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Charles Tull’s ‘Cure the Fags’ Forum inspired many replies either in support of or in disagreement with Tull’s original letter to the editor. It became a hot topic on campus, and the entire Jordan River Forum focused on the subject alone for that day’s newspaper.
Charles Tull’s ‘Cure the Fags’ Forum inspired many replies either in support of or in disagreement with Tull’s original letter to the editor. It became a hot topic on campus, and the entire Jordan River Forum focused on the subject alone for that day’s newspaper.
: Henderson, Pat. “Cure the Tulls.” Indiana Daily Student, December 12, 1973.
Henderson, Pat. “Cure the Tulls.” Indiana Daily Student, December 12, 1973.
: Doyle, J. Michael. “In Reply to Tull.” Indiana Daily Student, December 12, 1973.
: Murphy, Catherine. “In Reply to Tull.” Indiana Daily Student, December 12, 1973.
Doyle, J. Michael. “In Reply to Tull.” Indiana Daily Student, December 12, 1973.
: Tull, Charles R. “I’m Straight as an Arrow.” Indiana Daily Student, December 12, 1973.
: Birch, Toby. “Honey, She’s Twisted.” Indiana Daily Student, December 12, 1973.
Murphy, Catherine. “In Reply to Tull.” Indiana Daily Student, December 12, 1973.
: Sullivan, Jr., Gerald A.  “In Defense of Tull.” Indiana Daily Student, December 13, 1973.
: Karp, Robin Reuel. “A reply to Tull,” Indiana Daily Student, December 14, 1973.
Tull, Charles R. “I’m Straight as an Arrow.” Indiana Daily Student, December 12, 1973.
: Stone, Tom. “Agrees With Tull.” Indiana Daily Student, December 14, 1973.
: Taggart, Miss Lani. “Who’s That Lady?” Indiana Daily Student, December 14, 1973.
Birch, Toby. “Honey, She’s Twisted.” Indiana Daily Student, December 12, 1973.
Sullivan, Jr., Gerald A.  “In Defense of Tull.” Indiana Daily Student, December 13, 1973.
Karp, Robin Reuel. “A reply to Tull,” Indiana Daily Student, December 14, 1973.
Stone, Tom. “Agrees With Tull.” Indiana Daily Student, December 14, 1973.
Taggart, Miss Lani. “Who’s That Lady?” Indiana Daily Student, December 14, 1973.

Latest revision as of 20:05, 15 July 2010

January 5th, 1973

Bloomington’s local newspaper celebrates the Kinsey Report 25 Year Anniversary. The article explains that the work being done today concerning sexuality would be nowhere if Kinsey had not provided that grounding work.

Smothers, David. “Helped Foster ‘Sexual Revolution’: Kinsey Report 25 Years Old Today.” Daily Herald-Telephone, January 5, 1973.

March 26th, 1973

Advertisement in the IDS advertising Christine Jorgensen, famous for receiving a sex change operation in Denmark in the 50’s, coming to IU to speak at Alumni Hall.

Indiana Daily Student, “Christine Jorgensen Whose Sex Change Shocked Our World,” March 26, 1973.

March 26th, 1973

Article discussing Christine Jorgensen’s talk at Alumni Hall at 3:30pm, March 26th. Brings light to Jorgensen being born a man and having a sex change operation in Denmark when she was 24.

Indiana Daily Student, “Jorgensen to Talk,” March 26, 1973.

March 27th, 1973

Brief article in the IDS explaining background on Christine Jorgensen’s surgery, which explains she “knew she was different somehow,” and did not discuss much her actual discussion at Alumni Hall the previous day.

Olenyik, Barb. “Sex Surgery Brought Jorgensen Publicity.” Indiana Daily Student, March 27, 1973.

March 29th, 1973

Johanna Van Wert to teach the class “Masculine/Feminine Gender Role Socialization in the U.S.” Van Wert discusses sex roles and how societal views shape said roles, informing the IDS staff writer that there are some in the class with more radical views and that “a few are even into the alternative lifestyle,” which indirectly addresses homosexuality.

Washburn, Kathie. “Course Centers on Sex Role Development.” Indiana Daily Student, March 29, 1973.

March 30th, 1973

The article written on the seminar given by Christine Jorgensen at Alumni Hall disappoints Randi Richardson, as he expresses this opinion in the Jordan River Forum in the IDS. Richardson felt that the article did nothing to highlight the courage it took to discuss her sexual life so openly, and did not praise her efforts to reach out and help others.

Richardson, Randi. “Article Disappointing.” Indiana Daily Student, March 30, 1973.

April 6th, 1973

IU Institute for sex research planed to conduct its 4th summer program for Human Sexuality July 8-19. Included in the lecture are socio-sexual issues, a sex counseling symposium, and an attitude reassessment program, among others.

Indiana Daily Student, “Sex Program Planned,” April 6, 1973.

April 10th, 1973

In a “fusion of music, politics, and liberation,” Family of Women, an all-lesbian band, performed at Wright Quad. The review described their intention of “creating a woman’s culture,” and expressed that music and politics go hand in hand.

