Sarah Palin on Marriage Equality

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See also: Sarah Palin LGBTQ Main Page

At 1 pm Eastern Standard Time on Thursday, June 10, 2011 over 24,000 emails from and to Sarah Palin while Governor of Alaska will be released to the public.

I am asking users of to help the site search the New York Times and Washington Post on-line databases of these emails and to publish here the emails or parts of the emails most directly relevant to LGBT issues, listed below. –Thanks, Jonathan Ned Katz

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(2) Date: the date the email was sent,

(3) To: the name of the person receiving the message, and

(4) Subject: quote the “Subject” of the message.

(5) Text: quote the relevant text from the message.

(6) Source: provide the source from you got the data.

(7) Annotation: Label any annotations of your own under the heading “Annotation:”

On Marriage Equality

Emails listed here in chronological order, earliest first.


Date: 06/08/2008

To: Tali J Colberg

Subject: "Re:ACLU letter today in paper"

Text: "Well, I'm glad we took a stand on that anyway.. For what it was worth. Thank you!"
Annotation: Regarding Alaska AG joining "Utah and other AGs against same sex marriage being started in California before their voters vote"

Source: Page 2/18 at


From: Colberg Talls (LAW) ADMINISTRATIVE

Date: Wednesday July 23, 2008 5:31 PM

Subject: Re Same sex any fees

Text: Dear governor palin Yesterday and probably today were rough on you. I have no idea what your movie tastes are like However last night I went to the glacier cinema in the E-mendenhall valley at 7 30 and saw mama Mia and although most of the audience was women I enjoyed it and for two hours my mind was the <egis aturelxke. Abba I recommend it I always liked abba. Take care. Talis.

Original Message


To: Colberg, Talis (LAW)

Cc: Nizich, Michael A (GOV)

Sent: Wed Jul 23 17:03:52 2008

Subject: Re: Same sex atty. fees



Personal Material Redacted

From: Talis Cclberg

To: Governor Sarah Palin

Cc: Nizich

Sent: Jul 23, 2008 3:40 PM

Subject: Same sex atty. fees

Dear Governor Palin,

I spoke with Mr. Nizich earlier. There is one last dispute emanatin from the same sex marria[ge] case. It re[g]ards a second claim for att[orney]. fees. Privileged or Personal Materlal Redacted

Sent from my BlackBerry(R) device from Cellular One
