September 11, 2001 and LGBT History

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Lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgender people were among those whose lives were ended or profoundly changed by the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001.

If you can provide documentation of someone whose life was profoundly changed by that day's events, please add that information here in the appropriate place.

OPEN ENTRY: This entry is open to collaborative creation by anyone with evidence, citations, and analysis to share, so no particular, named creator is responsible for the accuracy and cogency of its content. Please use this entry's Comment section at the bottom of the page to suggest improvements about which you are unsure. Thanks.

LGBT People Killed on 9/11/2001

Alphabetical list of LGBT people known to have died as a result of the terrorist attack of 9/11/2001.

Partners, Families, Friends of LGBT People Killed on 9/11/2001

The attacks of 9/11/2001 deeply affected the lives of the partners, families and friend of LGBT people killed in the attacks. Here is a documented list of those people.

LGBT Lives Profoundly Changed on 9/11/2001

The lives of many other LGBT people were profoundly changed by the events of 9/11. Here is an alphabetical list and brief, documented description of those people.