Hindin, Roanne. “Family of Women Fuses Politics, Music.” Indiana Daily Student, April 10, 1973.

April 14th, 1973

Paragraph informing students that Barbara Gittings, a lesbian activist, was to speak at the Indiana Memorial Union at 8pm. Gittings was a member of the gay liberation movement for 14 years, and was the editor for “The Ladder,” a lesbian publication. Her topic was “Women are Homosexuals Too.”

Indiana Daily Student, “Lesbian Activist to Speak,” April 14, 1973.

April 16th, 1973

The article about Barbara Gittings, described as “gays –stress self-help,” mentioned the history of Barbara Gittings from the first gay organization involvement to her current agenda, which is stressing that the problem of homosexuality is not the fault of homosexuals, but rather society’s problem.

Landis, Lois. “Lesbian Activist Here.” Indiana Daily Student, April 16, 1973.

April 18th, 1973

A letter from Ron Thompson to the editor describes a certain campaign he was running for, and the reputation he’s received as being homophobic and supporting the beating of a BGA member for removing his poster. He claims he would not impede on the gay community’s activities/gatherings, but made it clear he is in no support of said community.

Thompson, Ron. “Getting It Straight.” Indiana Daily Student, April 18, 1973.

April 20th, 1973

A student, Lynn Lisarelli responds to Ron Thompson’s letter, stating that, as a candidate, his “platform sounded like an oppressive dictatorship of minority rights.” She furthers deconstructing his denial of the accusations brought upon him.

Lisarelli, Lynn. “Gay Prejudice.” Indiana Daily Student, April 20, 1973.

April 21st, 1973

The Bloomington Gay Alliance and Lesbian Liberation respond to Thompson’s comments about the beating surrounding his campaign poster, claiming Thompson got the story wrong, and defended themselves from Thompson’s previous comments in his letter.

22 members of BGA, 15 members of Lesbian Liberation. “Thompson’s Remarks Draw Gay Response.” Indiana Daily Student, April 21, 1973.

October 27th, 1973

Nancy Scudder writes on the continuing battle Lesbians face when working towards gaining acceptance. She characterizes lesbianism as more than sexual preference, but rather “a way of life involving politics, self-awareness, ardent feminism, and community involvement with other gay women.”

Scudder, Nancy. “Fight for Acceptance Grows as Lesbians Battle Attitudes.” Indiana Daily Student, October 27, 1973.

October 10th, 1973

Report highlights the trespassing of a man into Henderson House, home of Bloomington Gay Alliance, where he beat 2 members of the BGA. The short report explains the severe damage done to the men beaten, and the charges placed on the man who committed the crime.

Indiana Daily Student, “Three Injured in Gay Headquarter Disturbance,” October 10, 1973.

November 2nd, 1973

The BGA discusses the multiple violent attacks occurring at the BGA house, one in particular at a BGA party, where a man attacked several members, sending one member to the hospital. In the letter to the editor, they describe these attacks as frequent and becoming a pattern.

31 members of Bloomington Gay Alliance and 15 members of Lesbian Liberation. “Violence Against Gays.” Indiana Daily Student, October 30, 1973.

December 10th, 1973

‘Cure the Fags’ forum post by Charles Tull describes his disgust for the LG community and his ideas on how to keep them at bay, among others.

Tull, Charles, R. “Cure the Fag.” Indiana Daily Student, December 6, 1973.

December 15th, 1973

Charles Tull’s ‘Cure the Fags’ Forum inspired many replies either in support of or in disagreement with Tull’s original letter to the editor. It became a hot topic on campus, and the entire Jordan River Forum focused on the subject alone for that day’s newspaper.

Henderson, Pat. “Cure the Tulls.” Indiana Daily Student, December 12, 1973.
Doyle, J. Michael. “In Reply to Tull.” Indiana Daily Student, December 12, 1973.
Murphy, Catherine. “In Reply to Tull.” Indiana Daily Student, December 12, 1973.
Tull, Charles R. “I’m Straight as an Arrow.” Indiana Daily Student, December 12, 1973.
Birch, Toby. “Honey, She’s Twisted.” Indiana Daily Student, December 12, 1973.
Sullivan, Jr., Gerald A. “In Defense of Tull.” Indiana Daily Student, December 13, 1973.
Karp, Robin Reuel. “A reply to Tull,” Indiana Daily Student, December 14, 1973.
Stone, Tom. “Agrees With Tull.” Indiana Daily Student, December 14, 1973.
Taggart, Miss Lani. “Who’s That Lady?” Indiana Daily Student, December 14, 1973.

December 15th, 1973

Article that describes the BGA’s attitudes as changing from a militant stance to the feeling that change will occur little by little, and that a more subtle approach to change may work better to their advantage.

Clark, Susan Elaine. “Gays No Longer Feel Militancy Will Change Public’s Attitudes.” Indiana Daily Student, December 5, 1973. <comments />