Dramatization of GLF meeting over Thanksgiving holiday where I speak despite censure

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Gloria McMaster frowned when she saw me enter the meeting room. I saw Paola give Gloria a big smirk and watched Chairwoman Mao Tse McMaster glare back with anger. Doc was glaring too, and they leaned over and whispered to each other as Paola and I found seats.

"Everybody is staring at you," Paola whispered in my ear, as I sized up the crowd and realized Winston, Seth and anybody else who might support me was not there.

Doc called the meeting to order. There were only nineteen people in attendance and I wondered if enough people were present to spread the word. The agenda was short and I decided to save my interruption until the item on the progress of the legal case. I waited patiently and watched Gloria and Doc relax as the meeting progressed and I remained quiet.

After a few items of no consequence to me, Gloria came to my agenda item. "On the question of the cross dressing legal case," she began, "there is really not much to report. The next court date has been set for the 15th of December."

I raised my hand high in the air. "Seeing no more discussion," said Doc looking directly at me, "we'll move on."

"Let him talk," shouted Paola.

"He's censured," Gloria yelled back.

"I know I am not supposed to talk," I said, standing.

"We can call the campus police and have you arrested for disrupting the meeting," shouted Doc.

"It's just that there has been a change of plans," I said even louder, "and I thought people would want to know."

At that, the room became quiet. Marc Faucet broke the silence. "I knew the silent treatment would bring him to his senses."

The two head honchos conferred. "OK," said Gloria, "you can tell us about the change in plans, but make it snappy."

"Thank you," I said. All eyes were upon me and I had to speak quickly in order to get the entire message out. "Chained to the podium," I began, "I will expose the hypocrisy of Neddy Riesman, who we’ve all seen at the Crystal Room with his boys. I will let the world know that here is a gay man who makes his money doing business with a city that arrests our people. I will continue to expose him until they cut the chains and drag me away."

I wasn't interrupted. Mouths were agape; looks beyond astonishment.

"Let's get out of here," I said to Paola and we fled before another word was spoken.