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<h4>[[Scoops: History First Published on OutHistory.org]]</h4>
<h4>[[Scoops: History First Published on OutHistory.org]]</h4>
A list of original historical entries appearing on this website.
Some of the original historical entries appearing on this website.

Revision as of 08:17, 2 September 2011

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, & Queer History
by the LGBTQ Community

OutHistory.org: It's About Time!

You have a right to a past! Help OutHistory.org fight against forgetting

OutHistory.org encourages members of the LGBTQ community and their friends to create content on the site. We use MediaWiki software (like Wikipedia) to promote the public's participation in five easy steps.

1 Just log in.
2 Then click on "CREATE" on the top yellow bar and carefully add your title in the box.
3 Click again and you will be in EDIT mode and you can type your text under your page title.
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5 Then be sure to save your entry by clicking on "Save Page", also at the bottom of the screen.

You can also upload images via UPLOAD near the bottom of the left red bar. If you have any questions, please contact the OutHistory.org Coordinator at: outhistory@gc.cuny.edu


Scoops: History First Published on OutHistory.org

Some of the original historical entries appearing on this website.

Manmonster 300dpi.EYES.jpg

Visualizing the Man-Monster: 1836

Historians Jonathan Ned Katz and Tavia Nyong’o present "Visualizing the Man-Monster," an original on-line exhibit created for the debut of Pop-Up Soho, a production of the Pop-Up Museum of Queer History.


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Rob Frydlewicz: Vatican Scapegoats Gay Seminarians, November 29, 2005

OutHistory initiates a blog, the personal take of Rob Frydlewicz on people and events in the past as seen through one man's rose-hued lenses. Who is Rob? See: Rob Frydlewicz: History Through My Pink-Colored Glasses: Main Page


Winners: Since Stonewall Local Histories Contest

View the winners and all the entries in the contest sponsored by OutHistory.org to research and write the local history of your village, town, city, county, or state since Stonewall in 1969.



Explore a list of historical exhibits on OutHistory.org. For example, look at Postcards: Masculine Women, Feminine Men; early-20th c.


Support OutHistory.org: Donate On Line or By Mail

Help OutHistory.org keep making history. Every penny counts! From 2011 on, OutHistory.org depends completely on donations from individuals like yourself, who understand that preserving the LGBT past is a form of activism -- and a valuable public service.


Participate: Help OutHistory.org Make History

OutHistory.org is unique in providing a freely accessible, non-profit, MediaWiki-based forum for LGBTQ community members and their friends to write and publish the documented history of the LGBT community. The focus for now is on the U.S. and its international relations.


The Daniel Hurewitz Blog

Happy Birthday Audre Lorde! Audre Lorde would have been 77 on February 18, 2011, and hers is a voice that we would so benefit from hearing these days. Read this and other blogs by historian Daniel Hurwitz

Liberating the LGBTQ Past to Understand the Present & Inspire the Future

OutHistory.org: Making Up for Lost Time!

OutHistory.org is a freely accessible, community created, educational, non-profit website on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and, yes, heterosexual history.

From September 2011 on OutHistory is being directed by historians John D'Emilio and Jennifer Brier at the University of Illinois, Chicago, in consultation with Jonathan Ned Katz, and in cooperation with the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies at the City University of New York Graduate Center, and other interested advisors.

In its first four years, OutHistory was produced by the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies directed, first, by Paisley Currah, then by Sarah Chinn, and most recently by James Wilson.

During its four founding years OutHistory was supported by a generous grant from the Arcus Foundation which ended December 31, 2010. Contributions from individuals are also welcome and a new donation page is being created.

OutHistory was awarded the 2010 Allan Berube Prize in Public History by the Committee on LGBT History of the American Historical Association.

OutHistory.org Staff
Coordinators: Catherine Jacquet is a PhD candidate in the Department of History at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She researches the politics of sexual violence in the mid-20th century United States. Jason Stodolka is a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His work focuses on queer identity and social movement organizations.
CONTACT: Founder, Co-Director:' Jonathan Ned Katz, Independent Scholar and Author: jnk134@mac.com

For more about OutHistory see About.