Missing Documents of LGBTQ History

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OutHistory.org Calls on Researchers Worldwide:

Help Find Major Missing Documents of LGBTQ U. S. History

Do you know of other missing documents for which we should be searching? If so please tell us.

OPEN ENTRY: This entry is open to collaborative creation by anyone with evidence, citations, and analysis to share, so no particular, named creator is responsible for the accuracy and cogency of its content. Please use this entry's Comment section at the bottom of the page to suggest improvements about which you are unsure. Thanks.


Casal, Mary, pseudonym

What was the birth name of the woman who wrote an autobiography, Stonewall, about her life dating from the late-19th century to the early 20th-century? That information would lead to major finds in documenting this extraordinary life.

Friendship and Freedom

Can anyone locate copies in the world's archives of this newspaper published by the Society for Human Rights, founded by Henry Gerber and others in Chicago in 1924 or 1925?

Hartland, Claude, pseudonym

What was the birth name of the man who wrote an autobiography, published in 1901, titled The Story of a Life: For the Consideration of the Medical Fraternity? The discovery of this author's birth name would no doubt lead to other evidence about his life.

June, Jennie/Lind, Earl/Werther, Ralph, pseudonyms

What was the birth name of the transgender person who called her/himself Jennie June, Earl Lind, and Ralph Werther, and wrote two published autobiographies? That information would lead to major finds in documenting this extraordinary life.

And can anyone find the rest of the missing manuscript of the third volume of June's/Lind's/Werther's memoir?

Schegel, Carl or Charles

Can we document any more about the life of the earliest know person to propose organizing homosexuals in the United States? See: Pastor Schlegel Proposes to Organize Uranians in the U.S.: August 1903

Stonewall Riots

Did anyone take photos of the Stonewall Riots?

Very few photos of the actual Stonewall Riots are known to exist.

See also: