons from Gay Officer.” Indiana Daily Student, January 25, 1996.

February 6th, 1996

Miss Josephine, the reigning Miss Gay Bloomington, made arrangements to speak with Deputy Mayor James McNamara, who abruptly cancelled the meeting at the last minute. During this meeting, she planned to ask McNamara about city plans to deal with minority, but more specifically GLB, rights.

Brazeal, Sarah. “Deputy Mayor Cancels Meeting.” Indiana Daily Student, February 6, 1996.

February 19th, 1996

OUT is threatening to sue the Indiana University Student Association Treasurer, Tyson Hurst, claiming that he withdrew funding and changed the reservations for the Miss Gay Bloomington Pageant.

Reiss, Dawn. “IUSA Treasurer Might Face Charges from OUT.” Indiana Daily Student, February, 19,1996.

March 5th, 1996

An Opinion article discussed the fact that Indiana University Housing does not recognize homosexual partners as “families,” therefore creating costly limitations for homosexuals wishing to live on campus. The article discusses how same-sex roommates are put at the bottom of the priority list as well as the fact that Gay students are denied access to low-cost housing and Gay faculty are denied the financial benefits of domestic partner coverage.

Kryt, Jeremy. “Recognizing Homosexual Unions.” Indiana Daily Student, March 5, 1996.

March 19th, 1996

The term “bisexual” is becoming more commonly used amongst Indiana University students as the idea of bisexuality is becoming more widely accepted. “B” has been added to the acronym, GL, and the Internet is emerging as a new frontier for sexuality. It was around this time that courses about topics regarding GLB issues were introduced to the Indiana University class list.

Rowland, Marlijke. “Defying Definition-Bisexuals Come Out of the Closet and Into the Spot Light.” Indiana Daily Student, March 19, 1996.

March 29th, 1996

OUT hosted the annual Miss Gay IU Pageant. The pageant consisted of Drag Queens and is hosted every year to raise money for the GLB Services on campus.

Reiss, Dawn. “Drag Queens compete for 1996 Miss Gay IU.” Indiana Daily Student, March 29, 1996.

April 1st, 1996

The president of OUT, Scott De Nardo, publicly announced his support for MMSB, claiming that they were the only party to demonstrate support for the GLB community by answering OUT’s questions about their concerns about GLB rights.

Wheatley, Tyson Lex. “Student Minority Leaders Endorse MMSB, push IUSA.” Indiana Daily Student, April 1, 1996.

April 1st, 1996

Indiana University hosted the 1996 Gay Pageant. The show was sponsored by OUT and approximately 700 people attended. The pageant raised about 1500 dollars in donations.

Reiss, Dawn. “IU’s Gay PageantPainfully Fun.” Indiana Daily Student, April 1, 1996.

April 12, 1996

Indiana University student, Senior Bryan Fahbach, wanted to donate blood at a blood drive but was denied because he admitted to having had sex with another male. This denial was based on the FDA Regulation of April of 1992. Fahbach made the argument that IU should not support this “discriminatory activity.” Other students admitted to lying about their sexuality and sexual relations so that they would no be denied the right to donate blood.

Emily, Jennifer. “Gay Man Finds Blood Unwanted.” Indiana Daily Student, April 12, 1996.

June 3rd, 1996

This opinion article voiced the desire for gay equality, therefore demonstrating student support of GLB rights.

Stevens, Jennifer. “Gay Rights Need to Expand.” Indiana Student Daily, June 3, 1996.

July 15th, 1996

The GLB Office of Indiana University organized an Alumni Group for the first time. Through their contacting efforts, they found over 100 interested alumni, but realized that the “closet” was still a big issue for many other possible contacts. Their goal in establishing this group was to provide networking opportunities for the GLB Alumni.

Moulton, Andrews. “GLB Offices Organizes Alumni Group.” Indiana Daily Student, July 15, 1996.

