Help:Creating a New Entry

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Before creating a new entry, take a moment to create a suitable title. Try something descriptive, brief, and (and as this is a history site) include the date.

Formats we prefer:

Title: Place, Month day, year
Title: Place, year
Title, year-year
Title, year

Examples of good entry titles:

Mathew Giles: New Hampshire, July 4, 1663
Ma Rainey's "Prove It On Me Blues," 1928
John W. Sterling and James O. Bloss, 1870-1918
The Lesbian In Literature, 1967-1981

Note: Do not use special characters such as & and % in entry titles, they will cut off the title in the middle. While you can use quotations marks in entry titles, do not begin your title with them.

Once you have your title, enter it into the Search box to see if there is a entry that already has the same name or that has similar content. If there is an entry with the same content and is not protected, add to and/or edit the existing page. If there is not an entry with same name/content there are several ways make your new page.

1.) If your Search results are "No page title matches" then click on your page title (in red) and it will lead you directly to your new page. Select EDIT (on the yellow bar) and add your content. Remember to Preview and Save!

2.) You can also make a new page from an existing page in EDIT mode. To make a new entry from an existing page, put square brackets around your desired entry title or use the internal link button (the blue underlined Ab) in your editing bar. They do the same thing.

Ex. To make a page entitled The History of OutHistory, 2006- you would would type this [[The History of OutHistory, 2006- ]]

3.) You can also make a new entry by typing your title directly into the URL Address bar in your browser window. In the Address bar that says , erase anything after wiki/ and type in your title.

Ex. To make a page entitled The History of OutHistory, 2006- you would would type this History of OutHistory, 2006-

Note: The interlinking of pages is what makes the entire site function therefore we recommend that you create a new page from an existing page (like option 2). If you choose to create a page indirectly by way of the Search Box or through the Address bar, remember to link it an existing, related page or add a few categories so that other users can find your page.