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Jan. 6, 2000

Herald Times lists “Nuke gay whales for Jesus” as a common bumpersticker in Bloomington.


Jan. 13, 2000

An article is written about the absence of sexual orientation in the bill to enforce a harsher punishment to those convicted of a hate crime which was drafted by Greg Porter, a representative of Indiana.


Feb. 2, 2000

Barbara E. McKinney, director of the Bloomington Human Rights Commission writes a column referencing an occurrence in Bloomington that she describes as “Two men see a woman leaving Bullwinkle's. They attempt to rape her, saying they can "fix" her presumed lesbianism. When they realize she is anatomically a he, they hit her and leave.” She argues that the Hate Crime Prevention act will not help. Also, a Bloomington local writes a letter to the editor accusing the Herald Times of having a bias with their news coverage. The local implies a homosexual bias in their articles.



Feb. 19, 2000

IU Professor Irving Katz is a volunteer at Allies, Fellows and Friends program, which helps dormitory residents with problems and issues they may have while living on campus. They report having helped a student struggling with his sexual orientation.


March 24, 2000

The anniversary of Herman B. Wells. Bloomington locals write about their appreciation toward Wells’ efforts at IU. He was known for supporting Kinsey during his research on sexual orientation. There is also concern about the opening of the movie “Boys Don’t Cry” in Bloomington.



March 30, 2000

The Herald Times reports, “A provocative study of finger lengths found that lesbians are more likely than other women to have a subtle masculine trait, while gay men may display that same characteristic more than heterosexuals.”


April 3, 2000

“Indiana state Representative Woody Burton, a Republican, has tried unsuccessfully to keep homosexuals from adopting children in Indiana, and says he'll keep trying.”


April 5, 2000

IU’s Day of Silence


April 9, 2000

The Brethren by John Grisham (Doubleday) is a Bloomington best seller. This book is about three judges that plan to blackmail gay men.


April 20, 2000

In Martinsville, a high school drama teacher is charged with two counts of sexual misconduct after allegedly fondling a 14-year old boy he had met on the internet. The boy had placed an ad on the internet stating he was gay.


May 12, 2000

Senior minister Phil Amerson and associate pastor Howard Boles, of Bloomington’s First United Methodist Church declare they want to change the language in the “Book of Discipline” to support homosexuals. The church voted against any change and the minister’s of the Bloomington church are discouraged.


May 18, 2000

IU student, James Wells, trains for a bike ride through Alaska to raise money for AIDS.


May 20, 2000

Sister Jeannine Gramick comes to Bloomington to speak about her support of the rights of gay and lesbian Catholics.


June 29, 2000

The Supreme Court rules that The Boys Scouts can ban homosexuals from their organization.


July 3, 2000

Many community groups have declared their support against hate crimes in Bloomington, due to the memorial of IU student, Yoon’s death the year before.


July 7, 2000

Peace march in honor of Yoon, a student murdered in a hate crime on IU campus.


Aug. 8, 2000

The Bloomington Human Rights Commission reported that there were13 hate crimes in Bloomington in the past year, 4 incidents, in particular, were homosexuals targeted due to their sexual orientation.


Aug. 19, 2000

Bloomington United joins protest against the Boys Scout’s decision about the discriminatory policy towards gay leaders and members.


Aug. 22, 2000

Protest was held across the street from the Boy Scouts’ Hoosier Trails headquarters, at the Binford Elementary School in Bloomington to protest the Boy Scouts’ discriminatory rules.


Aug. 23, 2000

John Clower, a Bloomington local, writes “Nine Reasons to Protest the Boys Scouts” in protest to the discrimination against gay boy scouts. Kirk McDaniel, Cub Master and Bloomington local writes an article called “Scouts should forgo support from United Way if that is cost of morality” in support of the Boy Scouts’ vote.



Aug. 29, 2000

Bloomington locals write the editor in protest of the Bloomington Boys Scouts’ decision to refuse the discriminatory policy. Many locals are outraged by the Boys Scouts decision and by United Way’s choice to drop the league.


Sept. 15, 2000

Herald Times reports that the FDA continues to support its ban on gay male blood donors.


Sept. 20, 2000

PFLAG meeting


Sept, 22, 2000

The Boy Scouts' Hoosier Trails Council refused to sign the nondiscriminatory policy and “is upholding its stance against gay members and leaders, resulting in a loss of thousands of dollars from the United Way of Monroe County.”


Sept. 27, 2000

Eric I. Miller, Executive Director of Advance America, is launching a program called Operation Be Prepared to collect money, in result of the Boys Scouts ban from the United Way, due to their refusal to agree to the nondiscriminatory policies.


Oct. 6, 2000

But I’m A Cheerleader, a movie about a homosexual cheerleader, plays in theaters


Oct. 10, 2000

A student writes a letter to the editor about Indiana’s Congressman John Hostettler’s vote against the hate crimes bill. The student is disturbed by Indiana’s selection of representatives.


Oct. 14, 2000

The Herald Times reports on a case in Lafayette, Indiana, in which two judges were sued by a probation officer for being denied a promotion due to her sexual orientation. When sent to the U.S. District Judge, Allen Sharp ruled against the officer, declaring that two judges cannot be sued for denying a lesbian promotion due to her sexual orientation.


Oct. 17, 2000

The Hell House, a haunted house used to depict the Christian faith, comes to Bloomington. In one scene a gay man with HIV lies dead on the ground from committing suicide.


Oct. 20, 2000

A group is started called the Hoosiers for Inclusive Scouting, their goal is to continue the fight against discrimination in the Boys Scouts of Bloomington league


Oct. 21, 2000

Miss Gay Bloomington Pageant at Bullwinkle’s and Joe Gould’s Secret plays at theaters


Oct. 22, 2000

Eric I. Miller, Executive Director of Advance America, writes a letter to the editor about the Bloomington Boys Scouts dismissal from the United Way campaign. He says it was wrong to place a political agenda ahead of helping the boys.


Oct. 30, 2000

community activists are outraged by the new theme house, “Hell House” for its representation of a homosexual man with HIV.


Nov. 28, 2000

the Bloomington Boys Scouts report raising $18,000 after refusing to agree to a nondiscriminatory policy. This is more than the expected $17,000 they were expected to lose after being dropped from the United Way campaign.


Dec. 1, 2000

Donald Spears the second writes a letter to the editor thanking him for publishing a letter he had written about his challenges with being a homosexual Christian.


Dec. 2, 2000

The Bloomington Human Rights Commission announced dual winners of its fourth annual Human Rights Award, Daniel Soto-Mayorga and John Clower, community activists who have made many efforts to support homosexuals in the community.


Dec. 3, 2000

The Briggs, a play about a dysfunctional family is performed at IU. In the play, one of the daughters is a lesbian who leaves home and is estranged from the family.


Dec. 20, 2000

HIV Positive Support Group and PFLAG meet in Bloomington.
