Call Me Troy

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Call Me Troy is a 2007 film by Scott Bloom that profiles the life and work of Rev. Troy Perry, founder of the Metropolitan Community Church.

Film still from Call Me Troy
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Production Information

  • Title: Call Me Troy
  • Director: Scott Bloom
  • Year: 2007
  • Country: USA
  • Length: 100 min.
  • Language: English


Profiling the life and times of one of the gay community's most visible and tenacious advocates for change, Rev. Troy Perry, Call Me Troy is a truly inspirational story about a remarkable and dynamic individual whose activism was decades ahead of its time.

Rev. Perry is perhaps best known as the founder of the Metropolitan Community Church - the first church to recognize the spiritual needs of the gay community - but his "firsts" don’t stop there. He was the first openly gay person to serve on the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations. In 1969, Perry performed the first public same-sex wedding in the U.S., and in 1970 he filed the first-ever lawsuit seeking legal recognition for same-gender marriages. From presidential advisor to outspoken advocate, Perry has been on the front lines leading the charge for equal rights and protections for gay men and lesbians the world over as well as providing a place for all people, gay and straight, to worship side by side. This film celebrates his life and his legacy.


Best Documentary, ReelHeART International Film Festival

Audience Award, Best Documentary, Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival

Audience Award, Best Film, Austin Gay & Lesbian Film Festival

Audience Award, Best Documentary, Cinekink, New York

Runner Up, Audience Award, Best Documentary, Palm Springs International Film Festival


"Call Me Troy presents a history of the MCC as well as a biography of Troy Perry, and places both in the context of gay life in America in the second half of the twentieth century. It's a big enthusiastic film, as befits its subject, and adds yet another element to the ever-growing picture of diversity within America's gay community."

- Sarah Boslaugh, Film Critic, PLAYBACK:stl

"Maybe the best storytelling of any film this year is, in fact, a documentary by Scott Bloom about Troy Perry, the founder of the Metropolitan Community Church. ...[T]he telling of his story (mostly in the first person but with the help of a really entertaining cast of cohorts) is so comprehensive and so rich in its scope that you are left feeling as though you lived alongside the man. And what a life is has been."

- Mark James,

Distribution Information

Distributed by Frameline[1]

External Links