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March 31st, 2003

The third annual National Conference for HIV and STD prevention in rural communities is held with a focus on prevention for migrant workers, American Indian men, gays, bisexuals, and other minorities.

Rossman, Jake. "AIDS Conference Focues on Prevention in Rural Areas." Indiana Daily Student, March 31, 2003. http://www.idsnews.com/news/story.aspx?id=27762 (accessed September 4, 2009).

April 4th, 2003

The Miss Gay Indiana University pageant is held.

Palevsky, Stacey. "If a Man Can Look This Good." Indiana Daily Student, April 7, 2003. http://www.idsnews.com/news/story.aspx?id=27951 (accessed September 5, 2009).

April 9th, 2003

Day of Silence is observed on campus to raise awareness of how members of the GLBT community are silenced and oppressed.

Halpern, Maura. "Students Use Silence as Protest." Indiana Daily Student, April 9, 2003.

June 2nd, 2003

The Laramie Project comes to Princeton, IN. The play is about the murder of Matthew Shepard, a gay college student who was beaten, tied to a fence, and left for dead.

Associated Press. "Play Questioned in Small Town." Indiana Daily Student, June 2, 2003. http://www.idsnews.com/news/story.aspx?id=28917 (accessed September 5, 2009).

June 9th, 2003

Supporters of amending the state’s civil rights laws to include sexual orientation and gender identity meet at Monroe County Courthouse .

Indiana Daily Student, "Civil Rights Might be Amended," July 9, 2003.

June 12th, 2003

The supporters of Indiana Equality and Indiana National Organization for Women call for initiatives to extend civil liberties to people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.

Kashiwa, Ryota. "Groups Look for Changes." Indiana Daily Student, June 12, 2003. http://www.idsnews.com/news/story.aspx?id=29053 (accessed September 24, 2009).

September 5th, 2003

Web blog by a Kelly School of Business professor Eric Rasmusen, was removed from an Indiana University server after he expressed his views about why homosexuals should not be teachers, elected officials, or doctors.

Halpern, Maura. "Professor’s Site Taken Off of IU Server." Indiana Daily Student, September 5, 2003.

September 8th, 2003

Indiana University Professor Eric Rasmusen, who posted web logs referring to homosexuals as pedophiles, promiscuous, and stating their incompetence as teachers, elected officials, and doctors is now able to keep his logs on the original Indiana University site.

Halpern, Maura. "Professor’s Web Log Back on IU Server." Indiana Daily Student, September 8, 2003.

September 11th, 2003

Amy Bloom, a practicing psychotherapist and Yale University professor, read selections from her works in Woodburn Hall. Her work includes the book Normal: Transsexual CEOs, Crossdressing Cops and Hermaphrodites with Attitude.

Brodsy, Alyson. "Around the Arts." Indiana Daily Student, September 11, 2003. http://www.idsnews.com/news/story.aspx?id=30095 (accessed September 24, 2009).

September 22, 2003

Comedian Stevie Jay performs “Life, love, sex, death, and other works in progress” at the Indiana Memorial Union. The goal of the show is to erase the lones that people use to divide themselves: religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc.

Susman, Stephanie. "One Man Show Offers ‘Antidote to Hatred’". Indiana Daily Student, September 22, 2003. http://www.idsnews.com/news/story.aspx?id=30332(accessed on September 5, 2009).

October 9th, 2003

WFHB 91.3 airs its newest talk radio program “bloomingOUT” for the first time. It strives to educate, entertain, and engage listeners on issues and events affecting the GLBT population.

Cole, Liv. "Radio Program to Educate on GLBT Community, Issues." Indiana Daily Student, September 11, 2003. http://www.idsnews.com/news/story.aspx?id=30092(accessed September 4, 2009).

November 17th, 2003

Bloomington “Kings” perform at Collins' coffeehouse. The Kings are the only drag king troupe in Bloomington.

Kobiela, Jenny. "Kings Challenge Gender with Drag Show." Indiana Daily Student, November 17, 2003. http://www.idsnews.com/news/story.aspx?id=31815 (accessed September 5, 2009).