September 2nd, 1996

The GLB Office created a one-on-one confidential Peer Support system. The coordinator, Doug Bauder, trained 6 peer supporters so that they were capable of meeting and dealing with students about any GLB issues. He hoped to create a buddy system where students would feel comfortable, accepted and understood.

Moulton, Andrew. “GLB Office Creates One-on-One Peer Supporters.” Indiana Daily Student, September 2, 1996.

September 4th, 1996

OUT initiated the use of “Safe Zone” stickers and distributed over 1500 of them across campus. These stickers declare an area as safe and free of intolerance. This includes derogatory slurs of any kind, towards any group of people. Many businesses, offices, and public facilities around campus agreed to display the stickers and support the cause. Reiss, Dawn. “Safe-Zone’s Stickers Symbolize Safety.” Indiana Daily Student, September 4, 1996.

September 23rd, 1996

In support of the employment Non-Discrimination Act, Indiana University students and faculty display public protests of the Defense of Marriage Act. These protests included mock gay and lesbian weddings in public areas, causing a scene and much debate.

Indiana Daily Student, “Students, faculty plan protest about gay, lesbian legislation,” September 23, 1996.

October 16th, 1996

Evan Wolfson, an Attorney in the Baehr v. Lewin case in Hawaii, spoke at Indiana University in an attempt to spread awareness about GLB civil rights. The University hoped that having a speaker that was so well qualified would spark more interest and support.

Cutsinger, Angela. “GLB Civil Rights Expert to Speak at IU.” Indiana Daily Student, October 16, 1996.

October 16th, 1996

A panel that co-sponsored by Children and the Law Discussion Group and OUTLAW discussed the concerns and issues that are associated with homosexuals raising children.

Burghardt, Susan L. “Law School Hosts panel of Gay Parenting.” Indiana Daily Student, October 16, 1996.

October 24th, 1996

Joanne Meyerowitz, a history professor form the University of Cincinnati gave a lecture to about 35 people at the Kinsey Institute. Her lecture was about a Female to Male transgender woman by the name of Christine Jorgensen (formally known as George). Jorgensen was the first American to undergo a sex change surgery and have their transformation publicized. The lecture was followed by a discussion of transexuality and sex change surgeries.

Hayes, Sarah & Havelen, Naomi. “Professor Discusses Sex Changes and Their Impact on Society.” Indiana Daily Student, October 24, 1996.

October 25th, 1996

A GLB Panel hosted a discussion about domestic violence in GLB communities. The discussion took place in the Center for University Ministry and approximately 25 people attended. The attendees included the Middle Way House Director, Toby Strout. This discussion was important because generally speaking, homosexuals are not included in domestic violence laws, and yet domestic violence is just as prominent in the homosexual community as it is in the heterosexual community.

Cutsinger, Angela. “GLB Panel Discusses Domestic Violence.” Indiana Daily Student, October 25, 1996.

October 30th, 1996

The IU Health Center and the Lesbian, Bay and Bisexual Speakers Bureau sponsored a sexuality panel in the Read Dorm. Approximately 20 students gathered to listen to people of all sexual orientations discuss their personal identity as well as the identity of others and what defines someone’s sexual orientation.

Cutsinger, Angela. “Sexuality Panel Speaks at Read.” Indiana Daily Student, October 30, 1996.

November 8th, 1996

Indiana University put on 20 free and public programs around campus in celebration of Gay Pride Week. The purpose of these events was to create a sense of unity throughout the homosexual community and to also create awareness about homosexuality amongst the student population as a whole.

Carothers, Lisanne V. “IU to Observe 1996 Gay Pride Week.” Indiana Daily Student, November 8, 1996.

November 15th, 1996

Lionel Smith, who was president of a fraternity here on campus, was outed as a homosexual because he served on a confidential GLB Panel. Instead of resigning as president of denying his true sexual orientation, he gave his house an opportunity to vote on whether or not he should be able to keep his position. Not only did his house vote for him to keep his position, but his fraternity brothers were also extremely supportive of Smith.

Ladage, Megan. “Panel Talks of Being Gay and Greek.” Indiana Daily Student, November 15, 1996.