WikiQueer is a web-based, free-content encyclopedia project, based on an openly editable model, specifically for and by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and ally communities.
In a manner similar to Wikipedia, WikiQueer is written collaboratively by Internet volunteers who write without pay. Anyone with Internet access can write and make changes to WikiQueer articles (except in certain cases where editing is restricted to prevent disruption or vandalism). Users can contribute anonymously, under a pseudonym, or with their real identity, if they choose.
WikiQueer's Global Advisory Board, Content Partners and WikiQueer's parent organization, The Aequalitas Project, oversee the administrative and strategic aspects of WikiQueer. However, all members of the WikiQueer community are encouraged to provide input on the future direction of WikiQueer and take the initiative to create new content or projects.
While there is almost no limit to the amount and types of information that could be made available, there is currently a focus on these major areas:
- Queer Information
- Culture
- History
- Organizations
- People
- Politics
WikiQueer was founded by LGBT activist and capacity building specialist, Gregory Varnum. The database and technical structure for WikiQueer was launched on National Coming Out Day, October 11, 2010. After the formal creation in March 2011 of The Aequalitas Project, a nonprofit incubator also founded by Varnum, work began on developing WikiQueer. The project is still in early development and seeking inaugural editors, content partners and advisors. WikiQueer officially began it's soft launch on July 25th, 2011 - with a grand opening scheduled to occur in the following months.
OutHistory content on WikiQueer
Content from OutHistory can be displayed within WikiQueer articles through a content partnership between the two projects.